RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 75




"Of quotes" error is the error issued by your broker. It means that the order was sent to it and that the broker "refused" to fulfill it. It does not state that the price was wrong, for example.

Usually that "error" happens in times of quick price changes, but more often, in my experience, the reason is a bit different - here is one link with some additional info that might help : Seeking [Off quotes] Error Explaination - MQL4 forum

Just to quote one sentence from there : "If you get this often, it may be a sign the Dealer doesn't want to play."


I have a strange message in the log, which doesnt seem to be reasonable.

attached you see the current trades and the website with open positions of 30323.

the position 3531964 exists, and matches the idea of the signal. everything is ok.

but in the log it claims to have an close error - off quote exactly with this order.

this is annoying, and makes me nervous I suspect problems with orders being not closed properly in such case.

it seems to be a false error,

1. I dont think RAS is willing to close this order at all.

2. if it closes I cannot imagine an off quote when closing an order... you shurely will close by asking the current price, like "MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK/MODE_BID)".

maybe there is still GetLastError() containing this error and its simply read and output regularly.

it makes me nervous. would be nice you could investigate this. probably you know a workaround also for me to come across immediately.
... I see the comment of the order is different sometimes, and wonder why. see attached.

It is partial orders on your image/statement.


i can confirm, that the link to our open trades(and we have some) is deactivated.

Just got message that they fixed it.


cant see open pos.

I dont see them still. also for the clone it is invisible.

your clone works... just it has better results than the original - can I subscribe to it:)

thanks for the work.

is ther any address where I can download a csv file of the statement of the server?

I would like to make my EA to compare his stement with the sevrer staement and tell me if he has issues.


I can download and use with some indicator.

You can receive it - just open priate group with invite only feature invite me an I can upload.




Hi all,

If your trades closed automatically without RAS/vendors side, change your broker ASAP!

Good trading!


RAS Ranking and ordering

Hi, I do not want to be pain in the butt with starting about ranking system at RAS again but I noticed strange thing. When I go to "Find a signal" page and then I just list to next and next page (without re-ordering the signals, simply clicking "next" button) some signals appear again, for example "Discipline Trader 30465" is on the first page and on the second page again.

Others are also twice, see images.

Maybe it is because they are marked with a star (most popular) so they are ranked at the top and then they appear on their "real" position?

Is that correct?


No, I do not think so.

I tried those pages too now and from what I see: it is something as cache: it remembers your last settings sometimes. Besides - a lot of sorting - we can click on Last Week Pips to sort in column and so on ...

No, I do not think so. I tried those pages too now and from what I see: it is something as cache: it remembers your last settings sometimes. Besides - a lot of sorting - we can click on Last Week Pips to sort in column and so on ...

I do not think so, my cache is disabled... but thanks for looking. I still think it does not work correctly.


It is cache for this website.

I am not sure - it is connected with computer cache or not.