The Legend of The Gambler - page 37

Kenny Rogers:
I have to put out some bait, I'm sensing dollar strength, but this might be a bear trap...but I won't know until I'm in it. I hope to find entry with placing limit order and see if there are any pullbacks to snag my bait. We'll see.


Sell Limit Pending @ 1.6353

SL @ 1.6422

TP @ Open

Current Price: 1.6300

Current Status: Pending (NOT FILLED)


Sell Limit Pending @ 1.4005

SL @ 1.4063

TP @ Open

Current Price: 1.3959

Current Status: Pending (NOT FILLED)

Both trades were cancelled. It was never filled, and the market had moved hundreds of pips down without me. Oh well.

It was my mistake, I should have put the limit orders a little lower, this is a good reminder of how I should have approached this for next time.


Back at it again, not too much time to write, so I'll annotate.

All Pending orders.


Pending Sell @ 95.45

Stop @ 95.76


Pending Sell @ 0.7975

Stop @ 0.8001


Pending Sell @ 1.3990

Stop @ 1.4015


Pending Sell @ 1.6285

Stop @ 1.6325


Pending Buy @ 1.1583

Stop @ 1.1550

Kenny Rogers:
Back at it again, not too much time to write, so I'll annotate.

All Pending orders.


Pending Sell @ 95.45

Stop @ 95.76


Pending Sell @ 0.7975

Stop @ 0.8001


Pending Sell @ 1.3990

Stop @ 1.4015


Pending Sell @ 1.6285

Stop @ 1.6325


Pending Buy @ 1.1583

Stop @ 1.1550

EURUSD, GBPUSD, and AUDUSD all got triggered on the pullback. The USDJPY and USDCAD are both pending still.


Add USDJPY to the list of the triggered.

USDCAD has touched my trigger price twice (it went down to 1.1583), and was unfilled by the broker. Kind of chaps my hide. It wouldn't kill them to fill my order.

Kenny Rogers:
Back at it again, not too much time to write, so I'll annotate.

All Pending orders.


Pending Sell @ 95.45

Stop @ 95.76


Pending Sell @ 0.7975

Stop @ 0.8001


Pending Sell @ 1.3990

Stop @ 1.4015


Pending Sell @ 1.6285

Stop @ 1.6325


Pending Buy @ 1.1583

Stop @ 1.1550

I'm heading to bed, I've been unable to sleep properly lately. I closed out all of the trades, maybe it'll help me sleep better...but I'll probably regret it in the morning as I do feel the dollar strength. Oh wells.


Sell @ 95.45

Out @ 95.34

Final P/L @ $11.54 (including spread)


Sell @ 0.7975

Out @ 0.7970

Final P/L @ $5.00 (including spread)


Sell @ 1.3990

Out @ 1.3956

Final P/L @ $34.00 (including spread)


Sell @ 1.6285

Out @ 1.6224

Final P/L @ $ 61.00 (including spread)


Pending Buy @ 1.1583


Kenny Rogers:
Both trades were cancelled. It was never filled, and the market had moved hundreds of pips down without me. Oh well. It was my mistake, I should have put the limit orders a little lower, this is a good reminder of how I should have approached this for next time.

Hy Kenny,

I have learned the following from Chick Goslin ( the author of the book: Intelligent Future Trading)

When you work with limit orders ( to get the feeling of having a cheap entry) then you will always have the losing trades but you will miss out regularly on winning trades.

Because if price start to move against the direction that you would like to go it will always take out your limit order before it turns into a losing trade.

But you will now and then look to moves that you completaly miss out on.

So if you look to that scenario 100 x times you will not benefit from the now and then having that cheaper entry on a trade that then goes in the right direction.

Your hitrate is most certainly not benefitting from it and on the long term your avg. win/loss ratio is also not benefitting from it.

Only my 2 cents. But i have a system that works only with limit orders but that system is sitting always in the market ( so that is diferent)

Friendly regards...iGoR


Thank you, Igor.

I completely understand what you just wrote, and actually, that is also my core belief. My primary mode of entry is to enter at market. However, when I'm already late to the party, I don't feel like chasing the price, so I have to settle with limit orders on pullbacks. It gives me a much better RR ratio even if I never get filled.

Give me a few more weeks to settle in, I will start to place trades how I really want to do it. That is to enter at market, place a SL and TP, then I won't touch the trades until the next day adjustments. The true long term trading that I'm trying to achieve. I haven't researched enough about the TP/SL ratio I need for each pair...this is the reason why you see a lot of profit taking early right now from my trading. I don't like it, it's not my ultimate goal of the strategy.


Even though, my previous few trades are profitable, they have been undisciplined. I have not completely formulated my trading plan for each pair, and this is the only reason why my trading is not acceptable to my own standards.

I need to become much more disciplined trader because trading is like fishing. The big fish is out there, but only the patient and professional fishermans are going to catch it because they put out the right bait, have the patience to wait for it, know what and where to fish, and most importantly...they had the right game plan from the start based on previous experience. Luck helps too, but it is not a major part of their success.

I've been pulling in small fry, but it only takes 1 reversal to wipe out all of my gains so far. I need to catch for the big fish.


Couldn't sleep yesterday from the jet lag, so I put on 2 trades on the EURUSD.

Both are closed now. One was for +39 pips, and the other was for -15 pips.

The loser trade was actually positive for +50 pips, but I let it run to a loss of -15 pips. I'm not upset about it, it is exactly how I should be trading...letting the winners run. Sure it was painful to see it reverse when all of my instincts told me to lock in the profit as the profit kept dropping. But by not doing this, in the future, I will be able to lock in that 200 pip trend when it does have legs.


Waiting for a pullback. Tricky trade here, not too confident, but it's putting fishing line out there.


Sell Limit Pending @ 93.70

SL @ 93.99

TP @ 92.85

Current Price: 93.50

Current Status: Pending (NOT FILLED)