School of Pimpology - page 118


What a pain-in-the-ass day!! Extremely frustrating. A few forex trades, which were fine, but the indices have pissed me right off. It the fine art of when/where to take profit that has got me. 2 trades I cut for small pips both ran on for +75 and +125 gains, then I get frustrated and punt 1 and lose 35. Last trade I'm up 25 but decided to stick it out to see me -15. This is annoying me immensely. I know it is hard to get the top but I need to max out some gains, cause at the minute my risk/reward doesn't work. Any advice?

What a pain-in-the-ass day!! Extremely frustrating. A few forex trades, which were fine, but the indices have pissed me right off. It the fine art of when/where to take profit that has got me. 2 trades I cut for small pips both ran on for +75 and +125 gains, then I get frustrated and punt 1 and lose 35. Last trade I'm up 25 but decided to stick it out to see me -15. This is annoying me immensely. I know it is hard to get the top but I need to max out some gains, cause at the minute my risk/reward doesn't work. Any advice?

Your not alone Bloom - I had the same issue this afternoon cutting the dax and dow; only to watch them fly in to the distance. I had a perfect picture drawn on my gold chart - a break lower; it was still going south last time I looked some 300 pips. I think we just need to drink more...its a relaxing way to spend the time. My best trades come under the influence cos by then I am following the rules but am horizontal in attitude. Maybe why I do better in the evenings too!

Regarding solid advice I think I need to follow my own mantra more which is "have a little patience", and begin to reflect on the entry at 5m and the trend over 15m or longer. I think I have become fixated on the short term charts and need to stand back a bit and look more 'big-picture'. Once upon a time we used to trade in the old days off the 15m chart....Remember that one and moved to a 5m chart for entries. These days I think its only the 5m chart that gets looked at. I am now off for some food and you guessed it a rather large sniffter. Got a rather tasty Argentine Malbec to quoff. Cheers a toast to patience and long term trading (and no knob-head trades)!

Short Sighted Rockie

p.s. finally managed a crude trade 6275 short to 6233 (+42) ....I wait for crude but am less patient elsewhere - weird

p.p.s one of our number is hitting a rather large and special birthday, apparently FORTY (or so he reckons).......not going to mention who, but I'm sure he will fess-up before it happens so we can all sing Happy Birthday


40 you say? A Guinness drinker perhaps?


Great day in the live room today

Good day in the live room today, my results:

Dow Futures +295, Cable +427, EURUSD +2

Excellent strategy.


Hi guys/gals

What is bugging the most these days, is I am missing all these large 500/600 point moves, usually because I miss first entry , and never get a chance to get in, It's brutal, everytime I go for a meal or a break, move happens.

What to do.

After all that moaning, best of luck to dan and co. in live room, great guys and very helpful.

Ignore the moaners pimp, if u want advice from the fox school of diplomacy, tell 'em to buzz off (except I don't really mean buzz Ha Ha )


40 you say? A Guinness drinker perhaps?

perhaps.......maybe the odd glass I would have thought....

Good day in the live room today, my results:

Dow Futures +295, Cable +427, EURUSD +2

Excellent strategy.

Top draw MrLong.............Loving these numbers......How come you only scored 2 on e/u? Were you too busy looking at holiday brochures, spending your hard earned pips? Me thinks you were thinking of your island in the sun..


Good Morning

Good morning all, from the rainy rock of Gibraltar.

Big day yesterday for a lot of people using the strategy, but especially to Mr Long, AKA Chopper, who amassed over 700 pips. YES SEVEN HUNDRED PIPS !!

Brilliant work and like you said to me last night. IT DOES WORK ONCE YOU GET THE HANG OF IT !

A good week had by all I think and although the Rock struggled a bit with his hangover, I'm sure he'll be back on par today.

Keep it up guys and girls, it's getting good now and this is exactly how this was meant to be. Guys coming through the ranks and slowly but surely increasing their consistency and confidence week by week.

I hope a few of you managed to get short of the EURCHF mentioned in the chat on the break of 14685. I know Ben was on it like a cheap suit.

Those with the kahunas to take on the EURJPY I spoke about in the live room would be sitting pretty with 500 points in the tin now too.

The USDJPY didn't go according to plan but the break up never did occur and it was only twats like me and Bloom who tried to be cocky and pre-empt it happening.

Looked good for about half a minute but that was it.

On to today.

Swissie looks good above 11440 to 11500 for starters.

Just wait for it to break the little resistance area then hit it upto MR1.

Just missed the EURUSD sadly.

More to follow. x x

PS, what happened to the laaaaaaaadies ?? Scorpion, MoreMore, FXDiva Larry.

This is becoming like a gentlemans club and I'm not sure if I like it.

Come back girls, all is forgiven.

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Good to fill the tin before breakfast. Might join you Bill !!!!!!!!

Next opportunity is EURCHF. Look for the break of the support then hit it to the targets

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Just to let you know today will be a short one for me on the trading front. I have some Guinness kegs to collect from my local and a cooler to connect up.

Small family occasion this weekend.

Ooops. Did I let something slip?


Rockdrive should forget the pips, he should be a psychiatrist. I opened my heart to him yesterday on my frustration lately. Taking losses again.

Well after about an hour on the couch we were all done and I came back today. Cool, calm and collected.

All closed before 8:30am.


Gold +23

Cable +13

Brent +33

Total 69.

Tony, well done today also. Dr. Rockdrive working his stuff on you too.

Okay, parteeeeeeeeeeeee time. See you all Monday.