PlaySound Not Working


PlaySound does not work on my system when it appear in any code that I write or that I have downloaded. Could it have something to do with the fact that I cannot find the terminal_dir\sounds directory?


Play sound

PlaySound does not work on my system when it appear in any code that I write or that I have downloaded. Could it have something to do with the fact that I cannot find the terminal_dir\sounds directory?

Have you enabled the events tab? Go to the top of the chart click on Tools/Options/Events and tick the enable box. This will turn on most of the sound functions you may also have to double click specific Events in the list to turn them ON a cross means the event is tuned OFF.



if you can't find the mt4_dir\sounds, so you can create directory by manual and then copy .wave to mt4_dir\sounds

and use PlaySound("test.wav") for test.


Play Sound not working

Have you enabled the events tab? Go to the top of the chart click on Tools/Options/Events and tick the enable box. This will turn on most of the sound functions you may also have to double click specific Events in the list to turn them ON a cross means the event is tuned OFF. cja

Yes, I enabled the waves as you suggested, but no sound. I know sound hardware, etc is working because when I log on to my MT4 broker platform, I hear the connect tones and mail alerts, etc. This is a strange problem which is frustrating me. Another suggestion I received recommended that I manually create the terminal_dir\sounds directory, but I don't know what the full path should be.