Displaying Oil and Gold charts on MT4


I'm know it can be done, could someone explain to me how to do it? Thanks!!

check your broker first if they have it... otherwise change to another one... in metatrader... right click into your "symbol list window" (where the currencies are listed) and select [Symbols] ... a new window will open ...


I'm know it can be done, could someone explain to me how to do it? Thanks!!

You need a broker that supports oil and gold. I'm assuming you're trying to follow along with the Pimp strategy. If so check out Water House Capital (WHC) - use google. That's the broker he's using.


You need a broker that supports oil and gold. I'm assuming you're trying to follow along with the Pimp strategy. If so check out Water House Capital (WHC) - use google. That's the broker he's using. Lux

Absolutely. The Pimp strategy is very good and I'm trying to learn it the best I can. Been doing Forex for a couple years now. This is the best strategy I've seen, and its free. I will check out Water House Capital. Thanks for your advice!


Forex-metal broker has oil and gold charts on metatrader platform..you can check them out at forex-metal.com


Forgot to mention...their spread for gold is 60 pips..the best spread on spot gold that I know of..so it works out nicely..

Don't have info on oil as I trade only gold with them.


You can try ODL MT4 demo, they have OIL, GOLD, GAS and other commodities.




See Broco MT 4.

QM_CONT -ticker

oil300909.png  80 kb


that is another kind.

that is another kind.

For what kind you search?


I used to follow oil, gold, the mini dow, etc. with FX-Pro.

Hope this helps,

Happy trading,
