RAS service - page 23

I've been reading all the info on RAS, but I'm still not completely clear how that works. I subscribed to a free signal and put my info in to MT4. I've used EAs and wondering, do these autotrade or are they just signals, attach to the chart somehow?

Anyone tried this guy here? Those results are pretty sick, his statements aren't completely sequential though, so I wonder what's up with that.

How trustworthy have people found the posted stats to be?

indoforextrading (haba) | Rent a Signal

Hi Brian2MN,

I analyze quickly his signal.

For my opinion - he is having big floating drawdown up to 24K in dollars with lot multiplier = 1 (his lot size).

Besides, he is having some error with "closed trades without closing price". Means: if you see his closed trades - did you see the price for those trades to be closed? may be ... he is closing Metatrader tonight ...

Besides, his words about managed account is not acceptable in the description of the RAS ...

About RAS - you can read this thread: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179168 or this thread in elite section https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179147



I cannot log into RAS elite section. It states that I am not a elite member despite me subscribing to the elite section here.

I had use the RAS account setting to set the elite info to my username (hotspur79) and my password here but it doesn't accept me as elite member there.


Go to RAS website, login, go to My Account - Edit Account and insert here your tsd login and tsd password which you are using for elite section here.

Go to RAS website, login, go to My Account - Edit Account and insert here your tsd login and tsd password which you are using for elite section here.


I had done that already. It just state that your user does not belong to elite


I asked RAS developers to check it.

But from what I know - it should work.



Thanks for the effort.

Tried but it doesn't work

Had email the support but what it say is what you mention and I was unable to email them but as it always say mail failure


Hi hotspur79,

I received the message from them (RAS) that they fixed it. It was many days ago.

You know ...

Go to RAS support, create the ticket and I will resend it to the developers. And in this case it will be as "your direct question" and "their direct reply". Support tickets are visible for the developers and moderators and for the bosses (irrespective of who is replying).

if you can not create the ticket in support - let me know.


Or did you try?

Register on RAS website (or login if you registered before), go to My Account - Edit Account and insert your tsd username as hotspur79 and your this elite section password and click Save.

Try ...

Because they sent email to me the they fixed it.



It was resolved.

Thanks for the help rendered
