RentaSignal Service Website: How to use RAS - page 3

How to open private, moderated or public private groups on the forum: starting from this page and this post as latest one.


Vendors, or buyers can open private groups (see links above) with Group Type: Invite Only.

In this case vendor or buyer can invite any person. Only invited person will see the group, name of the group, messages inside the group and list of the groups. Not invited member will see nothing.

It may be good to contact with moderators/admnins, with RAS developers or/and with buyers/vendors etc privately.

No need special permission from admins to open private groups. Just go to the links above, open and invite anyone.

Private groups are having attachments features (same as on the forum) so any priovate group is acting as small private forum related to the person who opened this private group.

Just for information.

I am quoting this post just to remind about private groups.

And some information about the changes is on this post:


- I do not have paypal. Can I use moneybookers and webmoney?

Yes, you can. Read this post:


12. Moderation of RAS IDs

Moderation procedure are simple:

- You register with RAS website and create your ID. Your ID will be in pending mode.

- after that moderator of RAS will send email to you informing that your ID is in pending mode now. It means: you can trade but no one can see (you will not have subscribers). Please reply on this email. Because moderator of RAS will not approve your ID without any contact with you.

- after some time of trading (minimum 1 week) moderator can move your ID to approved mode. And you can have subscribers and start to promote your ID creating the thread in this section:

Please note: no one ID is approved without simple contact between moderator and the vendor (by email, or PM, or by posts on the forum).

- if for some reason vendor is not replying by PM and by email for the long time so his pending ID will be moved to suspended mode.

- moderator is checking approved IDs and pending IDs at least once in a week or month (depends on trading system). Checking ID means the following: checking simple stats and advanced stats on RAS website, checking the stats as excel performance files by using the indicator coded by Igorad, and contact with the vendor.

- if your approved ID did not have any open trades for 1 month and more so it will be moved automatically to suspended mode.

- moderator is trying to confirm with the vendor about every action he (moderator) is doing or going to do with ID of the vendor. If the contact is not possible for the long time (2 weeks or more for example) so moderator is having the right to move this ID to suspended mode.

Signal status:

* set signal status to pending/active/inactive/suspended

o pending = mode of signal by default, signal owner is able to add new orders to this signal but nobody see it except moderator and owner, no way to be subscribed to this signal

o active = totally functional signal

o inactive = owner is not able to add new orders to this signal and no way to subscribe to this signal

o suspended = owner is not able to add new orders to this signal and no way to subscribe to this signal


Some suggestion and advices

Some suggestions made on the other threads:

- do not close your Metatrader with RAS for many hours if you still have open trades with stop loss and/or take profit: this post.

- you are vendor and want to change the broker or account and want for your ID to be continuing with no problem with RAS? Do not do it with open trades in your platform. Disable your EA (if you are using your EA for trading). Wait for the orders to be closed, or close it manually. Wait 1 minutes. Than disable RAS EA (power_on = false) - make sure that you do not have any open trades during this action. After that you can change Metatrader or account installing RAS EA with same settings and ID. Read this post for more explanation.

- I am the buyer and ... how can I know: RAS was stucked on the chart or not? Is it working?

Mouse click on RAS smily face on the chart (or double mouse click). Do you see the window open with the settings? So, it's working. Click "Cancel" than to close the window.

- I want to buy some signal ... where can I get the real information about my risk and so on? I want to know it before subscribed.

Read this post and this post.


- I am having deleting ras_report_buyer.csv file error so what to do?

Check wininet.dll file and the settings of Metatrader and RAS EA: look at this post.

- I am having error(s) and can not fix it by myself using this thread so what to do?

Send RAS log file using: Send a Help Ticket.

RAS log file is located in files folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Interbank FX Trader 4\experts\files). Do not attach log file to any post.

- how to download RAS EA and dll files and install in right way?

Read this post.

- I want to use the scalper system to sell the signals. What is the limitation for scalping with RAS?

Read this post about it.

- I am a seller and I want to use timefilter? What is timefilter and how to use it?

Read this post and this one.


- I am a seller and I look at my advanced stats: it is not exactly what I have concerning the yellow line and equity. What to do?

Advances stats were created for the buyers with quotes from Alpari broker in the way as: 1 pip in 0.1 lot for EURUSD = 1 dollars for example. It is what the majority of your buyers will have. If your broker is having different 4 digit pips calculation so you should say about it in the description of your signals.

- I subscribed to many signals. Can I use many RAS EAs in one copy of Metatrader?

Yes, of course. Just use buyer_install_version =1; buyer_install_version =2; buyer_install_version =3 and so on.

- I have the difficulties to select to signals for myself to trade. Can you help?

Read this post.

- I am buyer and I am using several RAS EAs with one copy of Metatrader with different signals ID numbers. But it does not work well, or RAS EA is closing the trades immediately, or some other errors. What to do?

buyer_install_version MUST BE UNIQUE number started from 1.


RAS improvements and moderation procedure

Some improvements were made on RAS website.

Account info and avatar.

Any user will have account info and avatar from now and avatar will be shown near user signal and in user profile.

How to use/edit it?

Go to My Account - Edit Account Info and fill 'Account Advanced Information' with your account info and upload your avatar.

Unsubscribe button for Elite subscribers.

Elite subscribers have unsubscribe button now in My Account -> My products.

15 days of inactivity rule.

From now - this rule is implemented to free, commercial signals and to any signals with no trades.

It means that if you created the signal and your signal did not have any open trade for 15 days - the signal will be suspended automatically. To unsuspend - make request in RAS live support.

Approvement Request button.

From now - activation of any signal is more automated: if the vendor wants for his/her signal to be moved from inactive to active mode - so he/she can go to signal page and press Approvement Request link.

Request to activate the signal will be send to the moderators automatically.

Please note: moderators of RAS will activate the signals based on the performance. Besides, high priority for them in case of activation is the following: vendor should be public vendor having the thread on this tsd forum (or/and on the other forums/blogs) to allow the buyers and future possible subscribers to receive the information directly from the vendor and ask the questions.

Public vendors are high priority for any activation procedure.

Forum TSD elite members and RAS elite users.

If you know - there is some synchronization of the members subscribed to elite from RAS with the members subscribed to elite from the forum. This synchronization was made to avoid any double paying: if you are elite member of the forum so you do not need to oay to RAS to be RAS elite member (and opposite).

To make this synchronization so you need:

- if you subscribed to elite section of the forum - you can go to RAS, login (or register and login), go to My Account - Edit Account Info, find 'Elite User Login Info' and write your forex tsd forum elite username and password. And RAS website will recognize you as RAS elite user (to trade elite section signals from elite section of the forum).

- if you subscribed to RAS elite signals - you can go to the your User Control Panel and find Edit RAS Elite User Options and write RAS Elite User login and RAS Elite User password. And forex tsd forum will recognize you as elite member of the forum.


- What is Signal Performance Factor (SPF)? I saw some images with the performance with SPF.

It is based on Igorad's research:

SPF = DD_Factor * Nact_Factor * Nlot_Factor


- DD_Factor = Drawdown Factor (based on equity)

- Nlot_Factor = Lot Size Factor

- Nact_Factor = Active Trades Factor.

DD_Factor = 100*(1 – DD(pips)/Total(pips));

Nact_Factor = 1/Nact;

Nlot_Factor = min_Nlot/max_Nlot.

Basicly, if SPF is above zero (0) so the signals are not dangerous.

It is possible to estimate/evaluate the signals based on this SPF in easy way. At least we can say: the signals are dangerious to trade or not.

If someone need this SPF for some signals - please request on this section (made a post for example).


Why my signal is??

Rent a signal changed lately how and when signals become available (activated) and when signals pass away.

As general rule RAS have 4 statuses for signals.





INACTIVE means signal is recently created and seller have not requested to be activated by RAS team yet

ACTIVE means signal is accepting suscribers

SUSPENDED means signal have incurred on a period of inactivity

DELETED means signal RIP . You will not see this ones.

NOTE: any signal created but without trades on first 7 days are automatically deleted.

When some signal is getting the suspended status?

As general rule after 14 days without activity.

For FREE signals after 14 days without activity including active trades.

AKA 7 days without NEW trades/orders and includes open trades.

For NON FREE signals after 14 days without activity including active trades.

AKA 14 days without NEW trades/orders and includes open trades.


14 days without news. No new trades on last 7 days and no closed active trades. Active or pending orders old than 14 days does not count.


14 days without news. No new trades on last 14 days and no closed active trades. Active or pending orders old than 14 days does not count.

For FREE and NON FREE. It does not matter if signal have pending orders or active trades. If that pending orders are 14 days old signal will be suspended.

When some signal is getting the active status?

After seller request this.

See. When you create some signal and send at least ONE trade a link named "Approvement Request" is shown.

See picture below

When you, the seller, click on that link. Somebody on RAS team will see you're requesting for activate your signal and will perform your request.

If some problem could exist with your signal you will be contacted by email.

RAS will show several banners to help. This banners are explaining what do you need for next step and get activation.


If you request for activation without several trades it's possible RAS team will deny your request. And you can request activation from RAS site once only.

Opening a thread to promote your signal here on Forex-TSD is also a good idea.

Because when you click on the link for request activation there is a field where you can write some link of your current thread here on TSD or any other place.

Mostly, this is important for PAID signals.

If your activation request is a couple of days older and you have no news from RAS team it's better to contact RAS support directly.

Any doubts, contact us by PM, or write on

(But please, as possible you can, try to avoid to write about you personal activations request)


- Can I use RAS EA on many broker's account if I subscribed to many signals?

You can use many signals using 1 RAS EA, or 1 account/broker, or 1 signal per RAS EA inside 1 account, or on many accounts, or in many combination of it.

Key parameters are:

- buyer_opt_filter_signal

- buyer_instal_version

If buyer_opt_filter_signal is black (empty) so this RAS EA is trading all subscribed signal.

If buyer_opt_filter_signal = 123 so this RAS EA is trading signal 123.

If buyer_opt_filter_signal = 123,234 so this RAS EA is trading 2 signals: signal ID 123 and signal ID 234.

And so on.

I mean: it is possible to separate the signals on many RAS EAs, or many accounts and so on.

Impossible to dublicate the signals: if 1 RAS EA is trading signal 123 so no any other RAS EA can trade this signal using same username.


It is how many RAS EAs are traded for 1 RAS username.

Started with 1.

For example:

buyer_instal_version = 1.

Next RAS EA: buyer_instal_version = 2

Next RAS EA: buyer_instal_version = 3

and so on.

On any combination of accounts/Metatraders and so on.


Example No.1.

I bought 5 signals: 123, 1234, 234, 456, 567.

I have 2 account: Alpari and IBFX.

I want to use 3 signals on Alpari and 2 signals on IBFX.

I want to have 1 Metatrader on Alpari and 1 Metatrader for IBFX.

I use for Alpari Metatrader:

- 1 RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 123,1234,234

buyer_instal_version = 1

I use for IBFX Metatrader:

- 1 RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 456,567

buyer_instal_version = 2


those 2 Metatraders should be inside 1 IP address (1 VPS for example).


Example No. 2.

I bought 5 signals: 123, 1234, 234, 456, 567.

I have 2 account: Alpari and IBFX.

I want to use 3 signals on Alpari and 2 signals on IBFX.

I want to have 1 Metatrader or Alpari and 1 Metatrader for IBFX.

I want to separate the signals per RAS EA to use different lot multiplier for every signal

(I do not want to use same lot multiplier for all the signals).

I use for Alpari Metatrader:

- 1 RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 123

buyer_instal_version = 1

- second RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 234

buyer_instal_version = 2

- next RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 1234

buyer_instal_version = 3

So, I have 3 charts with 3 RAS EA attached.

EURUSD M5 for example (or more volatile pair).

I use for IBFX Metatrader:

- 1 RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 456

buyer_instal_version = 4

- next RAS EA with the settings:

buyer_opt_filter_signal = 567

buyer_instal_version = 5


those 2 Metatraders should be inside 1 IP address.

In this case I will have 1 copies of metatrader traded every signal signal separatedly by RAS EA.