E&A Standard Trading System - page 42


Need help.. Lets make a NEW Indi!

Ok I have been testing things out.. and I agree and like the filter idea,

ie using silvertrend ea and silvertrend ea mtf is what I am using so

5 min and 15 min tf on the 5 min chart. Then the HA filter you

supplied works.. I am also using the one attached for my testing.

I also like adding the fxfish. That really adds a great confirmation

for these moves. When you have them all line up and agree

its a super high probability level and also lots of trades each day

especially if you watch a few pairs.

How about someone make an alert so we can watch several pairs

at once. Sound alert with pop up, Perfect Match alert or something

like that on x pair. So when the silvertrendea, silvertrendea mtf

and HA you supplied, and if you like it too the SM RSI I supplied

here, and the Fish all say the same thing on the same bar we

get our alert. So I can have several pairs up and get alerts

when to concentrate on a pair when all the filters line up

at the same time.

I think we could net a ton of pips per day. With testing, I

stay in the trade until the silvertrend ea 5 Min tf changes

color. That is the one that alerts me to get out.

I understand if people dont want to use the SM RSI

because I do not have the mq4 to supply, but it

does work well in the concept with the others.

Could someone put together this alert so we can make

a real test of it this week?



I have have added a small update that allows the VPS to be a little more versatile.



V-X569, I like the look of your settings, especially backtesting. But I'm concerned about the repainting issues you mention. Is this only on the 15min silvertrend (for obvious reasons of it being on a 5 minute chart). I also wonder if you can add in an option for countbars on the MTF version. Unless your gonna tell me that backtesting the MTF is useless due to the repainting issues.

Great thread everyone!!




I was wondering when this question would come up. After 400 and some odd posts, you are the only one astute enough to ask what E&A stands for . E&A stands for Evan and Andrew. Evan is a guy that I collaborate with on trading Forex, and Andrew is, of course, me. Thank you for the kind words and all of the contributions that you have made to this thread.



I think most of us just assumed it meant EA, but with a typo.


hi again

I thought that E&A meant "Expert advisor" too

Evan is focusing in a way to detect volatile enough markets to enter in.

with all the indicators already in this forum, whe can pick pretty good entrys but you guys have to think that in flat markets, no matter the system, it is tooo random to enter. hard target and hard stoploss will not work when market becomes too cheap and too scrooge. so you have to change the expectative about target and stoploss too.

mi idea is working pretty good using my indicator but there is thousand of indicator outside that can do the job too (may be better).

also I spend some time on weekends thinking in a way to code all this ideas in a EA, but mt4 has its limitation when you try to use icustom function with a diferent timeframe that you are using in the backtester. so even when you code a EA, you guys cant backtest it. then this EA beacomes like a religion. "you have to believe in it" lol.

here goes some preliminary results since using my indicator too.

VX. I tryed to use only ur silvertrend and Ha indicators for the entry and it gives some false signals if I dont use DREWs. DREWs arrows gives more filtering, and is the way I taking. i am using Silver, HA , my occilator , and DREWS arrows. But seems you are getting good results without DREWs arrows.

I have have added a small update that allows the VPS to be a little more versatile. -DREWP

when I compile this I get lots of errors and no ex4 output. Can someone help?

Thanks for the Indi revision Drew, I would love to use this!



Still testing.


Evan is focusing in a way to detect volatile enough markets to enter in.

Did you mean Andrew? Evan is Andrew's trading partner. I wonder where is Evan..Only Andrew has been with us in this thread. Well, I guess Evan is kind of shy. LOL.

VX. I tryed to use only ur silvertrend and Ha indicators for the entry and it gives some false signals if I dont use DREWs. DREWs arrows gives more filtering, and is the way I taking. i am using Silver, HA , my occilator , and DREWS arrows. But seems you are getting good results without DREWs arrows.

Hmmm..I have no idea but what I can say,

maybe it's because we have different targets and stops..

I take only 10 pips. Remember, I only enter when there is a form of newtrend..While, uptrend, I'll wait for sell signal, while downtrend, I'll wait for buy signal..

I don't make an entry everytime there is a signal..It doesn't work that way buddy because it's not holygrail..LOL

Another weird thing, golden1 said the HA & SilverTrend setup does work for him. Why does everybody get different results? I am confuse as well.

Im still testing the setup but unfortunately, I will be quite busy this month so I dont have much time for further testing as time being. It's too early to talk about result. I do believe everyone using E&A system has their own method, you can always tune until you find what's the best for you. Good luck.

EDIT: Do you use pivot level?


thx VX

mmmm. 10 pips profit??? . that should be my problem. I am going to try that

thx vx


can you show me

hey VX. Can you show me the entries in this picture using your system?


entries.gif  24 kb