100-300 Pips Per Day Any Pair Any Timeframe Using 2 Indicators - page 19

This is my first post in this forum although i have been reading for a long time.

Glad to see so many people trying to help improve the system, I just have a small piece of advice, take it or leave it.

Joesmoe posted a nice simple system that works for him, and early on in the thread some other people posted promissing results too. The system has a good entry, not perfect all the time, but there is no perfect system anyway. Most of the times it has a good entry.

What I think would benefit this system most is try to work on exit. Adding many indicators to improve entry most likely will cause confusion with marginal gains, especially since most of them display identical information in a different way...

just my 2pips,


I could not have said it better.

Exit will always be a challenge but I think we can improve by simple ways and not over medicating the exit as you said.


i totally agree simple is always better, there is nothing wrong with using the first post. for myself i always had a problem with stops and exits until a trading friend told me about atr, i have never looked back. But this simple method does not need all the added indicators.


Thank you for what you said.

Now that you are only talking about the atr and not every indicator known to forex.

I would love to hear about what you have learned from your friend about atr.



So far I've see the three ball follow along with the extreme on EURUSD for several hours. The MACD doesn't really give a potent rebound point IMHO, and the 3 ball continues to extreme against my MACD opening position for quite a while thereafter. Maybe someone knows how to better determine and time the 3ball extreme?


Please include a picture so we can understand what you are asking.



Glad you stayed

Hey Joe,

glad to read that you stayed eith the thread. I haven't been live in a while just practicing different systems to see what fits my style. I think I will go live after this week using these. I just need to deside on a broker?

I am retired so I sit infront of my screen trading most of the time. I like system #1 for when Im looking at the screen in the five minute time frame and system #2 is good when my wife wants me to leave the office and spend time with her. LOL

Entry on these two are pretty self explanatory. I dont really have an exit plan. My overall plan is to get 50-100 pips a day at $1/pip that's a nice supplement for me with little risk. So sometimes my first trade gets me 50 then I just take the best looking trades the rest of the day.

I'm not great with computers but I think that you could set up a private chat room which you could control the posts or even set up with paltalk so we could all join in during the trading day. I know in paltalk a room can be set up so a person could filter the occupants.

Anyway look forward to tonights asian market to get some pips.


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