E&A Standard Trading System - page 43


nevermind VX

I am working with your system and is doing wanders. the only diference is that I am using my occilator to avoid flat market.

thx for your help anyway VX


results again

lol lol lol

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Hello All,

You need to check out the JurikVolty indicator. This is an elite indicator so I can not post it here,but if you have a membership it can be found here. I highly recommend it

jurik.gif  27 kb

How do you read the Jurik Volty? Is it a cross above the dashed line is long and vice versa?



I use the JurikVolty as a filter for entering the market. When the blue line is above the red line, it means that there is high volatility over the calculated period.



Values for Vasily Pip Sniper

The default values are 21 and 144.

There is always the tradeoff of making an indicator more sensitive and timely and the often side-affect of more false signals.

I attach a chart using 5 and 70 (see red vertical lines based on window 2) and the result is an earlier crossover (with a few false signals) (compare to blue vertical lines based on window 3).

Has anyone found other numbers which are useful?

Was there any particular rational for 21 and 144 ?


Hola amigo..!!

EDIT: Do you use pivot level?

Do you know why I ask you this question?

First of all, I will show you some example of false signals.

They are related to Pivot, S&R logic big time !

This is E/J M5 chart..

1.See point 1, there was a buy signal..but I would not buy..why not?

2.It's simply because it was at resistance level. (Point 2)

hey VX. Can you show me the entries in this picture using your system? thx
I am working with your system and is doing wanders. the only diference is that I am using my occilator to avoid flat market. thx for your help anyway VX
ej_r2.jpg  63 kb

Another example amigo..

Here is another example..

See how the price bounced when it reached support level (Resistance became support this time)

ej_r1.jpg  65 kb
ej_r1_fs.jpg  64 kb

Good signal example..A lucky 10+ pips..

Otherwise, it will produce a good signal..

(USD/JPY) Caught one signal just because you asked me to show some example..LOL..Actually I dont have the intention to trade today..

Ok, dont worry about commision..I will buy you a drink if I visit colombia someday..LMAO..

uj_cgo.jpg  69 kb
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As I stated in previous post, this setup is still in beta testing.

I know that SilverTrend repaints horribly, so I may look for alternative way to replace SilverTrend.

Unfortunately, I will be quite busy this month. So, Im sorry in case Im not able to reply in this thread..

I will continue research when I have the time..cheers..



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