How big is your EGO ?....Intentions for 2009.


Hi everyone.... but this posting is adressed more to the senior members,

First of all I don't want to sound corny with this posting. But a New Year can sometimes give new ideas and good intentions.

Lets say that If we would go on a long trip or travel the world and would go into a bar to have a drink and start to talk to somebody. So we would make contact with some local people. We see a guy who looks friendly (because no beautifull woman are in the bar). We ask what he is doing or what his interests would be and that person would say that he is a trader. You ask him on what market and he says. FOREX.

If that would happen to us we would feel amazed. We would immediatly ask if he wants a drink and we would share our enthousiame on our common interest and we would feel a special bond after a few minutes. We would talk for hours about our experiences indicators systems and opinions on everything related to trading and FX. When we get back to the hotel we would think...damm that was a nice evening. Meeting someone in a bar on the other side of the world and he has indentical the same very special interest.

We meet each other here and we are fighting and roling over the floor. Insulting, flaming, sarcastic, calling each other idiots and if we could we would send some sort of a bom by PM to blow up his pc or in the worst case his compleet house.

I know, I am one of the worst. I have a very short fuse. I am very much aware of that. The slightest contradictionary word against one of my postings and I become like some sort of an uncrontroled projectile.

BUT...I am not alone. If I can put my hand in own chest so should each other senior member do.

As senior members (not after 150 postings but who are here for several years) we are here to meet, to share to learn to teach to listen to each others opinions.

But we all have the same problem that our big EGO's are standing in the way. We think that we have so much knowledge that nobody else can teach us anything.

We feel strong because we sit behind our screens and nobody can touch us or harms us. We can flame and insult as much as we want. Witch we would never do if we would meet that person in a bar on the other side of the world.

By this posting I can only say that I have better intentions for the next year. I know also that more intentions are broken then kept prommise to.

I would like to call upon all real seniors of this forum to have a litlle tought about this. I don't want to stand up as some sort of a messias or peace bringing angel. There will always be misunderstanding and even wars and killing.

But the senior members (me included) could try to place there big EGO's a little bit to the side and try to listen to what others say. If we do not agree it should not be a reason to start to act as some sort of an atom bomb.

Some people will say that it is to late that I have offended them to much.

I can not give a list of all the people I offended. There are a lot. But take this posting as an apology.

If your name is jet of simba or minime or mladen or claudioforex or moshebaru or mpower or championfx or fxcruiser or electricsavant or antomi or jlpi or berkis and many other members of this forum that I now forget, I truely apoligize for the offending postings and behaviour.

Am I on prozac or dope or did my doctor informed me that I only have 6 months to live when I'm writing this posting ?.. Nope.

It is just sad to see how we, the older members, get along with each other and that new members can't have a high opinion about this. Not that I am suddenly a share holder of this forum and that I'm afraid that our behaviour would chase away some newbies.

But if knowledge is what we stand for then lets show this with a little bit more pride and curtosy.

Plato; An aristocrat shares his vision and opinion and brings people together. A proletarian sticks to his own vision and will defended it with all force and makes people fight against each other.

For 2009 and the other years to come I would like to share my visions with the members on this forum in a normal sensible way as it suits a senior member. My opinions? I will still give them but not defend them with all force. My ego I'm going to put aside without losing my indentity.

Friendly regards...iGoR

PS. One of the reasons why I made this topic is that next time if I "prepare" myself to write a flaming posting is that I will realize that it would be against this topic..

PS2. If your ego allows you please post without suddenly getting homosexual or that we need to get tears in our eyes.

PS3. I hope I can meet you one day in a bar when I travel the world. I surely gonna buy you a drink.


I find this post intrigueing because of the nature of its supposed intention.

We all talk about our own strategies, some people are helpful, and some people are not.

Many people will refer to me as the cynical person who has nothing better to say, that's fine. It's not my job, nonetheless sole duty to dispose of such thoughts for people who don't have thick skin and understand my rather blunt and direct honest critism- I do not have anything to prove.

What I am really surprised at, this top came after reading the first couple chapters of Tony Plummers (Might be wrong on the author) book on forecasting, and his very detailed description of Crowd Behaviour, and the abilities for people to forget their ability to properly judge self-awareness.

Too many people here are, this is very ironic, individualistic. Many people come here stating and bloating their abilities to trade, but come to the day, or the iron gauntlet to produce the results or even the basis of there theories, we don't really hear much. Some people have said to me, "post trading signals if you're so great"- well my intentions aren't to post trading signals at the moment, honestly, If i was actually in a trading phase I would, but I'm not.

We all post on this forum stouting a dominant position. It's human nature to fight for the position to become the alpha type figure, as many people fight to become the leader of the crowd, for the sake of that we will define crowd as the members of the forum.

Igor, I have never been a fan of your posts, nor was I ever a fan of your comments to many peoples post- it's because when you post, you don't offer help. Not only do you not offer help, you do not bother posting anything aside from you own religious trading bible.

So what does all this answer to the question? How big is Walander's Ego?

I don't have one. I have a critical and analytical personality. I respect people like MiniMe, Kamper, ES, Beno, FXBS, MPHpopular, BobFourie, BeLuck, Dunhill, HomeStudy, and Linuxser (and his fundamental analytical abilities are were proven much superior than mine).

I am blunt- that's it. There's nothing beyond my personality except bluntly stating the obvious, but obviously people do not bother to undertake the ability to properly decipher my own intentions. Rightfully so, no one really needs to including myself. People who sit there calling me exactly what I know people will assume myself as, are exactly the people I referred to in my thread- lazy.

I fulfilll the requests and or inquiries of any member that messages me- I take the time to lead them in the direction in which I believe is most appropriate, I do not lead them in the direction I think is most important in my own beliefs in trading. If someone believes in VSA- and if I no longer do, I do not tell them not to learn it, I simply state my opinion, and provide them the necessary documents and threads to get a foundation started.

My journey to trade is with an open mind, something that many of you people seemingly think you have. An open mind means nothing is impossible, which is why every trading theory possible (except for Larry Williams) is a probable direction to a feasibly sustainable trading method. Many of you think you have the thirst to learn- you're wrong, the only thirst you have is the intention to learn the lane of least resistance to becomming rich. This is all ego packaged up into stubborness.

I have no ego- prove something- and will I say you're stupid? No, I will question the methods until I understand the hypothetical calculations and probabilities behind such a method.

I may not be a Senior Member here Igor- but I will say that my ability to exponentially curve my learning curve surpasses the many who are truley not self-aware- and understand the term self-awareness.




Hi Igor,

I understand where you are coming from - each one of us must go through this journey, of better understanding ourselves, by understanding others.

I have followed your postings, you have mentioned eureka moments in your trading. I think what you have posted is a real eureka moment for not just you but all of us, traders or not. God bless.

Thanks for your post.





Thanks for your post Igor, When I first came here in this forum one of person in my mind is you, you give some new knowledge that people don't know about it before ,I suggest you to keep giving your knowledge to others no matter what people said , if some people arguing even cynical person come to you just let him go they don't know what they said, keep this forum as good as high cost forex training out there


Forex Indicators Collection



Sorry prasxz but you should have been on that list of people that I needed to apoligize to.


PS. Hopefully this will not turn into some sort of a topic that only me needs to go to confession



How much is your posting going to help ?... or according what I try to explain ?.

The purpose of my topic was that we would try to put EGO's aside. Just calculate how many times you use the word "I" in your posting and that you refer to yourself.

So please if I can ask you don't turn this topic in a yes and no game between you and me. Respect my intentions as I respect yours. I never made any effort to post in your topic as I felt I could not contribute in any way.


That you're not going to put your ego aside, because you're trying to be Mr. Leader.

Can't read between the lines can yeh?

You have no self-awareness, and its boldly apparent in most of your posts.

Your ego is a large part of your short-minded tempermental personality. Your personality is to attack upon any suggestion against your own opinion, this is not a part of your ego, this is your personality to not be able to differentiate the differences between what is right or wrong.

This thread was created as if you're putting a sticker to cover a door to door scratch on a brand new car.

The sad thing is, smart people can peel it off.



That you're not going to put your ego aside, because you're trying to be Mr. Leader.

Can't read between the lines can yeh?

You have no self-awareness, and its boldly apparent in most of your posts.

Your ego is a large part of your short-minded tempermental personality. Your personality is to attack upon any suggestion against your own opinion, this is not a part of your ego, this is your personality to not be able to differentiate the differences between what is right or wrong.

This thread was created as if you're putting a sticker to cover a door to door scratch on a brand new car.

The sad thing is, smart people can peel it off.

PS. I like your private message so much, your ego really does shine like a golden nugget in a pile of crap.

"In other topics you even repeat me on the random walk theory witch was in contradiction against your own opinion."

Oh yes Igor- I copied >you<, because of some randomly obscure post you most likely have in some other thread here in forex-tsd to state the random walk theory. I'm sorry Igor- take sometime away from this forum and spend sometime to look up this word in google.., Self Centered.

Let me know what you come up with, becuase quite obviously you were the fist and originator of theory, and the only person who's ever mentioned it on this forum, and I am copying >YouYOU< could be so smart to post such a theory, and me being the "useless" poster as you imply me to be as I copied "YOU".

You're quite the piece of work Igor- here, do me a favor. Why don't you count the I's for me, then multiply it by some random contract size to inflate your numbers?

BTW- The Author was unknown and for the one's I did know the author I posted it you pompus fool- not very bright are you- why would I post one with a Unknown Author, and One with one if i'm seeking attention?

Here Igor- I'll settle the debate by stating that you're omnipotent. Just like Napolean- a megalomaniac.


How much is your posting going to help ?... or according what I try to explain ?.

The purpose of my topic was that we would try to put EGO's aside. Just calculate how many times you use the word "I" in your posting and that you refer to yourself.

So please if I can ask you don't turn this topic in a yes and no game between you and me. Respect my intentions as I respect yours. I never made any effort to post in your topic as I felt I could not contribute in any way.


You forgot my edits, i'll wait for your reply.

PS. If you're smart enough, I'm purposely hijacking your thread becuase I don't like you because I think you're full of.. the fun stuff. If you were smart enough, you'd realize my purpose- but you're not- sadly you won't ever be.


Igor's p... vacuum in action

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Hi iGoR ,

how's goin' ?

I have been quiet for long , long , long time just reading posts of yours with interest , watching how you trying to cope with some of the criticism from time to time and how things are doing in general

I have no interest in fueling more oil in to the fire when discussion gets heated sometimes too much .

I have enough myself to do , I don't have boring life and can't spent my career by writing posts and reply's in this forum.

I wish you the best of all in this New Year 2009 and generous market conditions like we all wish and need to have in order to came up with whatever trading results

Yeah, I am around quietly reading whenever I can some topics , as some of them are even funny to read and seeing other peoples various reactions to the market moves .

I am happy you didn't forgot me on your list , I'll sure be a good boy this year 2009 .



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Cheers mate. Have good one in 2009.

And I would to love to talk shop and have a drink over it. Maybe some day it'll happen.