_rdb_The Best Free EA - page 334


If the Novice, Beginners, Advanced, Professional (Coders and Traders)

were in an office together then we could - in a heart-beat - put together a system that would be quite profitable for each of us - in very little time.

Just a thought.


Sorry to say but novice & beginners cannot put together a system if they could you wouldn't find lots of request of share this share that etc and comment such as yours .. the best suggestion for novices is to read what is already posted learn from the code ask questions if it is not understood .. This is normal way to exceed from novice to intermediate and then professionals which takes time and dedication unless you understand what is inside the code or the strategy there is no way you can modify a code or create a system .. biggest problem is very less people are interested to learn and most are after a ready made solution.



Granted,beginners, novices, amateurs, apprentice, are technically unable unskilled and unprepared to handle system design or coding.

Point conceeded.

I see some very talented forex gurus here to begin with - and- I believe you miss my point.

The brilliant skillful and artful forex gurus can certenly spot and point-out a 'promising EA "In The Raw". One which has great potential.

The equally talented s/w designers and developers can lay-out the parameters and required subrtn's and FNC()s which the Jr level programmers - which I see plenty of here, can preform the coding.

The beginners, novices, amateurs, and apprentices, which you seem to discard and dismiss so quickly, out-of-hand are the 'back-bone' of this endevor since they would be invaluable to Unit-Test, System-Test, Write and create and develop test procedures and to create and complete 'BUG' reports and preform acceptence testing.

Without these "useless" (as you put it) ppl, then a useful EA could never hope to begin - much-less finish.

I do see ALL these ppl here, and all these ppl here - I believe - are in reality ( and I may be wrong here) looking for just such a system.

I see time and time again the phrase " I have this idea and this need, will you pls help me to develop it- I'll even pay you good $$$.

... and ... " Oh why 'yes' I can code that for you ..."

... and ... " Oh pls why don't we have something 'Better ? "

All the skilled ppl are here , in this forum, and and the need is now and the need is great. ( at least to me the need is great, I for one wish to earn my living doing this . I would do this ANY DAY rather than work for gmc/bp/sacks, jp morgan and a host of others !!!

Besides, it would make for a fine interesting forum topic.

- Just a thought.


Granted,beginners, novices, amateurs, apprentice, are technically unable unskilled and unprepared to handle system design or coding.

Point conceeded.

I see some very talented forex gurus here to begin with - and- I believe you miss my point.

The brilliant skillful and artful forex gurus can certenly spot and point-out a 'promising EA "In The Raw". One which has great potential.

The equally talented s/w designers and developers can lay-out the parameters and required subrtn's and FNC()s which the Jr level programmers - which I see plenty of here, can preform the coding.

The beginners, novices, amateurs, and apprentices, which you seem to discard and dismiss so quickly, out-of-hand are the 'back-bone' of this endevor since they would be invaluable to Unit-Test, System-Test, Write and create and develop test procedures and to create and complete 'BUG' reports and preform acceptence testing.

Without these "useless" (as you put it) ppl, then a useful EA could never hope to begin - much-less finish.

I do see ALL these ppl here, and all these ppl here - I believe - are in reality ( and I may be wrong here) looking for just such a system.

I see time and time again the phrase " I have this idea and this need, will you pls help me to develop it- I'll even pay you good $$$.

... and ... " Oh why 'yes' I can code that for you ..."

... and ... " Oh pls why don't we have something 'Better ? "

All the skilled ppl are here , in this forum, and and the need is now and the need is great. ( at least to me the need is great, I for one wish to earn my living doing this . I would do this ANY DAY rather than work for gmc/bp/sacks, jp morgan and a host of others !!!

Besides, it would make for a fine interesting forum topic.

- Just a thought.


Dude dont try to be smart , i never said useless so don't play with words. re-read what i said again and again until it fits your mind ..



"Sorry to say but novice & beginners cannot put together a system if they could you wouldn't find lots of request of share this share that etc and comment such as yours .. the best suggestion for novices is to read what is already posted learn from the code ask questions if it is not understood "

Chill Dude !

I completely disagree with you.

Novices and beginners certenly CAN put together a full-blown EA system with the correct help and direction. (see above)

I believe the Beginners can do a lot more than simply read our posts.

Experience, especially hands-on experience, is ALWAYS the best teacher.

If we could learn forex simply by reading and asking questions then we, by now, would/should all be EXPERTS in this field.

The truth is that the Beginners (etc) should be provided the opportunity to learn by creating a powerful and robust EA in-order for all of us (yes, that includes you too) to learn from and to profit from.

I, for one, do not know all the skills that the Beginners (etc) here have, but I cannot out-of-hand dismiss them to the role of simply reading and asking questions - knowing full well that their goal, I believe, is to become better, more profitable traders, - and to do so requires hands-on training.

You will have to ask yourself "Why do FX Brokers provide Demo accts?"

You have to ask yourself " What the He*l am I doing here if I can't or won't allow others to reach their full potential?"

Just a thought.


"Sorry to say but novice & beginners cannot put together a system if they could you wouldn't find lots of request of share this share that etc and comment such as yours .. the best suggestion for novices is to read what is already posted learn from the code ask questions if it is not understood "

Chill Dude !

I completely disagree with you.

Novices and beginners certenly CAN put together a full-blown EA system with the correct help and direction. (see above)

I believe the Beginners can do a lot more than simply read our posts.

Experience, especially hands-on experience, is ALWAYS the best teacher.

If we could learn forex simply by reading and asking questions then we, by now, would/should all be EXPERTS in this field.

The truth is that the Beginners (etc) should be provided the opportunity to learn by creating a powerful and robust EA in-order for all of us (yes, that includes you too) to learn from and to profit from.

I, for one, do not know all the skills that the Beginners (etc) here have, but I cannot out-of-hand dismiss them to the role of simply reading and asking questions - knowing full well that their goal, I believe, is to become better, more profitable traders, - and to do so requires hands-on training.

You will have to ask yourself "Why do FX Brokers provide Demo accts?"

You have to ask yourself " What the He*l am I doing here if I can't or won't allow others to reach their full potential?"

Just a thought.


Correct, you don't have the skills but you do have a big mouth and ability to write and write for that i give you full credits... anyways i am not into continuing this discussion so .. Good Luck in your forex endeavors you will need it.

Just a Thought



Sebelumnya saya minta ijin bapak _rdb_ untuk menulis di thread forum ini. Keinginan saya untuk menulis untuk pertama kali di forex-tsd.com disebabkan banyaknya pertanyaan yang tidak berhubungan dengan Your_Lucky.ea dan sangat mengganggu kegiatan forum ini.


First, this is my first post. I am newbies and never been to LIVE trading with real money. I have NOT tested this allegedly superb EA provided by great contributor Mr. _rdb_.

But please read these to save your and our time:

- THIS is not a thread for asking Thunder4WD EA, this thread is about Your_Lucky EA. Download and read the .pdf file on 1st page of this thread regarding to How to get Thunder4WD.

And WHY on earth you need Thunder4WD if you haven't even tried Your_lucky yet, or if you had tried out Your_Lucky with some successes and had made some donations to _rdb_, why you need a 2nd EA?

UNLESS you are into EA collection.

- DO NOT ask anyone to email you Your_Lucky EA, if you do it means you didn't read this thread properly.

Your_Lucky is EA is uploaded on 1st page of this thread and is FREE for everyone to download. Remember, DOWNLOAD and NOT asking someone to waste his/her time sending you via e-mail.

- DO NOT ask how to extract a ZIP file. Do Yahoo search or Google search!

- DO NOT ask how to install or how to get EA running in your MT4 platform. If you have to, please go to appropriate forum or MT4.com instead. Do Yahoo search or Google search!

Do not dream of one touch EA money making machine if you do NOT even know how to install EA at first place!

About the EA:

- Your_Lucky is supposedly a SCALPING EA, designed to work on EURGBP 5 mins chart ( as far as I know ). Scalping technique works best on low pip SPREAD!

Mr. _rdb_ suggests 5 pip spreads is maximum, the lower the spread the better this EA works.

For many brokers spread shown on DEMO account is different from LIVE account.

Check your broker spread before you come to this thread with questions. And do not ask how to check your broker pip spread, PLEASE!.

- As far as known, Your_Lucky is equipped with Spread Filter which will stop the EA from executing trade if the broker spread is above set spread.

So, DO NOT ask WHY the EA is not working if you know the spread is bigger than the set spread.

The EA is supposedly to work best during Asian sessions.

And of course you can try it anytime 24 hours. It is TOTALLY entire up to you.

You can use it to trade while you are in toilet or in any place using any computer, smart phone, with whoever you like doing anything you like, etc.

So, please do NOT ask stupid questions.

About brokers:

- DO NOT ask if yourlocalbroker.com or thisbroker.com or thatbroker.com will work fine with this EA!

Just how hard is it to check your chosen broker spread? If your broker works with a high SPREAD, drop it and change to another broker instead of asking why this EA doesn't work well with your big spread broker.

Mr. _rdb_ is not a broker patron, he doesn't know all brokers in this world! He provides free Your_Lucky EA and he doesn't tell you which broker has 3 spread and which broker has 10 spread.

Mr. _rdb_ is expecting us to try his EA if it works in term of programming and in term of making $. He does expect us to give feedback as well.

Please give as much details as possible when feeding back such as broker details, chart timeframe, currencies pair, graph .jpeg and report sheets, etc and etc.

Please USE YOUR COMMON SENSE before posting any silly questions!!!


_rdb_ is smart guy...


Hi, what should i put in open/close hours? I live in Poland and i am using Admiral Markets.

Currently it is 20:19 in my country, broker time is 19:19 so i should set open hour to 22pm-6am?

I also now that the broker is using London time, so?



Poor broker

Great EA, but I found my broker widen EURGBP spread from 5 pips become 8 pips after send open position!


i need new veriosn of rbh ea

hey any give me new verison of ea 2010