School of Pimpology - page 117


Like always, profit hittttsssssssssssssssssss

Very nice, Mr. Pimp.


Hi Mr Pimp and friends,

I'm pretty new to all this but wondered if someone could assist

The last FXpimp trade which (correctly!) advised Long with entry point of 1.6100 ish and exit 1.6220. Can someone please go into more details (now with hindsight) why this trade was suggested.

I understand the exit @ 1.6220. What I have ques are:

  • Why was the thought to go Long. Was this because of fundamentals - i.e. the Fed is expected to lower interest rates... therefore investors move $$$ to GBP - as USD goes down GBP/USD ratio increases ??
  • Is there any other technical reasons to go Long at the moment
  • Why was 1.6100 chosen as an entry point ? I take it this was due to the resistance value from the past couple of days. So do you normally look at a timescale of a couple of days for support/resistance points?
  • Also why was Cable chosen?

Hope you can help

Will probably be a bit more active on here... I'll probably just ask for more explanation into why certain views are taken (its much easier to analyse something after the event!). I have LOADS of questions and having lots of fun although have no nails left!




Pip Pip Hooray

Thank you Mr Dow 9114 - 9292 +173 pips. I waited for break of trend and a price above 9100. The 4cci had crossed and I just got dragged along for a quick and plentiful ride........Time 1925 GMT

Wod Rockie


Short Dow

and to close the evening I just did a cheeky short 9262 - 9223 +39 pips. Not my normal leverage and something just for fun. But a nice way to close out the evening. Its now 1943 GMT and I am going to enjoy a small sniffter to chase away the cold snowy weather.

Great session today Monkey Boy - really enjoyed the company on the Dow this afternoon. I have closed out the day at 312 pips. The whole amount accumulated on the indices. No currency trades and no crude. Although, I did call out today nice an early the possibile long trade to 66. I could not take it as I was maxed out in the Dow.

Vive Le Dan and Le Pimp. A good session in the room today.

Good night pipsters

Snowy Rockie


@ Paddyham

Hi mate,

welcome to the thread.

To answer your question as best I can it's important to understand that sometimes technicals and fundamentals are two totally different entities.

I don't even pay attention to what is going on in the economic world, but rather trade what I see in front of me.

Sure if you play a 1m chart you must pay more attention but I am slowly warming toward longer term charts, which are less jumpy.

Take a look at the 15m chart I posted with the set up before it happened.

You see theres a small black trendline at the 1.61 level.

That was the resistance area of today.

Now notice the moving averages.

The 15m 20ema was over the 15m 50sma as was the 60m 20ema above the 60m 50sma.

This is bullish sentiment: After a huge drop over the last couple of months any market will eventually become overstretched.

We saw a double bottom late last week and it's been uphill since.

The break of the area was more likely to cause buying opposed to selling.

The target was the weekly pivot point, which is last week's open/high/low/close divided by 4. Not for any particular reason other than as it's above it is likely to be a resistance area. Besides, having gained over 1000 pips in the last 48 hours I didn't want to be greedy, just consistent

I hope this helps.


Fx 500 blog

Hi Guys,

Lovind the blog site, you are doing brilliant and i am like a sponge at the moment, taking in everything and eager to learn

Just one thing, when you go on the charts in the blog there is a "FLASH" line and when i click on it i get a blank screen

Is the flash word meant to do anything, is it a video of the chart set up?

You have probably had loads of questions on this so when you ahve time can you get back to me please

Keep up the good work team




Good Morning

Hi everybody, old readers and new.

Good to have a few new faces on here. Please do ask questions, silly or not.

Bloom, Rockdrive, Honest Bill and a few others have been valuable contributors to the thread for some time and if I cannot help I am sure one of these terrific guys or girls will be more than happy to share their wisdom.

Moving on to today.

There has been a lot of action in the last 48hours.

Lots of reversals going on and some dollar weakness coming in in anticipation of a fed rate cut which was 0.5%.

It's actually Really quite hard just to jump into anything at the moment but one I have been trading quite a lot recently, the USDJPY looks a steal above 98.50 to make headway to the daily 20ema up at 99.65.

There will be some resistance at 99.00 so I'd be tempted to take some profit there and leave a small part of the position on to the final target.

Have a good morning. I will be back later to look at some other bits.


Newbie and following along quietly (for now)

Hi everyone. I have recently discovered this post after a long time of treating demo accounts as a part time play thing and randomly half reading articles downloaded. For 2 long to mention....

I started at the start of the commentary and am now up to page 30 something. Wow!..... Wow! Just Wow!

At first my head felt like poppin a vein. Now starting to put together the indicators and setup the screens, becoming more familiar with what you guys are talking about.

One thing that has occured to me, is the vast (exponential) improvement in my understanding of markets, correlations, strategies, etc, since starting on this thread and some other forum info.

Why did I try by myself for so long?

Anyways, not kicking myself, because the few strategies I have been trying, have helped reach my demo earnings target and so now I am really close to going live. (Just waiting for the "Live' savings account to reach it's target).

When I can catch up with what is going on with this extra load of info, Then I believe I will be a happy little monkey indeed.

Anyways, will popping my head into the boiler room soon, to have a sticky beak at what goes on there, and will be following the updates here as closely as I can.

Regards to everyone,



Welcome Martin,

Before this thread I was relying on signaling services and my own, limited judgment. Now I can make trade decisions with a high degree of success. My only problem, and I suppose everyone is the same, is coping with the psychological side of things. But nothing a few winning trades can't sort out.

Anyway, the boiler room is closed now but contact FxPimp for access to the new free chat room. There are usually a good few people in there throughout the day.

Take it easy, you're in good hands.




I will do a post this afternoon but for those of you who didn't take the 50 pips available from this pair from this morning's post, then keep your eyes open for a break of the triangle to the upside on USDJPY.

We are still in a longer term down trend but IF the trigger does come in on this with a break then there could be another 50 pips or so to come out of this.

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