Coders please HELP to craete a Forex Moneymaking Monster! - page 2


one more thing...

explore ATR or ADR "autocalc" gridspace



ES i believe the system cannot be Traded by Humans only by a Robot! It would blow our minds to realize it manually.

But it is tradeble with any Currency pair as long as it swings enough.

Breakouts i either directon are automatically filtered out, because of the Emerg. Gridline and max. Gridline Borders settings.

The Profits are made as long as the market stays (swings) in the Max. Glidline Borderspace.



I am a little lost..I realize that you asked a question in my above reply....

but if a buy and sell is constanly placed and their is a retracement...what happens to the last buy up there at the high or the last low down there at where the low retraced...? this is what I mean about the side-effect of finding the highs and the lows and leaving the trades there as danglers...


P.S. How long to you think the average hold time of the grid before closure might be with this system? I know it is up to the market....but try to gander a guess?


Beside to my average english my Keyboar is giving me hard time too. Missing Keystrokes. Sorry


P.S. How long to you think the average hold time of the grid before closure might be with this system? I know it is up to the market....but try to gander a guess?

It depends on the pip distance between the Gridlines to, this feature should be adjustable. On a Gridspace of 7 Pips this should happen relativly fast, but on 50 pips it could take an hour or more.