How to take chart pictures(in MT4) and how to post/attach pictures in the forum - page 2


realy - rule is weird, - but i believe it intended to filter spammers (they come with new generated name, shoot spam and run, than again), so you bright anough to find the way, put some posts, etc ... sorry : )))))


Good post about how to post attachments on the forum:


can't attach pictures

I think the problem is that new accounts such as mine are disabled from uploading/posting attachments hence why the Manage Attachments (etc) buttons/controls are not visible when we try to post.

There is of course the workaround to upload to a different site and reference the file/image using a URL type command but that might be a bit hard for some (and a bit of mucking around too!)

I was understanding that once a new user becomes a bit more valuable, ie posts some decent posts, then the admins would enable their account for attachments. So I guess I need to post some decent posts until then!


The reason why admins insist always to upload the images to forum


agreed, on image upload

Yep, I agree on that, much prefer to upload images direct to the forum! Until then!

Wowzas... I just got enabled! Well looks like I'll be posting some images shortly then! (gotta run to the day job now!)