Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 102


Can you place statistics about max floating drawdowns ?

Can you place statistics about max floating drawdowns ?


It is on advanced stats by images for every single signal by image. Floating drawdown by equity.


new webdesign

Sorry, but I don't like this new webdesign at all. Former one was clean and ordered and the new one is very confusing, with alll those fancy icons and colors and pictures. Looks a bit like a scam page. If I didn't knew this service already, y certainly would not feel attracted by its design. My oppinion.

How do you sort by columns, for example?- How do you find a vendor by his name? - How do you find a certain signal ID? - what do all those tabs mean? - Why did you use those tiny micro fonts on signal descriptions? - And in BLUE, so that it becomes even more difficult to distinguish!! People without an hawk's eyes will have to magnify 2 or 3 times to read the text.

No Sir, I want my old RAS site back!!



I have to agree with that, I sent a couple prospects to the site, they gave up when they could not even find the signal I recommended,mine . It should have never been released with it all working.


Signal ID Graph

Overall as a current subscriber and user I like it and could navigate the site.

Comments from a "quick" review:

I think the Signal ID Graph's are nicely embedded on the Signals Grid but they need to show a longer history. At the moment I subscribe to a few signals , the graphs of these at first glance (with one only 1 month history) are far more scarey than the acutal performance over several months. As a prospect (with limited time) and many signals to look over the graphs would probably be my first filter on which signals I really wanted to dig into. Just a suggestion but it should show at least a 3 month - 6 month history. The more the better.

You need to check the English on the site, it is sometimes a hard read.

Some of the claims are also a bit dubious - "best ranked traders" - ranked in what way?

What does the following mean on the "Find a signal page" - "Note that all people who invest in Forex through Rent a Signal know what they are doing" - thats a strong claim. I subscribe to a few signals but I would call myself a novice at this stage.

But all in all a nice improvement...for me at least. I will spend more time at the weekend reviewing and post a few more comments.



How do you determine if a signal is moderate or extreme? Can you specify the criteria.


RAS Suggestion

I must say that I like the new web design very much - it's big improvement over the previous one. The new web design makes RAS looks more "serious" in the business for forex signal marketplace.

Therefore I also posted two commercial EA of mine in RAS last week.

As a suggestion, can RAS supports the MT4 built-in "publish" function - it's just a built-in ftp client and allows signal sellers to post their live transactions to a ftp server at regular intervals(5 min or longer) - and of course signal sellers can advertise a link for real-time live performance to its subscribers..(at least I have done that using a service provided by - Share Your MT4 Statements Free in the EAs I posted in RAS.)

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world - Share Your MT4 Statements Free

It's quite easy to do(just ftp server with some formatting) and RAS can consider providing this facility to signal sellers.

For signal buyers - they can check the near-real-time performance for the signal seller and check the open/close time and entry/exit price against their own price feed and replicate the same result as the signal sellers.


some other suggestions for RAS

I have other suggestion to RAS to make it a better marketplace for forex signal buyers/sellers:

In the signal grid page, it's better to allow sorting(ascending/decending) for signal systems based on the following:

1. average pips per week

2. average USD per week

3. # of weeks (currently it shows the "age" which is the starting date - I think showing # of weeks running is more intutive and easier to understand in my opinion)

4. profit factor

5. sharpe ratio

6. signal performance factor

Further it'd better allow configuration of showing 10/20/30 results per page (personalized setting)

Also I suggest to create two more separate grids (i.e. tabs)

1. Most popular grid (based on number of subscribers and subscription value)

2. Systems added in previous week

3. Most viewed grid in the past hour

Support advanced search function based on a number of filters

1. profitability (profitable in last week, last month, last 3 months)

2. short term, long term, medium term(based on av. number of trade holding time)

3. Most popular one

4. Most un-correlated to S&P market index

The grid page, in my opinion, is the most important page and it can provides very powerful search engine for buyer and seller to find what they want...therefore it deserves more effort. If you look at collective2 web site, their trading system search grid is very advanced.

It is on this post:

If I were to use Ibfx mini-account (10,000 per lot), the equity and hence the DD_Factor calculations will be incorrect.

I have a suggestion - when we create the signal, allow input of variables such as account type (standard 100,000 per lot, or mini 10,000 per lot, or micro 1,000 per lot), starting capital, leverage (1:100, or 1:200, etc...), etc... With correct definition of these account variables, then it will be possible to compare all signals with their correct pips, drawdown, P&L, SPF, etc...