The Legend of The Gambler - page 31


I'm sitting on huge drawdowns across the board on all of my accounts.

On my main account, I'm sitting here looking at a -$10K drawdown at the moment.

On my tortoise account, ugly drawdown of around $-2K.

On another account, I lost -$2K and those are already closed.

This is NOT how I wanted to spend the last day of the week. And it is almost end of month too.


O.o 10k?

Isnt that around 50% for you?

Kenny Rogers:
I'm sitting on huge drawdowns across the board on all of my accounts.

On my main account, I'm sitting here looking at a -$10K drawdown at the moment.

On my tortoise account, ugly drawdown of around $-2K.

On another account, I lost -$2K and those are already closed.

This is NOT how I wanted to spend the last day of the week. And it is almost end of month too.

^ Not quite. I should clarify, it is an open drawdown from my current balance. I'm still not very happy about this open drawdown. If I haven't closed this drawdown, then there is still room to recover. But if I close it, then that's not coming back.

I really need to dig myself out, I need EJ and UJ to head down by a lot. I'm hoping gap down on both at start of next week. Although the problem is compounded by the fact that I need EU to head up, entered buy position on the near 50% retrace from the previous bullish breakout.


That situation is quite sticky considering the high correlation (at least the way I trade), with the EU, UJ, and EJ..

You may be lucky if the Eurozone plans to follow suit with the states and start printing Euro's- but the banks of been "suggesting" that they will not.

If you're in luck- the move should be as much as the FOMC.


Well, hopefully, everything works itself out.

As the tax man is cometh, I will not be manual trading from April 1 to April 10, 2009. I will be paying The Man (or The Man will pay me? LOL)...either way, I will fly across the Pond and take a look around. Flights are very cheap right now, it cost me ~$600 dollars to fly to London (I refuse to fly business, haha, I'm a tight wad like that, I figure I can spend that money saved on lots of chocolate and sweets to bring back)...that's cost me more to fly to Hawaii last Christmas (I reside in Western US). The bad economy does have its benefits for those that are traveling. Maybe I should take advantage and start scheduling more vacations and trips. I noticed the nearest National Park lodging has been sending me packages and deals to stay there in the coming months...I couldn't get a fricken room a few years ago...and when I did, it costed me 2x or more per night.

So most likely, I'll see yall much more actively later in April. I'll still bring my laptop, so I can post and trade in necessary. That's the pain with trading, even when I'm on mind is on the market.


Enjoy your vacations!

Hey, Jbfx

Take a breath of the market... and enjoy your vacations! I know that is is difficult to us not to be with our minds in the market, but it is healthy to take a few days away (not only in trading ). You will see that your refreshed mind will work better after the vacations.

Well, it is up to you, but I wanted to give you some of my own experience in that scenes.

Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy...


La Totona


^ For you and I both, it would be a wonderful present if current drawdown on the weekly system signal has resolved itself. That would make me a very happy man. Of course, I will let your system run while I'm away, and check it from time to time.


If EJ head down to 128.00, I will be estatic. I'm targeting that area to get out.

Kenny Rogers:
I was going incognito with my Lucky Ducky handle. LOL.

I guess they finally updated the last day of March trading results, (contest end on the 25th of every month).

I think this has been one of my better % returning months. I do not forsee this repeating because I'm hesitant to scale up my bet size as the account size increases, instead I will try to lower my risk and build the account in a steady manner.

Kenny Rogers:
Anyone like Billy Joel and Elton John?

You gotta be mid to late 50's.... right?