Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 104


Rent A Signal Help

Hi Newdigital

I attempted to register my name FX TopGun Trading (Friday, August 28th 2009) as a new signal service provider with Rent A Signal and an error message appeared telling me that a confirmation email could not be sent, contact administrator...

Could you look into this?


FX TopGun Trading


Try to change email address to yahoo or google and register once again.


Rent A Signal Help

Hi Newdigital

It appears I'm registered now but when I went to do a download of the RAS software everything is fine until I'm asked for my username and password. I use the same username and password to access Rent A Signal home page but that same username and password is not being excepted.

Am I supposed to have a different username and password other than the one I have?

Thanks For Your Help


Registration - mean: you receive RAS login and password.

In case you are elite member - you are writing your forex tsd login and password during the registration (or just editing your already registered account).


Rent A Signal Help

Hey Newdigital

As I mention before I did register but an error message appeared telling me that my confirmation email could not be sent, contact administrator.

I take that message to mean my RAS username and password could not be sent, which is why when I attempted to register I couldn't thinking my username and password for tsd would work (of course now I know it won't).

Could you email me a RAS username and password, and yes I even created a new username and yahoo email address and still I have not received a RAS username and password.



When I registered with RAS (I am having 3 accounts with them) so I received email confirmation almost immediately for my yahoo and google emails.

Using yahoo - it came to spam folder,

Check your spam folder.

As I remember - confirmation email message was with 1 time password to login.

Try one more time using yahoo or google emails and check spam/bulk folders.

Many members reported about some local emails (because email providers are filtering the automatic email messages I think) but no one reported about any problems with yahoo or google.


Rent A Signal Help


I have tried nearly five times now and I have nothing in my spam folder. And it was only on the first attempt did I get an error message which stated, confirmation email can't be sent contact administration.

I have contacted administration on more than one occassion and unless I'm wrong aren't you, administration?

I have never received a RAS username/password and I don't understand why after many attempts to re-register, even with a new name.

May-be I'm not suppose to be a Rent A Signal, signal service provider.


Rent A Signal Help


I just created an additional account and no error message this time and now I'm just waiting for my username/password.

the new username: i4x eurusd trader

Just encase you might need the new name to track down the account.



Did you try yahoo?

If yes so go to Help page with RAS, create the ticket and I will re-send your ticket to the developers.

Or try on Monday ... may be soimething with market open but I am not sure about it.


Don't use spaces in your username/password-- use a dash or underscore instead-- might help