RentaSignal Service Website: How to use RAS


It is the link to RentaSignal Service Website:

Rentasignal | Rent a Signal

Webdesign may be changed but main home page looks like the following:


We can use menu to go to see the signals:


Commercial signals:


Or free signals:



2. Downloading and the settings

RentaSignal Sevice consists of

- RAS EA and dll files (= client part);

- RAS server (= server part);

- RAS website with statistics collections and sorting options.

Any user of RAS will need RAS EA and dll files to download, and RAS EA settings explanation.

Where to download?

Link to download page:


and we are in download page with the settings explanation:



3. Terminology, part #1

When we say 'RAS' - we understand 'RentaSignal Service'.

So let's describe the terminology.

RAS = RentaSignal Service.

RAS website = RentaSignal Service website.

RAS EA = RentaSignal Service EA and dll files (client part).

RAS server = RentaSignal Service server.

Seller = vendor = any member who are making the signals (for free or for money) trading manually or by EA using Metatrader.

Buyers = clients = any member who are using/trading the signals/trades from the seller (for free or for money).

Users = clients and buyers.

Signals = ID = some particular signal service which is making by seller. There are free signals, commercial signals, free signals for forum elite members only and commercial signals for elite members only.


- "what is the name of your ID?" - translation: "what is the name of your signals?";

- "how many signals do you have?" - translation: "how many signal IDs do you have?".

What means "signals"? It is you are trading manually or by EA and your trades are transmitted to RAS website and to your clients/buyers. In this way the other members in the other part of the world can have same trades/performance and so on. 'Signals' is your personal signal service.

Stats = simple statistics = simple stats. It is the performance of the signals precented on this page Signals | Rent a Signal (Week pips, Week USD, Total pips and Total USD) and on any seller's ID page in the way of This week pips, Total pips, This week USD and Total USD. Simple stats updated once in a working day.

Trades. It is active and close trades information uploaded to RAS website in real time. It is located on any seller's ID page below the word "Info":


The Trades are updated in real time with few seconds delay.

Active orders = open trades = open orders. It is the orders open right now in real time. So see it - use this link:


Use Refresh List link to update the information.

Closed orders = close trades = close orders. It is closed trades. Information is updated in real time. It is on those links/places:


Simple stats sorting = stats sorting. It is sorting options for simple statistics performance. Available for the sellers or buyers (who are using some particular ID) by using 'Closed orders' or 'Active orders' link:




3. Terminology, part #2

Commercial signals = commercial ID = Ranking ID. From home page Rentasignal | Rent a Signal click on 'Signals' and you will see commercial signals.

Free signals = Free ID.

It is elite section IDs:


Elite section signals = elite section ID = elite section EAs.


So we can go to 'Ranking' or to 'Free Signals'. Or to 'My signals' to see:

- the signals you are selling or providing for free as a seller,


- to see the signals you are using as a buyer.

Home page. This one: Rentasignal | Rent a Signal

Signal page. This page: Signals | Rent a Signal

We can see simple stats on signal page. Yes, it is simple stats updated mainly once in a day:


Active subscriptors = buyers = clients. It is how many buyers you (seller) have for your signal IDs. Go to 'My account' from the top menu and you will see the numbers (for sellers only).

Please note: all the performance (pips and dollars) in simple stats are balance (closed trades without active trades open right now). It is not an equity pips/dollars. It is balance. So, to know the real situation we will need to see advanced stats (will be explained below).

Signal page sorting. There are sorting features on the signal page to make it by default.


For example, I want to see the sorting all the signals/IDs by Week USD. I want to see the the ranking based on Week USD (for example). So, I click on 'Week USD' (click 1 time or 2 times). And next time or day I login to RAS website so this Week USD ranking will be default for me in signal page:


And we can change it any time.


3. Terminology, part #3

Advanced stats = ads stats = detailed performance (meaning: real performance as a help for buyers).

Go to signal page and select ID. Use the link of the signal to go to this ID advanced stats:



For example, I click on Martin Gale and I see simple stats page for this ID with the following menu:


So we can go to advanced stats page for this ID:


Real time information about open/closed trades. We can see it in simple stats page, and in advanced stats page. It is refreshed by click on REFRESH LIST link.

Daily/weekly stats by pairs. If we use ads stats sorting feature so we will sort this daily/weekly performance pairs as well automatically. Or we can click on any pair to see the daily performance (simple stats for every pair separatedly made by every day).

Annual ROI. It is how your profit will be increated (in dollars) for 1 year in case that the signals will have same performance in the future. Please note: our ROI is based on equity.

Balance/equity graph = Balance/equity chart = Balance/equity curve. It is preliminary chart to help the buyers to see the real situation with floating drawdown. Equity was shifted over the balance a very little on the chart just for visualization (we can see it on the image below) and that is why it is preliminary line on the chart. But we can see the real situation, the equity value and balance value are correct one with figures, besides, this balance/equity graph helps the buyers to select minimal initial deposit size and lot size to use the signals.

Advanced stats sorting = ads stats sorting = advanced stats sorting features. As we see from the image above we can use this sorting feature to sort advanced stats (on the image above) and balance/equity graph:

- by date;

- by pair (symbol);

- by lot multiplier;

- by initial deposit size.

- by any combination of above.

In this case the buyer can see the real performance situation based on his deposit size and his desirable lot size. It will help to select the signals to use.

Please note: balance/equity graph is not changed by date.

For example, I received advanced stats for EURUSD with initial deposit = 5,000, with lot multiplier = 1 starting from 1st of February 2009:


Lots multiplier = lot multiplier = multiplier. It is the settings in RAS EA for buyers. It can be changed from the EA settings, or from ads stats page. Please note: if you are buyer and your lot multiplier = 1 so your RAS EA will have same lot size with seller. If your lot multiplier = 2 so your lot size = seller's lot size multiply by 2.

Max. Lots / Trade and Min. Lots / Trade. It is the settings in RAS EA for buyers. It can be changed from the EA settings, or from ads stats page.

Pending signals = pending ID = pending mode. Mode of signal by default, seller is able to add new orders to this signals but nobody see it except moderator and seller, no way to be subscribed to this ID.

Approved signals = approved ID = approved mode. Totally functional ID. Can be used for subscribers if the seller wants so.

Not approved signals = not approved ID = not approved mode. Seller is not able to add new orders to this signal and no way to subscribe to this ID.

Suspended signals = suspended ID = suspended mode. Seller is not able to add new orders to this signals/ID and no way to subscribe.

Moderator of RAS can change the modes and seller will receive mail notification on every mode change.


4. Registration with RAS

You need to be registered with RAS to use it as a buyer or seller. It is free. Go to RAS website Rentasignal | Rent a Signal and click on 'Create new account' link:


write your desirable username and your valid email address:


Press 'Create New Account'.

The message will be sent to your email address almost immediately with one time login:


Go to the link in email and edite your account: change your password and fill some other necessary fields.

Go to 'My Account':


and then 'Edit'.

And change your password and edite some more you want.

Please note: it is strongly recommended to write here your forex tsd forum login and password:


Because when RAS website will recognize you as elite member of forex tsd forum so you will see elite section EAs/signals. And some sellers can make the signal IDs for elite members only. If you are not elite member, or you did not write anything in 'Forex-tsd Login Info' so you will not see any signals for elite member.


5. Seller: create your ID

After registration with RAS website you can go to commercial signals page to create ID:


Write Signal public explanation and select: do you want to make commercial signals, or free signals, or signals for elite members for free, or for money? Of course you can change it any time later simple editing your signal ID. You can select it here:


Your signal ID will be in pending mode. It means that you can trade but no one can subscribe. Once you decide that you are ready, or moderator of RAS decides that your signals is ready for subscribers so your ID can be moved to approved mode.

You can have many signals for 1 RAS registered account (=username).

After creation the ID you need to know ID number. Go to 'My Signals' (your signals/IDs page) and you will see the number of your ID. You will need this number in RAS EA settings. Your ID will be in pending mode as default and you can trade and use RAS with no problem but once you decided that you are ready to have subscribers so write PM/email to moderator (or post request on the threads).


7. Buyer: How to install RAS EA. Different cases

How to install buyers RAS. Different cases.

Just an example.

If you are using ID 140 and 393 (for example) so you can do the following:

- buyer_opt_filter_signal [leave this field blank]. In this case you will received all the signals from all your subscribed IDs in one Metatrader.

Buyer_lots_multiplier in EA settings is for all the signals subscribed. if 3 so it is 3 for all your subscribed IDs.


- buyer_opt_filter_signal = 140

You are trading only Trigg'3dTrSys.

Buyer_lots_multiplier in EA settings is for 140 only.


- buyer_opt_filter_signal = 393

You are trading only Trade Perfect 3.6.

Buyer_lots_multiplier in EA settings is for 393 only.


- buyer_opt_filter_signal = 140,393

You are trading Trade Perfect 3.6 and Trigg'3dTrSys.

Buyer_lots_multiplier in EA settings is for Trade Perfect 3.6 and Trigg'3dTrSys. if 3 so it is 3 for Trade Perfect 3.6 and Trigg'3dTrSys.

So, we can always separate 140 from 393 by 2 charts with 2 RAS EA. Or trade 140 only. Or any combination of it. But buyer_lots_multiplier is always for buyer_opt_filter_signal.



8. Seller: How to install RAS EA. Different cases

Please read previous posts for more explanation about RAS EA'settings. Besides, some necessary information you will find on this thread: Downloads | Rent a Signal

In this post I will try to explain some particular cases.

seller_rentasignal_id. Please note that you should write 1 ID numer only. For selling more than 1 ID - use the other copy of RAS EA.

seller_opt_filter_magic_number and seller_opt_filter_comment are the filters for sellers. In the next versions of RAS EA you can have more filters. But for now - just 2 only.

What the filters are doing?

Sorting by magic number and Sorting by comments

For example, you are having First EA and Second EA traded on 1 copy of Metatrader. Not RAS EAs. Just some your EAs with the name:

- First EA

- Second EA.

All the orders made by First EA are having magic number as 123 and no comments.

All the orders made by Second EA are having magic number as 1234 and all the trades are having the comments as "good one".

RAS EA settings for sorting.

Sorting by magic number (seller_opt_filter_magic_number):

- keep it blank and all the trades will be sent to RAS website;

- write 123 and the trades with magic = 123 will be sent to RAS server. Other trades will not be sent by RAS EA.

- write 1234 and the trades with magic = 1234 will be sent to RAS server. Other trades will not be sent by RAS EA.

- write 123,1234 and the trades with manic 123 and the trades with magic 1234 will be sent to RAS. Seems, all trades which you will have according to our example.

Sorting by comments (seller_opt_filter_comment):

- keep it blank (do nothing) and all the trades will be sent to RAS website;

- write "good one" and only the trades with this comments will be sent to RAS.


9. Clones

Clones are automatic buyers.

Moderator of RAS can install the clones for some particular signal IDs according to the sellers'/buyers' requests, or for top rated signals. Clones are working for some period of time.

If the clone is installed for some ID so you can always find it in simple stats page:


Read more about the clones here: Clones | Rent a Signal

clones_1802.jpg  33 kb

10. Signal management for buyers

First of all, you need to know which kind of system do you want to use/to buy. There are martingale, hedging, old classical systems and so on. It depends on your deposit size, your personal preferences and risk understanding.

Because please note: the ranking on the signal page is just a sorting only. It means that if the signal ID is on the first position in pips calsulation rating so it does not mean anything. It is just a sorting only. Same with other ratings such as Weekly pips, Total USD and so on. It is the sorting only.

Next step to select the signal: you should go to advances stats page. And you can see the equity, balance, max/min lot size, max/min active trades (max/min simultanious open trades) and so on.

In most of the cases we can easy understand which kind of system the seller is using looking on those parameters.

- If it is difficult to know or to understand - ask on this section: RentaSignal Service and Elite Section Discussion - Forex Trading

- If you need some more stats - ask moderator of RAS to make the stats using Igorad's indicator with the broker you want: this indicator is something more precision tool than advanced stats.


Please find some example concerning Frank_mod EA (ID #86):


So, we can see the following:

Can we use 1,000 minimum deposit to trade EURUSD only as we see max lot size 0.64 and max active trades as 9, and if we see floating drawdown about 1,000 dollars?

No, we can not. The initial deposit should be more than 1,000 anyway.

So, just use 'Filter' to place the other initial deposit size.


Some sellers are using 0.01 lot size only and no more than 3 or 4 simultanious trades. In this case you can use lot multiplier so see the stats/equity/drawdown and so on.

So, basicly, selection of the signals to use is the following:

- personal preferences;

- advances stats playing with initial deposit size, lot multiplier, symbol to use.

- stats images made by moderator by using Igorad's indicator (same case but it is very precision stats).

If you have some difficulties to select something, or to understand something so ask the people on RAS section of the forum, or ask moderator of RAS to explain it.