BarByBar EA Contest - page 3

You guys are talking about sharing and giving , fine how about each one of you share his own expert that he trade on his live account or his scalper that he brag about ... oh sorry that's your edge and you can't give it away Come on guys , you know better than making traders work for you to finish your unfinished code


I don't know what you are talking about.

Just post your resultes here.

Share your best EA. You have over 1000 posts, you must be

expert from expers.

My resultes;

I startet at 5:00 am Montreal time and finished 2:30 pm Montreal time.



I'm going to tone down my condescending tone a bit since Bongo has asked in one of his numerous posting to "what is sharing"

Well Bongo- what you're not doing. Where's your mq4 for Trend Champ/Scalper?

If you want me to share unfinished work, I have about 3 folders full of crap for you- I use code snippets because you're right I don't know how to code well- but I trade manually quite well.



I don't know what you are talking about.

Just post your resultes here.

Share your best EA. You have over 1000 posts, you must be

expert from experts.

My resultes;

I startet at 5:00 am Montreal time and finished 2:30 pm Montreal time.

Sorry, my attachment.


I'm going to tone down my condescending tone a bit since Bongo has asked in one of his numerous posting to "what is sharing"

Well Bongo- what you're not doing. Where's your mq4 for Trend Champ/Scalper?

If you want me to share unfinished work, I have about 3 folders full of crap for you- I use code snippets because you're right I don't know how to code well- but I trade manually quite well.


If you trade manually quite well, post your resultes!


I don't know what you are talking about.

Share your best EA. You have over 1000 posts, you must be

Now I don't know what your talking about , why would I share my best EA here ? While you have opened the subject and not welling to share yours ?

I have shared many ideas in the past and still sharing , I am managing accounts for clients almost for free and I am helping some of those who lost their investment to recover part of their losses .... so I share what i want to share whenever I feel like it.

the whole idea of this thread is funny, you brag about your results and you ask people to share their ideas based on a few lines of codes that you have wrote, while at the same time you don't want to share with them what might be useful to them ... so basically you give nothing and you want everything

if you want to share something , make it useful

If you trade manually quite well, post your resultes!

I do, in a private forum- where I don't need to deal with .. bottom feeders.

... so basically you give nothing and you want everything if you want to share something , make it useful

Many people asked me for sharing (0-1 post, these members didn't bring nothing to this forum, they share zero). I shared many EA's and ideas too.

With this thread, I'm looking how many traders from this forum whant to participate, what to share, whant to help to each other.

I have my EA's, I have my codes for BarBy Bar EA.

New Digital, please close this thread, I'm out from this forum.

Enough is enough!




May I humbly request an EA from you personally that you have written...not a decompiled EA...not an EA that is "borrowed" ...but one you have written or had written for you? Please share it here in your thread.

I regrettfully do not have the skills to share an EA of my own as I have not grasped coding...I have plenty of help...It's just that I do not seem to have the apptitude for it...I am the kind of person that can learn new things, but I must live with them for a while and I do admit code is getting more comfortable, but you programmer dudes are just so quick-thinking, I cannot keep up.




It's quite noisy here. You seem to have a lot of enemies.

Anyway I know what you mean.

My intention is just to provide an environment for someone who wants Murrey Math.

This is a tiny game just filling up buy/sell conditions, isn't it?



I think if you don't want to share you finished EA, that is completely fine. But what is the point of posting an entry code with no condition because it is very easy to copy and paste this kind of entry logic from most EAs on this forum. We all know the conditions are what makes a EA work and profitable. So in essence, you didn't share don't act like you have given any type of edge to anyone.

If you don't want to give your edge, that is completely acceptable, of course there are tons of leeches out there looking for a free handout. They will try to challenge you to "share". Just ignore them. But don't claim like you have given your EA, and asking for others to do so...that is very hypocritical in this thread.

It would be a different story if you had actually shared the entry logic, then this thread would actually make sense...and you will have right to talk smack. Right now, you don't. Member take offense to what you are doing now, giving a ordersend logic (big deal) and acting like you've given the whole strategy. Frankly, I rather you keep your strategy and make some money with it, at least I don't have to come here to read your rant.