Do you have an EA that can make 30% a year? Post it here.


Hello again Folks,

Do you want to improve your EA and hold back the DD?

Do you have an EA that makes 30% a year?

If so... I want to test it and see if I can improve it. I am not a coder but I can forward test...and if your EA interests me...I can really ...really forward test it hard! and post incessantly about it....hehe



EURGBP King has given positive results. I have attached my forward test and settings file for Alpari UK server time.



First of all. Thank you for taking this thread seriously.

Do you have any hint about an IBFX mini account and what to expect with this system (It's OK if you do not)? Will I need to change your setfile for time or lotsize? Is this H1? To get the 30% how much initial capital is required with these settings?





Comment1=EURGBP King Original Trade



















Comment2=EURGBP King Additional Trade

















Comment3=EURGBP King Hedge Trade


















EURGBP King has given positive results. I have attached my forward test and settings file for Alpari UK server time.

I am against EA's and I have explained already severall times the reasons for that.

But ES if I can make some comments and a sujestion:

First you start some competion with a rule that I never understood.

a maximmum intraday drawdown of 12% from an Aal time high on the equity curve ?!...

For all the same that EA started from 10K$ made a 15% drawdown on its initial balance (1500$) but ended the year with 200% profit (20K$)

What is wrong with that ?...on the contrary that is a R/R ratio of 6.6!!

Now you do the compleet opposite and you ask for an EA that makes 30% in a year but for all the same it makes somewhere a long the line a draw down of 50%.

I sujest that you maybe start again some sort of a competion (or whatever kind of a testing period) where you have 2 rules but realisticrules.

1st rule: the EA can not loos more then 30% of its initial capital.

If one starts to trade and is not prepared to loos 30% of his initial capital then one should better leave his money in the bank on a saving account.

But that rule stays during the whole period of the test. Meaning that some EA's work with a compounding element. Then the draw downs can be bigger on the capital that one has on that partical moment. On that moment you need to calculate what the drawdown would be without the compounding strategy on again that draw down can not be bigger then a loss of 30% of the initial balance. The reason for this is that the the point or moment that an EA starts to trade is an arbitrairy discission. Witch means that what ever kind of moment that one would have started with the trading or test the drawdown can not be bigger then 30% of the starting capital or as I said a R/R raio higher then 2 ex. making 50% and a MaxDD of 10% on intial capital

2nd rule: the R/R ratio should be at the end of the testing period at least 2 or higher.

Meaning that your total profit should be at least 2 x times higher then the biggest draw down that you had. ex. the system makes 2000pips or higher and the MaxDD was 1000pips or lower.

Some people will think that a R/R ratio of 2 is way to low. But I can asure you that if you go to a conservative investor with realy BIG capital and you can show 100% proof that he can make a yearly 15% profit for him with a maximum risk on his capital of only 7.5%, he wil ask you: where do I need to sign the papers. ( it does not ned to be 15 and 7.5 because we all know that you can adjust your levergae in such a way that it can be 30% profit and 15% drawdown)

Problem here on this forum is that people dream of making 100% per month. On a yearly base this comes to 1000% but that means also that your biggest drawdown is 500%. Meaning that you can burn your initial capital 5 x times.

With these 2 rules you judge a system or an EA in a 100% professional way. This is the ONLY way how professionals judge a system

All other judgements are based on your personal expectations and have nothing to do with REAL trading or REAL expectations and what a normall system will produce in reward and in risk on your initial capital.

friendly regards...iGoR



I respectfully pass. But I would read YOUR Challenge thread in a heartbeat.




We now have a signal service here in Forex-tsd for those of you with winning EA's that do not want to share their code in the public domain.

but....for the rest of us..

There is this thread where we might spend some time to test out some EA's and improve them. But they must yield 30% to begin with...then the work begins to improve their drawdown.

There is a method to my madness and I in no way disagree with iGoR. I share with many a great respect for his posts. I do not think it is necessary to defend the ElectricSavant Challenge™ or the premise in this thread as none of us would gain anything from that, other than agreeing to disagree. I know what I know and I am a professional (I have traded a million dollar account have you? I have traded for two HedgeFunds have you?). I am not in denial and so much want to approach a winning EA from all angles. No one could beat the ElectricSavant Challenge™, thus I will go about this a different way. I am just a trader looking for clues at the scene of the crime with my own money. I no longer trade OPM.

Just now I am not profitable, but I have tasted periods in my life when I was...overall Trading has been a losing proposition for me and I would like to be profitable once again before I quit. You know how some people say, "Alway's leave them laughing" ☺

I await an answer from xux99



If we can improve your EA...all I ask in return, is that you sell it in Rent a signal and allow me to subscribe at no cost. but I would have to improve your EA to a point where you would offer me that discount...I would not expect anything, but if you were happy and I were able to test and test and test....change and change and change...right here publically...and you agreed and were happy maybe I would get lucky and you would share at Rent a signal...

I do not need your code....I only need your EA and setfile and some forward test reports...I am not a big fan of backtest OK? AS LONG AS YOU AGREE TO OFFER THE PRODUCT AT RENT A SIGNAL IF WE IMPROVE IT OK? DEAL? AND MAYBE YOU MIGHT LET ME SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR SIGNAL FOR FREE...



I have attached the settings for an IBFX mini account with nano lots (0.01$ per pip) and $1000 trading capital. IBFX server time is GMT without daylight saving time change. The timeframe is M5.



Can you post the exact EA that you are using here in this thread. I do not want you to spoonfeed me or anything like that...its just that I remember there was some confusion over at the other thread with the EA versions...(I tested this b4, but I am going to give it another try with your setfile)

Thanks in advance



I know what I know and I am a professional (I have traded a million dollar account have you? I have traded for two HedgeFunds have you?). ................



In the past I have given more then often proof here on this forum and in my trading room that I manage a 1.2Milj fund true a mananged account.

So the answer to your question is yes.

If you would have managed a fund in a serious way you would know that 30%over a year doesn't mean a thing.

For all the same someone says he made 20% profit on a 10:1 lev. account an other person says he made 30% on a 200:1lev account. Witch one makes made the most profit ?...The one on the 10:1lev account made 20x times!! more pips.

As said in my previous post, one can make 30% profit but had a 50% MaxDD. An other makes "only" 20% profit but had a MaxDD of only 5%. Witch one is more profitable?...By far the last one...


But forget my sujestions and posting.

To put it with a saying that we have in my country:

Whats the use of glasses and a stick if the blind man does not want to see...


PS. You say you want to HELP people to IMPROVE their EA but you also say you don't want or don't need the code.

How are you going to help them to improve the EA if you don't know the rules and mecanics of a system . By saying the results are not to my satisfaction or the results are very nice ?....that is not much of a help isn't it.

I don't think that the author of an EA is waiting for this kind of help because he can do that on his own. He can see for himself if the results are good or bad without anyone else confirming this. And this way does not need to GIVE anyhting away FO FREE where normally someone should be compensated for his work.

You make it sound that it is a lot of work to run an EA and that you should have some compensation for that....

You give me an idea... I need a new TV. I gonna go to the shop and ask the salesman if I can take a TV with me without paying. I tell him I gonna look to it for a couple of months and if it works properly I gonna ask him a serious compensation or reduction because I helped him testing his TV.



Your absolutly right...forget it xux....forget it Rent a Signal..Forget it Forex-tsd...

Institutional and accredited investors will not tolerate more than 15 % DD by the way....But there is no telling iGoR...

I will have this thread closed....Thank iGoR.