The Only Thread I Will Ever Create - page 2 spelled your name wrong.

/enter your own punchline.

While I agree with some of the things you say, but it did come off as a bit harsh. I figure that newbies are newbies for a reason, they are new to the game, and just needs some guidance. I usually just ignore most of the obvious lazy requests. Although helping to explain some things to newbies is fine with me, and I usually try to point them in the right way with my experience. Besides, most of them don't listen to what I say anyways, I got no street cred. LOL. I only go into attack mode when certain people are just plain offensive and have the "give me your strategy now for free" syndrome.


I'm actually quite pleased that you replied on this thread. I'm quite the stalker on your thread! - Yes newbies are newbies, but newbies still need to maintain a decent level of dignity.

And yes, I spelled my name wrong . I guess I should ask someone to fix it for me, but honestly I have other things to worry about like that 100 pip drop on EJ- lol.

Best trading to you Kenny,

Kenny Rogers: spelled your name wrong.

/enter your own punchline.

While I agree with some of the things you say, but it did come off as a bit harsh. I figure that newbies are newbies for a reason, they are new to the game, and just needs some guidance. I usually just ignore most of the obvious lazy requests. Although helping to explain some things to newbies is fine with me, and I usually try to point them in the right way with my experience. Besides, most of them don't listen to what I say anyways, I got no street cred. LOL. I only go into attack mode when certain people are just plain offensive and have the "give me your strategy now for free" syndrome.



ahh walander sound quite well.....why change what happend?


No Change =) Nothing to change.




I come off harsh because there's no sense to sugar coat things, I'm not here to baby anyone nor am I here to be a saint. I'm here to be the level ground- some people are purely lazy and it just comes off as annoying at best.

VSA is rather complicated- I'm reading the book right now. I believe since I'm not trading somedays, I need to do something productive! If you would like the link to the .pdf book by Tom Williams shoot me over a PM.

My name is derived of a horrible typing mistake I didn't bother correcting. My true name should be Waylander, a gruesome old man from a fantasy book written by David Gemmel. If you read what type of character he is, you'll understand why I choose him as my online Alias.

I loved David Gemmel books,specially the Troy,yes I can understand your choice of name .

VSA is complicated because it is an art,not a science,and like all arts,its practice doesn`t lead to the same systematic results each and every time...

..With time and dedication it becomes an art worth practicing .


something i read yesterday about volume in Forex.

and you will find opnions about VSA in other markets by Wycoff fans too:

Traders Laboratory


Nice my dose of fresh whipping)

Eventually it all comes down to dedication whose second name is hard-work.

When u get to the top, u can relax then)

PS.How long have u been successful(if u care to reply)?


KISS is key. That's a fact. I believe the highest level is when no more than a candle chart itself needed to make a trade.

"If you're psychologically unfit to trade, take a break"- interesting thought; I came to realise it some time ago. Quite obvious though. True of me more than of anyone I guess) Not so easy to implement as to just know it


I've been successful ever since I realized the difference between gambling and technical trading.

I also been even more successful once I realized that every time I tried to reinvent the wheel I ended up doing more harm than any good.

I have been making money for the last 4 months consistently day after day- with very little to drawdown because I am a short-term trader.

The one thing I say is, my trading cannot be defined as someone elses as I've essentially taken pieces of very successful trading methods and adapted to my own. I hope that answers your question.

Nice my dose of fresh whipping)

Eventually it all comes down to dedication whose second name is hard-work.

When u get to the top, u can relax then)

PS.How long have u been successful(if u care to reply)?

as in every job (position) in this life (and in this world) - it hard to call someone has experience if it less than year...; 3 years of experience - you're so-cold "young specialist" (specialist after that);

p.s. i like this :

"because I’m scared to get lost”

"If you're a speculator, your job isn't making sure you make money, your job is to make sure you're dammed right"

"Learn to trade with your personality- you dress with style, you walk and talk with a certain style, your trading style should be the same"

but i don't like this:

"The Only Thread I Will Ever Create"