School of Pimpology - page 169


just ask

Hello to everybody,

Just wont to ak you if you still look at gold and crue oil BEFORE you take a trade cos it seems to me that gold and crue oil does not agree very often. Now I mean those days. So, Should I wait for gold and oil CCI BE above zero..heading up to take a trade ..let say cabel or eru/usd..or it is enough gold is up..just wont to assure everything in my head

AND S/R ON gold or oil can be S/R on other pair as well...Am I right

good work ..keep it up


Hello to everybody,

Just wont to ak you if you still look at gold and crue oil BEFORE you take a trade cos it seems to me that gold and crue oil does not agree very often. Now I mean those days. So, Should I wait for gold and oil CCI BE above zero..heading up to take a trade ..let say cabel or eru/usd..or it is enough gold is up..just wont to assure everything in my head

AND S/R ON gold or oil can be S/R on other pair as well...Am I right

good work ..keep it up


Sometimes everything just tend to go their own way, that way trade what you see, overall be watchful and careful.

Rockdrive-- I can't believe you are leaving us though i understand why you need to leave still this leaves me in doubt since i would like to make some good income in fx and yet you that im looking up to is retiring.

Pls come back soon.


Hi Ladik,

Ignoring the fact that the trade lost, what made it a bad trade? Analysing past mistakes will help us all become better traders!



2 rock: Someday you will earn more money than your mortgage is..

If you are able to do continual monthly profits than you will be able to cummulate your money to have bigger stakes. And I think when u are in with 1lot and u CAN make 500monthly pips your mortgage will be no problem then..I hope and wish you this is going to happen..

I post here my bad trade to show you all how easy is to lose money.

I drew my TL badly and that was big mistake..After the loss of 50pips(2 positions with 25pips SL) I went to ciggy and then this hapend.."What a stupid man I am!" I told myself..
Hello to everybody,

Just wont to ak you if you still look at gold and crue oil BEFORE you take a trade cos it seems to me that gold and crue oil does not agree very often. Now I mean those days. So, Should I wait for gold and oil CCI BE above zero..heading up to take a trade ..let say cabel or eru/usd..or it is enough gold is up..just wont to assure everything in my head

AND S/R ON gold or oil can be S/R on other pair as well...Am I right

good work ..keep it up


Hi Luky,

Shouldn't that be spelt "Lucky". You could safely ignore the commodities at the moment for correlation. Dow Jones took over the CEO position for a while towards the end of last year. But, has since eased off.

Just trade what you see.


Rockdrive is gone, long live rockdrive

Rockdrive - Early retirement.

Dear Pipsters,

I have now been trading full time for just over 12 months. I have completed a review of my performance over that time and have concluded that while I am making pips, I am not making enough pips. My average monthly income is less than 25% of my former income so Mrs Rock and I have therefore agreed that I shall retire from the arena and once more join the corporate boardroom.

This early retirement is something I hope is short lived. With pressures for income and high expenditure I have to be realistic and honest with myself. This has been a great community and I have enjoyed myself enormously. Thanks for all of your help Dan, Zak and James.

I'll poke my nose in now and again, and shall continue to trade a longer term book, but this will be more for beer money than paying the mortgage.

All the best pipsters and thank you for allowing me to share my successes and my failures. Good luck to you all.

Retiring Rockdrive

Really sorry to see you going Rockdrive. I hope it wasn't the name calling (i.e. Pipdrive)

We shall await your return and try catch some pips in your name!!


Sorry to hear about your retirement Mr Rock. You will be sorely missed. Please do pop in now and again as you have a calming influence on me.

Farewell good man.


Hi Ladik,

Ignoring the fact that the trade lost, what made it a bad trade? Analysing past mistakes will help us all become better traders!



Good setup, bad traded.. Of course this is a good exp. I am glad that I can see the setup but I have to make a timing exam and a lot of patience exams..


Clean screen *&(#%@^!

I just got my a s s kicked for - 350 pips using the "clean" screen today . Guess I should have just STICK to what WORKS for ME at MY own PACE. It is my money after all...

Hope everyone else is doing better to start the week.



408 today !

I just got my a s s kicked for - 350 pips using the "clean" screen today . Guess I should have just STICK to what WORKS for ME at MY own PACE. It is my money after all...

Hope everyone else is doing better to start the week.


Must be me who got your pips with the pimp set up Salat !

over 400 pips 6 trades no losers!

gbp/usd 87

usd/jpy 17

usd/jpy 39

oil 103

gld 48

oil 114

I will send you the details if you want..



Must be me who got your pips with the pimp set up Salat !

over 400 pips 6 trades no losers!



I bet you did... care to give some back? Ha ha ha... Well back to my crossed eyed screen. I'm getting back 110+ pips right now.