Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 51


What if the paid seller wants to offer December for free to all existing clients and new ones? Must he move to the free section?



What if the seller wants to offer a discount to Elite Members of the Forum but is not an Elite Member himself....just an idea...

What if a seller does his own promotions.....and offers a certain group a will he separate those subscribers from other subscribers, when he only has global controls...


What if the paid seller wants to offer December for free? Must he move to the free section? ES

I do not know ...

You can try ... every seller can change the price anytime ...

be free ... and see about the section ... I do not know sorry ...

or ... 1 dollars for example ...

If you are th signal seller so you are having the right to have the thread in RAS section (it will be created) and I think it will be public section somewhere ...

So, you will explain on your RAS thread everything ...


Tell me how the new year I know what to expect here in the USA! ☺

Happy New Year Russian time Zones!

ND...thanks for everything...This will be good for your FAQ's section at RAS...


I do not know ...

RAS is having a lot of statistics feature. Besides, the sellers may have the thread in future RAS section on the forum ... elite section is having 10 days trial ... for RAS - no idea. May be not. Because it is related to the sellers.

RAS free trial means the following: RAS service is not taking any percentage from the sellers' subscription money and the sellers are selling the signals making money and paying nothing for RAS even as percentage from subscription ... so it is nothing for buyers ... in this case it will be the same as commercial section of the forum ...


Happy New Year!

Just 4 more hours to 00:00.

Then there is referral discounts...say member "A" refers new member "B"....I want to give member A a discount for his next month as a Thank You....and so on...



What if RAS allows me three free passes to my friends (assuming I am a seller that charges 200 bucks a month or whatever) without being moved to the free section...I can change these passes around, just so there are not more than three freebies open at one time...


...What if a seller does his own promotions.....and offers a certain group a will he separate those subscribers from other subscribers, when he only has global controls... ES

Yes, it is good idea ...

It will give more freedom to the seller of the seller will be able to regulate the price for his signals ...

Do not know how to realize it ...

It is easy identify about who is elite member and who is not ... but some groups ... I think it should be forum group created first

Because RAS is forum service based on forum membership anyway so it should be created some group on the forum first.


maybe each seller should be able to see his clients (buyer) and the process of thir payments, from this he could determine witch client will not pay, and witch will, with in overall the possibility to inform them by email.

It depends on deposit size.

I was sujjested to the sellers to use as minimal deposit size as possble. To let possibility to the buyers to use lot multiplier.

But 5,000 deposit and 1 lot size is possible by sorting (and by trading of course):

And image is changed and all the stats is changed to 5,000 deposit and 1 lot size (multiplier = 5).

0.1 lot size is impossible because initial lot size is 0.2.

Everything which is more than 0.2 - possible.

Hi ND,

How to calculate lot size and $/pip?

If the seller trade on Alpari with 0.1 lot than 1 pip/0.1lot = $1 and the buyer account at IBFX mini ac will receive 1 pip/0.1lot = $0.1

So how to solve this issue ?

Thank you.

maybe each seller should be able to see his clients (buyer) and the process of thir payments, from this he could determine witch client will not pay, and witch will, with in overall the possibility to inform them by email.

I would second this idea, I would like to know exactly who "my" subscribers are and be able to contact them directly if need be in the case of default payments or whatever.