Basket Trading System (T101 system) - page 24


You have to receive the Nobel Price of the Trader's World

Look Trader 101, we should give you the Nobel Price of the Trader's World, even maybe a page in wikipedia !

Thanks a lot for sharing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now thats not entirely true is it, Julius? Did you think I wouldn't find out?

You liked that explanation so much you put that file in your very first post in the original thread so everyone could read it. It is written in standard English and easy for even non-native speakers to understand - unlike the way you write, which is full of circumlocution, unecessary negatives, bad grammar, ambiguous language and a punctuation style so minimal it is barely there. Then, when I wanted the same information for the IBFX pairs, you had a massive hissy fit just because I asked straight out rather than hung on your every word for the next month like I hadn''t a life - and you removed the file.

You would rather answer the same question 1000 times from new followers than answer it once and for all for a FAQ. This says a lot about your agenda. Security through obscurity, Julius..? You are more interested in building a power-base of enthralled hangers-on, than teaching. You can't have that if your method is clearly explained.

And this is pretty much the way you abused everyone who helped you. Then you took yourself and your dwindling band of followers to a thread called 'signals for simpletons' or something, and promised to give out the missing info via MSN only to the select few who met with your approval (sucked up to you enough and called you 'Master'). Well I wish them luck with that! Last time I saw you didn't even know how to add them to your contacts, and here you are again for round two.

Well not at my expense you aren't.

'trying to put into words' indeed! You are the one who tried it. I am the one who did it. You liked what I did, and to attempt to suggest now that you didn't, shows your usual level of charm, veracity and gratitude.

These are your own words, Julius, translated into plain English and heartily endorsed by yourself. Before you bother trying to deny it, or closing the thread in a huff - might I remind you I still have the message you sent me about this docurnent? I'm sure the curious will be PMing me for a screenshot, if you continue to leave them in any doubt.

An apology wouldn't go amiss.

Ya, you are really a such frustrate person for such post to somebody who gave you something free !!!


These are my operations today. Rules of an input can be understood from the files.

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Hello again 4051,

IYes there are a lot of ways to profit in this method.

1) The jumping pairs techniques --Tandem Trading Method

2) The 14 pairs straight trading ---Basket Trading Method

3) Groups of USD, JPY & Middle ---Group Trading Method

All of this is currently availabe and are being used by a plenty lot. Page 1 mentioned about jumping pairs a lot since this is the first method that i perfected in the years. The rest just follow as my study evolve. All of this techniques were available even at the start when i introduce the sytem.

4) All mentioned here are Part 1 of this method. This method still continues to the Part 2 - The Optimization of profit and Part 3 - Targetting 15,000 pips a week.


Hi Julius,

I see that many threads are discussing about the jumping pairs and the basket trading and reading them all had help me understand this system, however I have not been able to find the actual method of group trading.

Could you be kind enough to direct me to the thread that discuss this?


Look Trader 101, we should give you the Nobel Price of the Trader's World, even maybe a page in wikipedia ! Thanks a lot for sharing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well some kind of price is for sure in order for this revolutionary way of looking/trading the Forex market...


Hi all,

one question: when we use IA method, does swap rate influence on the pairs' position?



hello everybody..just my silly thought..what if we continue to close on all the 'profit pair' only daily or weekly let it be sell or buy that leads the profit for that moment..& replace/reopen new position on that particular pair that we close immediately..what will our account figure be? will it reestablish back the equilibrium as per opening figure? If it did..we might just use one account & that will be our actual real account..but the setup will be just as per the IA..any idea?

hello everybody..just my silly thought..what if we continue to close on all the 'profit pair' only daily or weekly let it be sell or buy that leads the profit for that moment..& replace/reopen new position on that particular pair that we close immediately..what will our account figure be? will it reestablish back the equilibrium as per opening figure? If it did..we might just use one account & that will be our actual real account..but the setup will be just as per the IA..any idea?

Only way to know is to try it yourself. Goodluck

Hi Julius,

I see that many threads are discussing about the jumping pairs and the basket trading and reading them all had help me understand this system, however I have not been able to find the actual method of group trading.

Could you be kind enough to direct me to the thread that discuss this?


sorry for the late reply..

No. Group trading is not discussed in any forum. Only among my understudies.


Look Trader 101, we should give you the Nobel Price of the Trader's World, even maybe a page in wikipedia ! Thanks a lot for sharing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence. It is something.