Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 105


NO 200lots, 500lots, somekind like that,

since rentasignal rent by month.

all provider should be better send "recommendation signal",

all recommendation base on 3~5 level,

so the client can decide how to work for each "recommendation signal".

if "newdigital send a highly recommendation signal"

then "i bet all i got"

if "newdigital send a low recommendation signal"

then "i just watch the show"

if -- someone i know him, i "used" him, but i dont ....

then -- approval need to be "one of mine" first before "one of us"


It is good idea.

Not recommendation.


If opinion so - that's right.

But it is also difficult in case of opinions as well ...

because sometime what I do not like something a lot, and the other members like it a lot

It is what I am talking about:

then "i just watch the show"


I just remember one talking from long time ago (not RAS service):

- Trader: I will use this EA.

- I: do you know that it is unlimited martingale? You can lose all your deposit with it soon or later.

- Trader: Yes, I know it.

- I: so you will not use it with your deposit size?

- Trader: I will use it. Because it is very interesting. I want to try.


Yes, it may be good to promote some signals by description about.

As an opinion in very flexible way telling about what is good and what is bad with some signals. But in this case I will need some more information from the vendors.

Anyway - it is good idea.


New suggestion for statistics

Hi ND,

As seller is sending trades and buyers are receiving trades, there might be different opening prices, due to delays between seller and buyer, due to different brokers. In other words, when opening trades at market price, the buyers get them but not always at same price. There might be some pips deviated from, due to delays. Even there may be big different opening prices, i.e. due to connection problems, due to market fluctuations, ...

So as seller, I wished to see statistic of all trades placed by all buyers subscribed to seller's signal. Statistic of trades placed by all subscribers, per signal ID, per currency-pair, or per trade (with same RAS ticket).

Imagine when closing all EURUSD 'buy' trades, I want first to see if all subscribers have enough profits on this currency-pair. Their profit might be different between low loss and low profit, between small profit and medium profit. And as some subscribers might have loss when closing trades, I should decide to close partly trades to make profit for them for sure. Therefore I should need statistic of all EURUSD 'buy' trades from all subscribers. Also statistic of individual trades (e.g. sorted by RAS ID ticket).

Example of statistic of 1 trade:

RAS ticket ID, symbol 'EURUSD', sellers open price, sellers TP, sellers SL,

Number of subscribers having this RAS ticket ID,

Opening price for each subscriber

Show a table of different opening price in RAS or better a graph (like EX4 indicator on sellers MT4 chart showing different opening price of all subscribers).




Good suggestion.

But RAS EA is sending the trades only from the vendors only.

Even quotes are sended by different EA.

So, make this buyer's stats - it is necessary to make separated tool + ask buyers all the time if they want for that.

But, anyway, it is good idea.


Currently don't have "Delete (Signal)", only can find "Edit (Signal)", so how to remove any unwanted signals, or will it automatically delete after a period of inactivity?

Is it ok to make requests here:

1. Activate ID 1192

2. Rmove ID 11391


11391 suspended.

As to 1192 - make request in RAS live support ... may be you will need a clone (automatic buyer) ...



The forum is finishing the first stage of Rent a Signal service as a beta testing right now.

If you are experienced trader and wants to participate in this project so please contact with me concerning the statements and your experience.

With this new 'rent a signal' service you can sell your trading signals and win even more money than trading.

Forex TSD forum administration

I can't even sign in to RAS and they did not send me my password when I forgot it.

Some members are just looking for the pips weekly.

But for me by Steps:

1. system category (counter trend with 1 trade per symbol, hedge, trend follower with 1 trade per symbol and so on),

2. equity,

3. floating drawdown,

4. max/min lot size,

5. how many simultanious trades I can expect inside my Metatrader,

and so on.

So, I am starting it from the beginning step by step. Step #1 is something what I like (do I like to trade some ... trendfollowfing system, or hedge system, and so on). It is not easy to understand sometimes about which system is for which category but it is possible. Besides, we can contact with the vendor so the vendor can tell about. Sometimes it is very difficult to know as the vendor is using some mixed categories. If I can not understand the category easy so I skip Step #1 and go to Step #2 and so on up to my last Step, and after last Step I can come back to my main question: category. Just to understand: which can I expect from this system? Martingale? We know about it. Trend following system? How often this system will trade if trend following? Mixed categories? So, vendor can say something.

Step #2 and #3 - depends on the broker you are using. In RAS website: equity/floating drawdown in advances stats are precented for Alpari broker (or for stanard account with IBFX). If you are using IBFX mini and so on - the values of equity/floating drawdown will be different (usually in 10 times smaller).

Besides, we can sort everything by date and it is important as well. For example, it is important for Step #4 if we want to see: when the vendor had max lot size.

Because we want to estimate about which deposit size we can use with which kind of broker and so on.

When ... may be ... I should ask some more but from the vendor. I will ask about: what do you use? which kind of indicators? There are some kinds of Moving Averages indicators, or some MA crossing or something? Because as we know: systems based on some indicators are more stable by performance than some other systems.

Than I go to my chart to see some market condition and so on. I do not need to know that system is profitable for 1 year forward testing. Or I need to know? I want to know: will the system be profitable tomorrow or next month?

And of course, I will want to speak with vendor: about his thinkings about it and so on. Just to receive more information.


It is how I will select the signal for my self for example.

You can not see any "Weekly Pips" in my Steps. I will analyze 'weekly pips' in Step #2 together with equity (together with open trades because 'weekly pips' are closed trades).


As I know some members are using many Steps to select the signals to use/trade (i remember few members asked for Sharpe Ratio. One buyers asked for Sortino Ratio).

So, my way to select the systems are not most complicated in the world

I just want to remind about this post concerning how to select the signal.

Only I can add is the following:

- clones (automatic buyer). people can ask for automatic buyer just to understand: which performance they should have if subscribe.

- Signal Performance Factor (SPF):

If you do not want to complicate the selection process so use select profitable signal + with good SPF and ask for clone.


It is just an easy step to select the signal:

1. select something whcih you like;

2. decide about SPF (SPF > 0 - signal is not risky; SPF < 0 - signal is risky);

3. ask for clone (buyer) with your broker just to see your performance in the way as you subscribed.


It may be fine ...

anyway, can you send screenshots of the errors, settings of 2 RAS EAs and RAS log files (RAS log files are located for example: C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\files).

Because this "4 orders received but they were removed locally" means nothing ... it can be some old order opened by sellers long time ago and your RAS EA can not open it because it was long time ago ...

Or it can be anything.

You can see the situation up to tomorrow ...

and if you will have errors:


- screenshots of the errors,

- settings of 2 RAS EAs (images) and RAS log files (RAS log files are located for example: C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\files).

Using on this page: Send a Help Ticket.

And I will resent all those things to the developers and they will tell what the problem.

Because according to my understanding: it should not be any problem ...


i make trades

hi newdigital i register with ras as signal providor i install every thing

i make alot of orders and i didnt see it at ras website