School of Pimpology - page 185


Yes, XAU is Gold.

I can't find anyone who offers XAU and CL charts. The only thing I found was something called XAU/USD. I use Metatrader 4. So what's a fella supposed to due?

hi mate. try odl metatrader. they have both oil and gold


I'll be conducting live seminars each Wednesday from next week outlining the nuances of the strategy.

If you'd like to attend one of these 60m presentations at either Midday or 6pm

UK time (BST at the moment, which is GMT plus 1 hour) then please drop me a line on my private message or email which can be found at the start of the thread.

This thread has since ceased trading and I have moved to a smaller one especially created for novices.

thanks for all your support & resistance guys n gals.

I love you all !!


4hr / Daily / Weekly set-ups

This thread will now be reactivated and will focus on longer-term trading.

Since I have the 4hr strategy and our friend Strato made such a fine job of covering the longer-term here, I will endeavour to continue with this along with Daily and Weekly chart set-ups.

Everything on the 60m/5m will be found here

The free seminars are going very well too so if you'd like to take part in next Wednesday's and learn the nuances of this profitable strategy then please email me. My email address can be found at the beginning of the thread.

Cheers & good luck


Wooooo free seminars ?...... just wait until you login and then you will get a message from one of the Fx crew asking for your phone number so that they can give you a call for a " friendly chat" which is just another way of saying give you a call to get you to part with you card details to join their club.

Go on try it....join one of the seminars and see what happens and see if you get asked for your phone number , email etc.


Read my last two posts

For any of you idiots who still do not get what i am saying then take a look at the poll results and have a look at some of the post counts of the members who said "definately" . Try starting with the letter A and work your way through.....



What is your point exactly ?

I went for a week but I could not follow because I am in Nord America, not easy to get up every night at 2 am ... Anyway, for 90 minutes twice a day they made 25-50 pips for me each time, just of the bat, while chatting possible setups for the major pairs later that day. That brings 150-500 more a week. If you pay attention to the set-up.

Joining was 47 bucks if I remember, not 200. Of course if you rent a signal it will be less work and more / less money.

But not everyone is comfortable sleeping while some EA r nigerian prince is messing with their money. And some like to learn something along the way, while pressing buy / sell BY THEMSELVES ...

So what happened with you, not fast enough to get the pips ?

It will not work if you are waiting for your boss to turn his/her back so you can open MT4 or listen to session. So don't blame everyone else.

This is a thread for the strategy, if you have comments on a different service I am sure there is a place somewhere to submit your concerns, so pls. don't spam here.


What is your point exactly ?

I went for a week but I could not follow because I am in Nord America, not easy to get up every night at 2 am ... Anyway, for 90 minutes twice a day they made 25-50 pips for me each time, just of the bat, while chatting possible setups for the major pairs later that day. That brings 150-500 more a week. If you pay attention to the set-up.

Joining was 47 bucks if I remember, not 200. Of course if you rent a signal it will be less work and more / less money.

But not everyone is comfortable sleeping while some EA r nigerian prince is messing with their money. And some like to learn something along the way, while pressing buy / sell BY THEMSELVES ...

So what happened with you, not fast enough to get the pips ?

It will not work if you are waiting for your boss to turn his/her back so you can open MT4 or listen to session. So don't blame everyone else.

This is a thread for the strategy, if you have comments on a different service I am sure there is a place somewhere to submit your concerns, so pls. don't spam here.

You are wrong this is actually a maketing thread to get you to join their club which is something your brain obviously cannot comprehend and by reading your post you are a class A sucker and your post speaks volumes about you as a trader, the fact that you need to come to a forum and learn from a thread such as this just goes to show what an amateur you really are, please post your trading records showing us how great your trading really is ? will not will you ? it seems it is hard enough for you to command use of the english language let alone be a successful trader and the only spam here is gullible people like you

There is no strategy here exceptt basic technical analysis that you could teach a 5 year old, support / resistance / pivots etc, hence why it applies to most....but this does not mean that it works.

You people do not have the first clue about trading if you believe that this is the way to make money in Currencies.

This is all common Knowledge to people in the know hence why 95% of you fail because the sheep are predictable and they never learn

Once upon a time Zak (Pimp) and Co. learnt this vital lesson so they then decided to join the wolves and now the people on this thread are the sheep.

p.s. what the hell is Nord America don't you mean North.

Read my previous posts before you join FX500club