Your age - page 3


most active age group is 25-35. wonder why's that so? may be because it's just the post graduate years that make people of that age become traders?


Possibly. Although I only went to college for 6 months and my major was Network Telecommunications, which has nothing to do with forex. I really don't think there is a certain age group that is better than another. You get what you put into it. Ask my gf, she's been at my place many times and got mad for being ignored while I was reading books or trying trading systems (for 5 hours straight). She's been very supportive about what I do, and now that it's paying off........I spoil her.


I totally agree. You get out of it what you put in.


my skype id

My skype id is: fxyoungster

Anyone who owns skype account is welcome to add me in her/his contact list. Honour to talk with any of the forummates by skype


41 years 7 months 12 days 22 hours and 50 minutes ...



Great response Ferru


I think forum administration should encourage everyone to participate in this poll


Just turned 25 years old. Cant wait until tomorrow. I get better looking everyday...


Myage = Timecurrent() - 94672800


Same year as Super Bowl VI or Super Mario