Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 46



Do not forget to add the year 2009 on the drop down menus to filter the stats page...



Hey ND

I think another statistics part that is worthwhile to implement is a Risk Ratio comparative to ROI and DD for ranking purposes.

Just an idea!



Yeah ND....As a trader I was mentored to think in PIPS not dollars....But you see you must default it to an equal benchmark and goal in some way. I do not think that PIPS is the need to provide a snapshot of the portfolio of sellers somehow.

There are many signal sellers that use a variable lotsize...martingalers will always default to last place when they might be in the top ten profit wise...

To make RAS a professional traders could default the rank in Benefit to Risk Ratio hehe...ok I will shut up...lets not go there....You all know by now that I feel that DD is the most important with a reasonable return and preservation!


P.S. by the way....Benefit to Risk ratio that I publish in my signal commentary is the best measure of the robustness of an signals performance, because it is fair and balanced.

People are using different lot size: 0.01 or 1 ... I saw 5 and 10 ... in this case the members will use big lot size to the the first in ranking ...

Anyway, best in pips is not the best in general ...

I do not think that someone will buy the signals (if it is for money) without looking at the stats first.

I must agree...that was an old post you dug up ☺ I was still evaluating the idea of tsd and RAS when I posted that. I have a love for this freelance and non commercial forum and you found me struggling and thinking out loud.


P.S. I am convinced that ND will allow tsd to co-exist and for RAS to not conflict with the open and free exchange of ideas here from anonymous guests, traders and coders.

Just selling signal is far better than selling or renting EA.....copyright matters.


Coming back with the money/financial matters, strange but it seems that very few people are worry about that while it is the most important in this kind of initiative (look how e-gold have been shutting down; criminals are looking every day for fresh new money laundering method, and this (RAS) seems to be a good one) ND You have to seriously thing about setting the financial system....


Tornado FX


I also happen to have signed up to Tornado FX recently and I honestly prefer the format they use for public scrutiny.

Take a look at the following link;

Forex | Signal Service

It is neat and concise and all the relevant information that a buyer could want is right there, without the buyer getting lost in heaps of statistics.

An idea that I think most people looking for a signal service or trying to decide which service to subscribe to would like to see as a summary page for the provider?




Stay away from E-Gold.

Hi, Coming back with the money/financial matters, strange but it seems that very few people are worry about that while it is the most important in this kind of initiative (look how e-gold have been shutting down; criminals are looking every day for fresh new money laundering method, and this (RAS) seems to be a good one) ND You have to seriously thing about setting the financial system....

E-Gold are thieves, simple as that.

I have all the necessary security in place, firewalls, anti-key loggers, Spy ware and anti-virus protection even the fact that every time I login to E-Gold, it has to send me an email with a code and ensure that the entry was from the identical IP as the last visit before I can gain access to my account, and yet somehow, my account still got cleaned out as did many others.

The support response was sorry, nothing we can do, someone accessed your account and transferred the money out.

I knew exactly where the money had gone as it went to another E-Gold account, they refused to reverse it, even though I produced proof of the transaction and was prepared to open a Police case regarding the matter?

I was then told that a Police case in my country would be useless to them.

Basically, they told me to go away, like it or lump it.

So I chose to lump it and take every opportunity to warn people that E-Gold are thieves that take your money, there is no other plausible reason as far as I am concerned for them not to return my E-Gold with all the proof I supplied to them.

Be warned that E-Gold, if they aren't stealing your money themselves, they sure as hell will do nothing to help you get it back, even if you have all the proof in the world.

They DO NOT care about your money, DO NOT use E-Gold, ever.

This of course is just my opinion based purely on my experience with E-Gold, but do a little homework, use Google and Yahoo to search for phrases like "E-Gold money lost" etc and you will see how, especially people in remote countries, like me in South Africa, get ripped off by these people who hide behind their "No Return" policy because they know that our little countries do not have the infrastructure or means to enforce International claims.


I also happen to have signed up to Tornado FX recently and I honestly prefer the format they use for public scrutiny.

Take a look at the following link;

Forex | Signal Service

Tornado is nice, but the idea of ND is really more "more open mind" than it, and less restriction (anyone broker can participate...). And is more accessible also for Joe the Trader.


I asked them about 2009 in stats. We will see tomorrow


As to the link so it is different information.

But from the link you provided I can not understand which lot size should I use if I have 2000 dollars deposit ... and which DD and everything I will have in this case by figures and balance/equity graph.

Our information is on one page as well but without webdesign yet. Besides, from our information the buyer can undersand about which profit factor, drawdown, equity and everything he will have if he will use 1,000 deposit, or 2,000 dollars deposit, or 1 lot size, or 0.1 lot size, or EURUSD only, or EURUSD and EURJPY all together, and for every signal provider like that and it is on the 1 page for every provider. All the stats is recalculated to the buyer's needs and sorted automatically.

We will have webdesign soon so everything will be in color as well.

As to equity ... there are 2 kinds of equity possible by coding (i am talking about programming only, not by terms): equity based on account statements, and equity based on Metatrader quotes. From your link I understand that the equity of your link is based on the statements. We are having the equity based on quotes (quotes are coming to RAS website from every symbol, gold and so on by ticks and using different tool - quoter EA) and our equity is more ... zigzaging ... more drawdowning ... more real let's say. But their equity is more smothing ... not lagging ...


But I agree: the signal provider need to have some kind of provider's panel with money counting, client counting and same as RAS working place for them, to speak with moderators and so on. In the next version I think (we are doing RAS version #1 now; it will be RAS version #2 in 2009).

As to financial system setting ...

Our forum is having experience about elite section. It is paypal, egold and it was some others. But members can go to elite section for 10 days free, download everything and unsubscribe. Some members decided to stay more in elite section paying 12 dollars in a month. So, what financial system for? Financial system is for finance (to process finances).

Because elite section is not fully commercial place.

Besides, it was not any problem with paypal payment - members subscribe and unsubscribe by themselves any time. Other payment systems are difficult to be installed in automatic way.

As to RAS so it is the subject of promotion. They promissed to promote RAS (and our forum) in mass media so we will see. If it will be impossible (or difficult) to process some finance so they will have to install financial system anyway.

Because RAS service is different from elite section of the forum: elite section is not fully commercial place but RAS is our forum commercial place.

Moderators will need panel as well.

Besides, I requested to have next version of RAS EA with timefilter for sellers and for buyers.

I think we will start and then we will see what we need.

They will program panel for moderators, some client counter for sellers, they will transfer RAS to new webdesign, program RAS with timefilter and after that the service can run officially and we can continue with proposals ... such as financial system, working panel for signal providers, market condition evaluation and prediction (already sent request), portfolio based on market condition (some things were already discussed by some members in elite section) and so on for the version #2 of RAS.

My main task now is to speak with every signal provider to ask same questions from them.


Hi Walander,

Can you gibe the formula of Risk Ratio?

Or just the link with formula ... I will send it to the developers.


As to ranking by ROI, profit factor and so on ...

If we decided that the buers can sort everything so it will be impossible to provide ranking by ROI and so on. Of course there are ROI in stats.

For example,

- seller #1 is trading by 0.01 lot size, system is based on 10,000 dollars deposit.

- seller #2 is trading by 0.1 lot size, system is based on 5,000 dollars deposit.

ROI is different, profit factor is different.

Besides, the buyer will want to know the performance for his deposit. For example, the buyer is having 2,000 dollars deposit ... the other buyer will receive the stats for 1,000 deposit. Same with lot size, same with pair/symbol.

So, it is impossible to make such a ranking.

Pips only sorry.

Of course, when we will have portfolio section with RAS so we will have to make such a ranking ...

but for now:

- the signal provider can use any lot size with any initial deposit with any pairs


- the buyers of his signals can select any lot size (not less than seller's lot dize) based on his buyer's deposit size and can select any pair.

It was already programmed. It is on 1 page.


Next version of RAS will be something about portfolio.

But it will be in sorting way as well.

For example,

- signal ID #1 is good for ranging market condition with EURUSD and 0.1 lot size (we can see it by the performance - it will be programmed such a sorting with market condition by performance for everu pair/signal)

- if we are talking about ranging market condition - so for example signal #2 for AUDJPY ... 0.01 lot size ...

And we will have a tool to predict the market condition for the next week (i am already doing it for the long time manually using Ichimoku indicator and some indicators created by Igorad for elite section).

So, the buyer will see

- market condition prediction for the next week for every pair,

- signal IDs/pairs/lot sizes which were profitable for this market condition


- buyer can use it for this week

- and after the week that we will see the real figures (we have automatic buyers with RAS as the buyer robot).

It was already elaborated. It is necessary just to automate it and implement for RAS.

It is the idea: took one pair from one signal, the other pair from the other signal and so on.

This idea was created by few members inside elite section as I remember.


Besides, I think that we can have the section of the forum for RAS so every signal provider can explain everything. I am not talking about commercial section. It can be public section because RAS is our forum service ... just an idea.