[REQ] typical price / projected next bar


I am not sure if one can script the historical price data or

if one can draw a fake bar on the chart, that way all indicators recognize that fake bar in their calculations.

It is easy to draw a projected bar on the chart, but the indicators will not recognize it.

It is a little more complex to write the projected bar on the hst file, but then the other indicators can recognize it.

To avoid collisions with the server's datas, I think that you should work on your own hst file with another name for the pair.

So you need to write an indicator and attach it for example on a EURUSD M5 chart.

This indic has to copy the EURUSD5.hst file to another file named for example P_EURUSD5.hst, which has to be opened "offline".

This indic replaces inside the hst file the current bar by the fake one, and when a new bar occurs, replaces the fake by the real one which is just closed and then compute the next fake.

This indic has also to send a window "message" to the offline chart P_EURUSD M5 to trigger the indicators or EA which are attached on, like if a new tick was incomming.

It migh looks difficult but it is not.

I suggest you to analyse the code of the "Period_Converter" script and "Period_Converter Opt" EA or indic to understand the structure of the hst files.

I also suggest that you write an indicator, not a script nor an EA,

because you can use IndicatorCounted() func to know if there is anything wrong with the datas (after a deconnexion for example) and then re-write the whole file.


Thanks for your comment Michel.

It sounds still a bid complicated.

I am thinking now to rewrite the indicators (CCI and Stoch) to do the job of predicting the next bar.