RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 26


Yes, you can. If every EA is having different magic number or comments.

For example, you are trading the EAs;

- magic number 12

- magic number 123

- magic number 1234

If you want to sell the signals from 123 and 1234 so you are writing in magic number field in RAS EA settings:


Same with comments: if your EAs are having comments already coded inside EAs so you can defer the trades by comments.

Comments are not something which vendor want to tell to the people. Comments in our case: it was alerady programmed inside your EAs ... same as with magic number.

Yes, you can. If every EA is having different magic number or comments.

For example, you are trading the EAs;

- magic number 12

- magic number 123

- magic number 1234

If you want to sell the signals from 123 and 1234 so you are writing in magic number field in RAS EA settings:


Same with comments: if your EAs are having comments already coded inside EAs so you can defer the trades by comments.

Comments are not something which vendor want to tell to the people. Comments in our case: it was alerady programmed inside your EAs ... same as with magic number.

So the users dont see comments right?


User do not see.

For example, you are having EA No.1 and EA No.2

All those EAs were programmed in the way that EAs are placing the comments.

EA No 1 is placing the comment: "EA No. 1 order opened".

EA No 2 is placing the comment: "EA No. 2 order opened".

It is the comments in your Metatrader placed by your EAs which were coded by you.

So, RAS EA can send the signals from one of the commented trades.

It is same case with magic number.

Some vendors understand comments as something to tell to the buyers. But comments in our case - it is something which vendor are already having in his EA and RAS EA is just filtering it.


Multiple MT4 Accounts, same password key

Hello ND.

I am elite member and want to use RAS elite EA with my many MT4 acounts.

I received error - warning


Please explain!


As I understand it is some kind of protection. I am not sure exactly but it seems that the developers made something as ... you can use on 1 account ... may be not ...

Personally I am not having this problem with 1.16 or 1.18 versions. May be, in some latest version of RAS they implemented something ...

It is not password key issue.


Hi ND,

Just wondering if you could enlighten me on the information about the commercial subscription payout and payment method (for seller and buyer) since I am unable to find it on the website. Thanks


Method is paypal and as I know - webmoney is almost ready. So, it will be credit cards and webmoney very soon.

The vendor is estimating the price and creating the signals, buyers are paying to RAS service, vendors are paid once in a month (there is admin for that who are doing everything with money).

In case of elite section signals and some future signals which I am doing: RAS is the vendor as 100%.

I can promote the elite section signals and some other signals more. But I do not want to do it "against the other vendors". So, the most comfortable way for me concerning promotion (I am talking about myself):

- the vendors are promoting their signals in the way of creating the private groups, describing the system, talking with the people and so on;

- and in the same time I can do the same with elite section signals and some other signals.

Because most comfortable way for me is to be in the same condition with everybody (as I am always doing all the time).

So, for all the vendors: if you did not open private group yet and if you did not receive the Igorad's performance indicator - send PM to me (or go to help page to RAS website in support link) and I will explain everything.

Just for information: the next version of the indicator was created already by Igorad.

Many vendors know what I am talking about (some of them are using this indicator).


Question about paid subscriptions

ND... what happens when a vender changes the price of a signal? Is the subscriber still locked in at the original price or are they charged the new price?


As I know - locked at the original.

For example: you subscribed to free signals and the vendor decided to make it to be a commercial one. In this case you will till receive it for free.

In RAS version #2: it will be some vendor's panel where he can select the price separatedly.


Multiplier FYI

If you remember the problem I was having using multipliers under 1.0 in RAS.

It still doesn't work, however if you just leave the multiplier at 1.0 in the RAS EA and change the multiplier on the RAS->signal->stats page then that seems to work perfect.