The Ratio Family - page 2


Ratio for T3

Hi Linuxser

First, thanks for all your efforts. Works of you, mladen, igorad, cja, fxbs and others are very helpfull....

I have a question. Could you construct the T3 line in this "ratio" versions?

I understand that igorad doesn't like the "ratio" presentations, but if AllAverages could be constructed in this kind of version "ratio" I think could be helpful... what do you think about it?



Ratio T3

I thought that we made it Anyway, here it is : ratio T3 _______________________________

One extra parameter compared to other ratio family :
Interpolate-> if set to false you are going to get the "old step-like way" (orange on the picture), if set to true, it will apply linear interpolation and you are going to get the "new smooth look" (lime green on the picture)


ratio_t3.mq4  8 kb
ratio_t3.gif  13 kb
I thought that we made it Anyway, here it is : ratio T3


One extra parameter compared to other ratio family :
Interpolate-> if set to false you are going to get the "old step-like way" (orange on the picture), if set to true, it will apply linear interpolation and you are going to get the "new smooth look" (lime green on the picture)
regards mladen

Yes! Great job!

Thanks, mladen.


Hello Mladen,

Again thank you for this wonderful family indicators Ratio.

I made one EA from @ Ratio_MACD_v1 but I have some problems.

To keep the values within the indicators, I changed Ratio_MACD adding more objects.

I also made another indicator that displays the values in the chart 0 from ICustomer functions. My first question is that the indicator Ratio_MACD does not use part that do not alter at each tick, but only the part .

My second question concerns the use of the processor that run at 100% capacity at every tick and do not even change the things that I associate.

(Same thing with another EA from Ratio_Slope)

Can you watch files and fix bugs.

In advance thank you very much.


Oups...The file...



Will try to answer all the questions :

Fist of all setting object properties within a loop is heavy on processor (try to do that from metatrader 5 and than you will see what is slooooow , so metatrader 4 is even good)

When I moved it out of the loop and attached the indicator to a chart, this is the processor usage I got (without and with MTF - even got a game my daughter playing (the "Fairy tale" in opera) and some other indicators in remaining chart(s) that are much more "CPU hungry" - and the processor is nothing spectacular either : it is a dual core 2.8 GHz Athlon II X2 240, so really nothing special) I did not try the EA but since I see that it is generated with Expert Advisor Builder there should be no extra issue since Expert Advisor Builder uses a couple of standard schemes which are also not CPU hungry. If you want to use indicator from an EA though, then I recommend you to remove any object creation within an indicator (since it will not be used any way)


The part of the code is the part that does the linear interpolation (it is "fitting" values). In case you are not familiar with linear interpolation, it finds the two ending points it needs to connect and than draws a straight line between them - meaning : whatever was between those two points is altered once the interpolation part is done. It does not have to do it on every step of the loop. As an example what does it exactly do you have the T3 with interpolate option : if you turn it off you are going to get the step like values. Interpolation is drawing lines between each step start and end. Some more information on linear interpolation you can find here :



Oups...The file...
cpu_usage.jpg  162 kb
cpu_usage_2.jpg  170 kb

Hello mladen,

Thank you for your reply. The solution was to leave with a new MT4 platform , the former was much too overloaded.

Now everything is OK


Ratio i Trend

Thank you all for these indicators makes it easy to put other indicators into what you all posted, if desired!! Plus vast improvement over regular mtf.

Now if only i wasn't being so lazy would have built i Trend in


Fantastic indicators.

My compliments to all forum staff and developers.

I love you.



The zig zagging effect of MTF indicators always threw me off in the past, but these ratio indicators solved that for me perfectly. Thanks Linuxser & MLADEN.