RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 78


Ranking system again


I am sorry but I have to nag you about RAS so called "automated ranking system".

I would like to ask you to pass this to RAS develpers to consider changing their automatic ranking, because I can see again and again it is really bad. If others do not mind, I do, excuse me.

Here, see the 3 pictures I attach.

1. Picture 1 shows the signal on the page that is total loser. So, you still insist automatic ranking is ok? I doubt....

2. Picture 2: there are lots of losers on the 3rd page that are ranked higher than other better signals.

3. Picture 3: my signal is consistently winning for 5 months, last week made almost 5000 pips and still is ranked behind all those crap losers on the 4th page...

So, please, at least change the auto ranking system so that signals with overall total loss cannot get ranked above winners.

Look, I could make more money to RAS but because your "automatic ranking" buries me below all those losers, who is going sign up? OR do you think somebody would signup with losers???

I am sorry if I sound upset. I am, actually...


Hi deviator,

Your signal is profitable and profitable for long term incl my clone (automatic buyer).

As to ranking so it is how it is ranked:

here is how it is working:

signals are sorted by:

1) week pips sign ( positive first)

2) last week equity sign ( if equity value by moment less than 7 days ago then equity sign is -)

3) total pips sign

4) week pips

So, may be it is necessary to consider total dollars together with total pips.

I re-sent your comments and I think - it will be fixed.

Hi deviator,

Your signal is profitable and profitable for long term incl my clone (automatic buyer).

As to ranking so it is how it is ranked:

here is how it is working:

signals are sorted by:

1) week pips sign ( positive first)

2) last week equity sign ( if equity value by moment less than 7 days ago then equity sign is -)

3) total pips sign

4) week pips

So, may be it is necessary to consider total dollars together with total pips.

I re-sent your comments and I think - it will be fixed.


As to how the ranking works - you said that before, so I know that. All I am trying to say here is that it is not good system for calculation. It ranks losers higher than winners, which is ridiculous.

I am not jealous if someone better than me is ranked higher, that is fine. But if losers are ranked higher then it makes me think what is this all about?

RAS service is a business to make money, so I guess they should try to support those that can potentially make money to them, right?


The ranking of RAS

Dear Traders,

RAS improved step by step as I see. Now we can not see the Active and

Pending orders so there is NO FREE commercial signals any more .

The ranking of RAS is not fair enough so far. It'd better if we see the total%/last week% instead of total pips/last week pips.

Vendor A trades 100k account:

He open 100 trades (0.1 lot) and close with 10 pips/trade

so he has 10 pips*100 trades = 1000pips (+1%)

Vendor B trade 1k account:

He 1 trade (0.1 lot) and he closed 100 pips

so he get 100pips*1 trade = 100 pips but his account made 10%.

If the ranking show in pips: Vendor A made 1000 pips and Vendor B made 100 pips only but the if the ranking show gain % Vendor A made 1% only while Vendor B made 10%.

Thought all vendors must reg intital deposit when open commercial signals at RAS.

Welcome any comments!


The ranking of RAS has issue again and again... month by month... seem the RAS developer doesn't know what seller and buyer want !

If seller and buyer have what they need = RAS income .

If traders visit a few time to look something but they don't get it, may be they never come back again = RAS loose clients = no income!

RAS developer, do what seller and buyer need!

Hope RAS developer understand what I mean.


No problem with pips.

Because in RAS - we do not know the initial deposit of the vendor and his buyer. So, buyer should select the signal based on his initial deposit.

In this case - most important is the following:

- max floating drawdown on open trades;

- min and max lot size;

- max simultanious open trades.

There are pdf file in download page here Downloads | Rent a Signal

If you deposit is 1,000 so you will never use the signal which open 100 simultanious trades with lot size = 0.1

Even if mini account with lot multioplier = 0.1 - so it will be lot szie = 1 totally ... and next check - max floating drawdown on open trades, stop loss existing, martingale/not martingale and so on.

Pips is the last one in this selection.

When RAS will go to autotrading so we will know initial depopsit of the vendor.


You are not listening. This guy is trying to say that developers should listen to us and try to change things so everybody is happy = makes money.

Instead, all you do here is excuse RAS ranking system it works like this or that. The truth is it is bad. It ranks losers higher than winners.

See the picture, in the post above you mention drawdown and max open trades - that guy's DD is really pretty steep and max. open trades is 27, still, he gets ranked on the first page, now you tell me why?

I can start a signal "toss a coin system" and who cares I will be losing overall? I will hit my lucky trade once in a while which boosts me to top 5 from time to time. Is this what you consider "good"?

quantiva.jpg  59 kb

There are some vendors ...

There are some vendors ...

Without mentioning names ... as required ...

RAS team is promoting the signals in good way: by sending email message to all 200,000 members of the forum about the best RAS signals, using social networks. Besides - I am having 1 thread on the forum posting the same, I am making some posts on my personal blog here on tsd and on social networks opened under my real name.

There are some vendors who are very good promoted.

There are having many subscribers because of that.

Can you imagine: you are the vendor and RAS support sent email message to many people that your signal is the best? You will have many subscribers.

There are some vendors who never said 'thanks' for that. They understand it as "you guys - it's your business doing". Your business, my business, they business ... but they definitely like to receive more subscribers

There are some situation when some signal lost 2,000 dollars. It is the forex so nothing strange in it.

There are some top vendors who are having many subscribers. Because RAS support team promoted them hardly as the best RAS signals.

Now - the situation.

Just imagine that next promotional email message was send that some signal is the best. Good for vendor, right? He will have more subscribers. It is very good. And after that this signal lost 2,000 dollars in same day with email message sent. Yes, just a situation ... promoted as the best (by email messages to all the members of the forum) and immediate after that - lost 2,000 on this Friday.

So, what the vendors usually can do in this situation?

Simple case: go to RAS support and ask:

"guy, I know that you promoted my signal and I have many subscribers. Thanks a lot. But after that - this signal lost. Let's synchronize the opinion and the action. I know that you will receive many angry messages in support about "why did you consider it as the best?" so let's co-operate, collaborate. Because it is the business. And any business has the following meaning: do something together."

Well. Let's complicate the situation.

Same case, Friday, email messages were sent, signal lost 2,000.

Saturday morning. I am making the statements in elite section and I am not replying/moderating during the Saturday and half of Sunday. The other moderator is moderating the forum, next moderator is on american local timezone sleeping.

What the programmers/marketing department should do in this situation?

Well. What they know? They know that: email message were sent to 200,000 about the best signal, the signal lost 2,000 dollars with many subscribers, new people will subscribe and complain, moderators are not available, and it is necessary to make the decision in very quickly way (to save newbies). So, they disabled the link to this signal. On Saturday morning. To be fixed/discuss everything on Monday morning with moderators.

It was right decision in this situation? yes, it is fully right.

Why email messages were not send about the link?

Because which email message can be sent to subscribers or to 200,000 members of the forum? "This signal was promoted as the best but it is not because it lost 2,000 dollars after that so - be carefully guy?"

This email message?

In this case - the vendor will not have subscribers anymore.

It was weekend ... and Monday is fixing day so - nothing to send.

Sunday and Monday.

Just some subscribers came to support, no one unsubscribed, moderators replied and "it will be fixed". So, it was not the situaion.

Of course, it was fixed on Monday (yesterday).


Asked something? helped? some actions synchronizing?

Not. Nothing. Asked "where is my link"

And attacked me hardly on RAS support during the whole day yesterday by himself and using his friend. It is 7 pages in support ....

Not the subscribers. Vendor and his friend.

One message I received today in the morning when woke up (link was fixed yesterday)

Seems - they are not sleeping


If the vendors want to make their business separatedly from RAS support and marketing team - do it somewhere outside. I personally as a moderator - I will not support the vendors who will not want to co-operate and collaborate with RAS team.

How to collaborate or co-operate?

Post on the forum, go to support with your problems, with your suggestions, say that "everything is fine - my signal is doing good", make the suggestions about promotion and so on.

Especially - if your signal was promoted as the best and after that you lost 2,000 with many subscribers - so it is fully necessary to collaborate in this kind of situation.


So, please, understand this my post as some promotional post about some idea.

That's all news.

You are not listening.

I am listenning.

As I remember - he or someone with similar username was talking about virtual pips ranking. But as we are going to autotrading soon so no any virtual pips.

I re-sent your request to the developers and as I know - it was some internal discussion (I was in copy), and total dollars sign will be included together with total pips sign.

But you can understand also that any vendor is trying to receive the ranking which he needs personally We have few cases with ROI and some other coefficients .... ROI and other coefficients are still in RAS but this vendor disapeared So, I am very carefully about the changing something in critical way.

And as we are going to autotrading soon so it will be completely different ranking and different story.

I am listenning.

As I remember - he or someone with similar username was talking about virtual pips ranking. But as we are going to autotrading soon so no any virtual pips.

I re-sent your request to the developers and as I know - it was some internal discussion (I was in copy), and total dollars sign will be included together with total pips sign.

But you can understand also that any vendor is trying to receive the ranking which he needs personally We have few cases with ROI and some other coefficients .... ROI and other coefficients are still in RAS but this vendor disapeared

So, I am very carefully about the changing something in critical way.

And as we are going to autotrading soon so it will be completely different ranking and different story.

I am trying to cooperate as much as possible and trying to suggest reasonable things. I am ok with ranking, but it needs some fine tuning in order to put losers to the end of the list. If the balance graph goes down it should not be possible for such vendor to get ranked near the top just because he had one lucky week. Otherwise the ranking sounds ok.

Thanks! I am looking forward to new autotrading feature!

There are some vendors ...

Without mentioning names ... as required ...

RAS team is promoting the signals in good way: by sending email message to all 200,000 members of the forum about the best RAS signals, using social networks. Besides - I am having 1 thread on the forum posting the same, I am making some posts on my personal blog here on tsd and on social networks opened under my real name.

There are some vendors who are very good promoted.

There are having many subscribers because of that.

Can you imagine: you are the vendor and RAS support sent email message to many people that your signal is the best? You will have many subscribers.

There are some vendors who never said 'thanks' for that. They understand it as "you guys - it's your business doing". Your business, my business, they business ... but they definitely like to receive more subscribers

There are some situation when some signal lost 2,000 dollars. It is the forex so nothing strange in it.

There are some top vendors who are having many subscribers. Because RAS support team promoted them hardly as the best RAS signals.

Now - the situation.

Just imagine that next promotional email message was send that some signal is the best. Good for vendor, right? He will have more subscribers. It is very good. And after that this signal lost 2,000 dollars in same day with email message sent. Yes, just a situation ... promoted as the best (by email messages to all the members of the forum) and immediate after that - lost 2,000 on this Friday.

So, what the vendors usually can do in this situation?

Simple case: go to RAS support and ask:

"guy, I know that you promoted my signal and I have many subscribers. Thanks a lot. But after that - this signal lost. Let's synchronize the opinion and the action. I know that you will receive many angry messages in support about "why did you consider it as the best?" so let's co-operate, collaborate. Because it is the business. And any business has the following meaning: do something together."

Well. Let's complicate the situation.

Same case, Friday, email messages were sent, signal lost 2,000.

Saturday morning. I am making the statements in elite section and I am not replying/moderating during the Saturday and half of Sunday. The other moderator is moderating the forum, next moderator is on american local timezone sleeping.

What the programmers/marketing department should do in this situation?

Well. What they know? They know that: email message were sent to 200,000 about the best signal, the signal lost 2,000 dollars with many subscribers, new people will subscribe and complain, moderators are not available, and it is necessary to make the decision in very quickly way (to save newbies). So, they disabled the link to this signal. On Saturday morning. To be fixed/discuss everything on Monday morning with moderators.

It was right decision in this situation? yes, it is fully right.

Why email messages were not send about the link?

Because which email message can be sent to subscribers or to 200,000 members of the forum? "This signal was promoted as the best but it is not because it lost 2,000 dollars after that so - be carefully guy?"

This email message?

In this case - the vendor will not have subscribers anymore.

It was weekend ... and Monday is fixing day so - nothing to send.

Sunday and Monday.

Just some subscribers came to support, no one unsubscribed, moderators replied and "it will be fixed". So, it was not the situaion.

Of course, it was fixed on Monday (yesterday).


Asked something? helped? some actions synchronizing?

Not. Nothing. Asked "where is my link"

And attacked me hardly on RAS support during the whole day yesterday by himself and using his friend. It is 7 pages in support ....

Not the subscribers. Vendor and his friend.

One message I received today in the morning when woke up (link was fixed yesterday)

Seems - they are not sleeping


If the vendors want to make their business separatedly from RAS support and marketing team - do it somewhere outside. I personally as a moderator - I will not support the vendors who will not want to co-operate and collaborate with RAS team.

How to collaborate or co-operate?

Post on the forum, go to support with your problems, with your suggestions, say that "everything is fine - my signal is doing good", make the suggestions about promotion and so on.

Especially - if your signal was promoted as the best and after that you lost 2,000 with many subscribers - so it is fully necessary to collaborate in this kind of situation.


So, please, understand this my post as some promotional post about some idea.

That's all news.


I'm a subscriber of that vendor..

With all due respect...sending emails to 200,000 subscribers and selecting the best weekly vendor is "RAS responsibility" IMHO, RAS has to wait until the week is finished before sending promotional emails...there is no fault by the vendor..

All was asked to the support was to re-enable the link al least for the current subscribers...this was the problem...so simple!!

No email or alert has been sent to the current subscribers simply saying "hey the vendor has been suspended, this will be fixed on monday"....

When i saw that my vendor was not there anymore I thought of an internal error in RAS system, or, the worst case, of an hacking action by someone.

Subscribers pay their fee to RAS, not to vendors, so it's RAS responsibility to communicate with subscribers...