The Legend of The Gambler - page 28


^ Hello Mr. Turtle,

Yes, that is the beauty of math. I believe in statistics. And I believe the US Fed announcement was a main problem because the system put on breakout straddles, and one side was going to get killed when the news got out. So it is really a random event that caused the drawdown. However, straddles are not my favorite at the moment, LOL. I see the last 2 position is fully hedged at the moment. Not exactly sure how we are going to get out of that. Overall, this week could have ended much worse if Mr. Turtle did react properly to the news, but he did an admirable job of hedging the runaway positions and kept the ship afloat in this terrible storm. It says to me that this guy is a trader and understands how to trade when things are not going right...which a lot of other people might freeze and blow up in the same stressful conditions. Yes, it is a setback, but I'm hoping it will recover.

My manual trading is going well. I added another $800+ to the ship last night, I was harpooning for whales and got lucky. And all of my manual trades are closed at the moment.

The ship looks stablized, so I'm done manual trading this week. And boy, what a week. Some crazier action that I've seen in a long time.

Here is the summary

My equity ended at $12.9K (including the open drawdown). It ended last week at $10.6K. That's another +21% increase for this week.


I'll update this post for this week. Here are the results so far.

On my manual trades this week (Tortoise Account, Mini, 200:1)

#) lots x pips = total pips

1) 4 x 8 = 32

2) 3 x 91 = 273

3) 3 x 11 = 33

4) 3 x 43 = 129

5) 3 x -3 = -9

6) 4 x 15 = 60

7) 4 x 22 = 88

8) 4 x 12 = 48

9) 4 x 20 = 80

10) 4 x 12 = 48

11) 4 x 63 = 252

12) 5 x 2 = 10

13) 4 x -20 = -80

14) 5 x 19 = 95

----------------Back to keep ship afloat 03/19/2009

15) 6 x 40 = 240

16) 6 x -11 = -66

17) 6 x 10 = 60

18) 6 x -1 = -6

19) 8 x 81 = 648

20) 8 x -6 = -48

Total: 1886 pips

I usually don't count my total pips until it is the end of the week because I know that if there is a bad trade, it would easily cost me a thousand dollars because of the way I trade. But it is a good start to the week, and gives me a lot of flexibility to push harder on my trades for this week. Maybe go even larger bet size, or add more trades/pairs.

I don't have my laptop today, so I won't be able to set my fishing trades until tonight, and that's going to be slow things down a bit.



I'm actually ranked 70's in the IBFX contest for my Tortoise account. Most of the time, I don't even show up because this is suppose to be a conservative account. But since I've been trading it manually, it is making progress a lot faster. I'm one Lucky Ducky.

Edit: I guess they are a little behind in their contest update, the results only reflects the 1st week of March. But I wish they would give out golf balls for the the Top 100 people, I could use some. I hope to reach Top 20 for this month. This account is not really designed for contest only, or else I would have started with a small stake and just completely gun it with large bet size and high risk leverage, very easy to reach high return, but also high risk of blow up. With small account, no problem, but with my regular trading account, I'm in it for the long run.



Kenny Rogers:
^ Hello Mr. Turtle,

Yes, that is the beauty of math. I believe in statistics. And I believe the US Fed announcement was a main problem because the system put on breakout straddles, and one side was going to get killed when the news got out. So it is really a random event that caused the drawdown. However, straddles are not my favorite at the moment, LOL. I see the last 2 position is fully hedged at the moment. Not exactly sure how we are going to get out of that. Overall, this week could have ended much worse if Mr. Turtle did react properly to the news, but he did an admirable job of hedging the runaway positions and kept the ship afloat in this terrible storm. It says to me that this guy is a trader and understands how to trade when things are not going right...which a lot of other people might freeze and blow up in the same stressful conditions. Yes, it is a setback, but I'm hoping it will recover.

My manual trading is going well. I added another $800+ to the ship last night, I was harpooning for whales and got lucky. And all of my manual trades are closed at the moment.

The ship looks stablized, so I'm done manual trading this week. And boy, what a week. Some crazier action that I've seen in a long time.

Here is the summary

My equity ended at $12.9K (including the open drawdown). It ended last week at $10.6K. That's another +21% increase for this week.

Thanks for you words, jbfx. I am very happy with the performance of the signals in this week. The positions were open and managed in the middle of FOMC (a crazy market), and finally I have an overall profit in the week of around $ 200 (with position positive and negative position in the middle of the news). If you took all the signals, you have to be in profit too.

Thanks for your confidence.

But better than words, I think that the best way to thank you is keeping profitable like the last weeks


La Totona


I took all of the trades from your signal as I trust you, I'm not going to lie, I got worried a little bit when the Fed made their annoucement and some trades got caught on the wrong side, but we made it through this hectic week...GREEN! Yay for us! LOL.

I would buy you a drink if you were closer to me because hell, I need a couple myself. What a roller coaster week.



All the best wishes from me, too.

Lets make some good old dough next week!


New Week.

Selling EURJPY at 130.60, TP 129.97.

All the best wishes from me, too. Lets make some good old dough next week!

Same to you.

I won't be trading the first week of April because of other obligations and travel, so I want this week to end well. I don't want to have open trades if possible.

Kenny Rogers:
New Week. Selling EURJPY at 130.60, TP 129.97.

Terrible Entry. Down about 100 pips. Going to average down and see if I can get out of this position.

And I shouldn't even be trading today, Toxic Tim is going to be talking tomorrow morning about his TALF plan. It's going to be another wild ride, I can feel it in my bones. Damn it. US needs to stop this bailout BS, let some of these companies fall and some trying prop them up. It is not going to work.


^ All I can say is that I'm getting my arse handed to me by the EURJPY. Not much of a retrace to even exit. And my average downs are instantly underwater for much of the game. I'm stuck pretty good.