Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 93


Those markers are FractalsMD_V1 by Igorad. I only use them as guide. You can find them in Advanced Elite. Remember that you will need to find the frequency with the highest amplitude first before you can use the sine wave indicator properly. Keep in mind that sine waves rarely occur in financial time series. Another problem is that the sine wave on its own does not take into consideration the presence of multiple cycles and harmonics. By all means use it to get a feel for the swing lengths but it might not be enough.

These are great tools for analysis but they might be less useful for day to day trading unless you only trade very long time frames. I would also recommend that you also spend some time looking into adaptive indicators.


Please correct me if I'm mistaken here. I believe that finding the wave length (frequency) with the highest wave height (amplitude) is merely part of determining whether the currency pair (instrument) is "in phase" or "out of phase" (constructive interference and reinforcement versus destructive interference and annulment, respectively). This should be readily apparent in SineWiveInd_v1--the indicator code uses arrays to differentiate between different phases, and then prints the indicator lines (IndexBuffers) accordingly. This is why I prefer this indicator over Sinewave, the indicator I used previously.

For example, contrast the screenshot I posted earlier to the screenshot below. On the earlier screenshot, price is in phase (or tending to range). On the screenshot below, price is out of phase (or tending to trend).

One of the things I like most about MT4 is the amount of free custom indicators available online. However, before using any unique custom indicator, a trader should thoroughly review and research its code. Knowledge of statistical theory alone is not enough.


Hi Rjo, I was over generalizing about sine waves in my last post without taking into account the specific characteristics of this particular sine wave indicator. I will be honest, I don't find that particular indicator so useful for the type of trading I do. We all have our personal preferences and as long as it results in profitable trades, that is all that matters. My focus at the moment is on adaptive indicators which change their length according to the underlying frequency so in my case, frequency is very important.

kind regards,



No worries, Alex. This is a "Cycle Extraction" thread after all.

With that in mind, I'm uploading a Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator. This is not my work, but multiplier affects calculation of the main line, and signal_multiplier affects calcuation of the signal line. The code is very concise, and the crosses appear useful. I have not traded it.



Hi my dear friends,

First of all let me to thank all people who work in this thread and two threads which is counterpart of this thread, Digital filters and samba conman. People like Simba, Mr. pip, Mladan, NewDigital, Minime, M.r Tools, Crodzilla, hughesfleming and many others friends , or friends who criticize about cycles, like Pava..We always need criticism for building better life… All old and new friends in these threads, who gave us enlistments with their great works ... Thank you all!

Then let me say something honestly about myself at first! It's about 4 years of Forex without any success in making money! Like many of you, I studied hard, thousands of papers, test many methods but … At least, as a legendry Edison said we can just say, "We Now Know 1,000 Ways Not to Invent a Light Bulb"! But where is the real answer?! In last two years I ignore other things and just work on cycles… I honestly confess that I don’t have any special knowledge; I always learn from many friends in this forum and this topic...Really thank all of you...

Enough talk about introduction, let us talk about cycles. My friends excuse me about this, IMO; I think most of us misuse the indicators like furrier, Goertzel and so on. I do not ignore its good characteristics but IMO for finding the future we need more than this! We need something special from the chart. A friend in this topic, whose name is Fadi, works about cycles and post some of his great post in this topic. It is about a year ago in which I saw his posts and after that I worked in naked chart. Read and examines his chart just for learning not for copying but unfortunately never find the success like him although learn many things...

IMO, for solving an issue we first should know what the problem in our ways is. "What is a cycle?" maybe the main issue is this simple question! Do we define cycles in correct ways? What do you thinks my friends; let's talk about it in future. Dear Fadi said many of traders do not know what they look for and at least about myself I think he was right...

As you know, one of the biggest problems we encounter about cycles is thatmany of top and bottoms that we see in the chart are not cyclic tops! With great respect to Master Husrt, Millard, Grafton and other forerunner of cycles, these are summation point and it is not correct to find some top or bottoms and project them into futures, if you play with furrier toy you very soon find what I mean. I do not say this method is not good, because with its simplicity it is very useful and maybe the best answer that exist out there, but I just said it is not the ultimate answer and we need our new theory!

The calculation of cycles! This is the other problem. Fadi talked about it many times it his post here or in indo-investasi. But we give this point little attention. I search about cycle calculation to find and share with you for finding good results but every thing which I found in Internet was irrelevant pages about Graph theory or some things like that! I do not have enough knowledge, hope with some friends with mathematics knowledge, we can find something useful.

The next difficulty rise from tools, IMO I think we do not use the right tools and also do not use the tools in the right way. Just think about FFT, in the last couple of month I thought about examining some pattern with my eyes and test them with FFT, to find that is it really harmonic or not. I think FFT help us to understand the market very well but not furcating that. I do not know if this approach is scientific or not, all of them are empirical. There is some pattern in which repeat in the chart, for example something like harmonics but more advanced than them. Can we call them cycle? What about science, is it confirm them or these patterns are useless and I am dreaming! ..

The holidays! Do they important or not! In Hurst original works they were important but should we take in our calculation or not. However it is not very important, at least until we solve the main issues...

We can talk many hours about our experience of cycles but for now I do not annoying you with my long text... Please forgive me about that and about my poor English... I honestly like to invite the forum cycle leaders like master Simba, Fadi, Mr Pip, Mladan for discussion and learning from them but because of my post numbers I cant PM them! There are many great analyzers and traders in this forum with much knowledge which people like me always learn from them. I really try to not post junk, but because my knowledge is very little, excuse my ignorance and in this post.



For sending link I have to break my post in two parts, kindly ask the moderator link these to post

Here are some resources that may be helpful, although I know just reading is not enough…:

The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing _JM Hurst

BJ_Millard - Channels & Cycles - A Tribute to JM Hurst

Mastering Hurst Cycle Analysis by Christopher Grafton

JM Hurst Cycle Trading Without the Rocket Math by Peter Amaral - Kindle Book,

Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading_ John F. Ehlers

MESA and Trading Market Cycles_ John F. Ehlers

The Delta Phenomenon: or the Hidden Order in All Markets_Welles Wilder

The Market Matrix by Steve Copan

Please Look at these site for wave production and furrier toys, Thanks to University of Colorado and Kalid Azad

Fourier: Making Waves - Quantum Mechanics, Harmonic Motion, Wavelength - PhET

An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform | BetterExplained


No worries, Alex. This is a "Cycle Extraction" thread after all.

With that in mind, I'm uploading a Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator. This is not my work, but multiplier affects calculation of the main line, and signal_multiplier affects calcuation of the signal line. The code is very concise, and the crosses appear useful. I have not traded it.


make it in histo version

The Unforgiven:
For sending link I have to break my post in two parts, kindly ask the moderator link these to post

Here are some resources that may be helpful, although I know just reading is not enough…:

The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing _JM Hurst

BJ_Millard - Channels & Cycles - A Tribute to JM Hurst

Mastering Hurst Cycle Analysis by Christopher Grafton

JM Hurst Cycle Trading Without the Rocket Math by Peter Amaral - Kindle Book,

Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading_ John F. Ehlers

MESA and Trading Market Cycles_ John F. Ehlers

The Delta Phenomenon: or the Hidden Order in All Markets_Welles Wilder

The Market Matrix by Steve Copan

Please Look at these site for wave production and furrier toys, Thanks to University of Colorado and Kalid Azad

Fourier: Making Waves - Quantum Mechanics, Harmonic Motion, Wavelength - PhET

An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform | BetterExplained


Red both your posts twice, but I am not sure what you want, besides a "furry" toy perhaps...

Am I wrong when I say I think you have not read this thread starting at post #1...?

Also seems to me you throw quite a few (wrong) statements into the group, add a bunch of research papers and tell us "to figure it out".

May I kindly suggest you read this thread again (and perhaps again) and ask specific questions or offer specific solutions?


Hi Snowski,

I am pretty sure that "Unforgiven" has read the thread and the papers he has posted would be good bedtime material to help anyone get to sleep faster. They certainly will get someone up to speed but will also leave many questions unanswered. The problem is that we expect a certain symmetry and that is rare. What we need to look at are price/time relationships and forget about projecting a date into the future where a turn may occur. It may be close once or twice but fail the next three times as you can't predict a government shutdown or a surprise from the Fed on tapering. Prices will turn when they have moved far enough in relation to time.

Now I don't want to give the impression that cycle extraction is useless. Being able to determine the frequency of the time series is the key to forming these price/time relationships.

Here is a screen shot of the S&P500 approaching its target on the 8th and the close on Friday.


Hai mr mladen,

how to get the future value of the buffer, if this indicator(Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2.06.mq4) is used in an EA. examples to get ten forward. thanks b4