Waddah Attar Win Expert - page 10


He was here today and even took the responsibility of starting another thread...just to later abandon it...?

When somebody uses a "Forum" for transmitting and not receiving...well that would not make it a forum now would it? He seems eager to share and some of us are eager to learn.

This is a "development" Forum the last time I checked and I am in need of much development...I am needy☺


but he doesn't come often to TSD



It is not ethical for one coder to work on anothers code...even if the mq4 is posted in a public forum...I surely would want to ask first out of respect for anothers work....but the coder prolly cannot get Mr. waddah to reply....

if you want badly to get intouch with him , then try to get his email, or pay one of the coders 50$ to get the code done


Here is a thread that waddah posted today...but he cannot come over here to this thread and post replies...see what I mean? That is just the way he is...who said life is fair? at least he shares some of his base work...



I have followed waddah attar's work for several years...he never receives...he only transmits ☺


P.S. I am now using 20step, 0.06/0.03/$5, Estimated yield: 2.70% per month
Here is a thread that waddah posted today...but he cannot come over here to this thread and post replies...see what I mean? That is just the way he is...who said life is fair? at least he shares some of his base work...



I rarely post and I try not to post on forex forums with out of topic posts. But, you are out of line with this comment. He doesn't need to contribute any programs or ideas if he doesn't want to and we ought to be thankful of what he has posted so far. And the idea of modifying someone else's work, modify it all you want just don't go distributing bastardized versions all over the board. He is not entitled to work for free, for you. If you want something, learn to program, pay somebody, figure it out on your own, he's been generous enough to post the base code. Enough said.



Simply requesting that a "thread author" be available to ask questions is not "out of line". He clearly has the time as he goes around the internet starting threads....

This is what I beleive...It is a language barrier and he can simply transmit...but not receive and have a "discourse of converstaion" in English...which is fine and understood...after all I cannot speak Arabic and he makes the effort to post in English...which is appreciated...But a Forum without conversation would be dry indeed. By the way...I am not the first to notice this....if you follow his work then you know I am correct. Point being...he needs to get his translator to help him with the hard stuff...like posting with traders about trading and his journey. I understand for those that cannot code it is a marvel to get freelance work shared...but I promise you...it is deceptive as we will never see his "contest-grade" work.


P.S. I have a three ring binder full of posts that I have printed out thanking me for asking the questions that no one else dare do. Let me be your Satsang.

I rarely post and I try not to post on forex forums with out of topic posts. But, you are out of line with this comment. He doesn't need to contribute any programs or ideas if he doesn't want to and we ought to be thankful of what he has posted so far. And the idea of modifying someone else's work, modify it all you want just don't go distributing bastardized versions all over the board. He is not entitled to work for free, for you. If you want something, learn to program, pay somebody, figure it out on your own, he's been generous enough to post the base code. Enough said. Nick,

another point...just because I do not know how to code...I do not expect the thread author to patronize me just because I ask...if you notice I have asked "OTHER" questions of the thread author beside a code change.

For anybody interested...I have done the time and my abilities to code are just non-existent, other than in Excel. I have many friends here and some have offered to teach me how to code...I demand purity and would need to write from a blank sheet of paper...not to learn to be a copy and paste jockey.

You say what an opportunity Electric! well I tried to learn and guess what I failed as I have done with my lifetime of trading...i am used to it...I just do not have the apptitude for it...maybe for trading too!

So you see some of us are dependent on the "base work" that does not work in these forums from freelance coders. Many of us including myself have no idea what works...or even a clue what to have coded...

So I stumble along in the dark and after all these years a coder has shared a working EA with me (not this one). I am trading it and taking withdrawals daily from it, hoping to make it long enough to get my initial 4K back and end up trading with house money (it take patience and i have never traded anything that is good enough to accomplish this). But I know it will not work forever, thus I continue my trek in the dark ...searching and looking for another fix to a profitable moment and pray that I can recognize when it stops working.

most readers of these internet forums are here looking and searching....and nothing is for free...Lord knows I have paid more than most...


P.S. It is not my EA and I cannot share...so please do not ask...the point is there is working stuff...but not out on the internet, no matter if it is God-Inspired or not...do not be fooled.


Please excuse me all of you

my english lang is very bad .

so i can't write answers


No problem waddah attar....

waddah attar:
Please excuse me all of you

my english lang is very bad .

so i can't write answers

There is a special way this EA closes orders...I will not say anything...I want someone else to notice...download this EA and observe how the orders get closed...I do not think it is an error ....I always get the MinProfit. Let me know what you find.

Brilliance in this simple EA is in the closing of the orders...this is not a simple "close all" routine.

A good trader once told me that it is how you exit that matters...




You had a couple of very good ideas (I think they were both yours) - hedging on a different currency and changing the direction of the trades at will with an internal switch.

I wish I could program it, but I don't have the right sort of mind for mq4.
