Waddah Attar Win Expert - page 8


hey waddah..

I just got a neat idea...can you add a reverse input to put the buys on top and sells on the bottom so if we go into the input dialogue in the middle of a trade-set, we can change it to "true" and the next trades will follow a reverse order....



I am glad that I was at 0.01 with this last move....but 0.01 will not come close to yielding 3% per month...I will try 0.04 with 4 bucks, when I get flat and can reset.



Why doesn't waddah post to me?



Post responses

Why doesn't waddah post to me? ES

Don't take this personally but i see many posts like this at tsd and thought that i would give my opinion on it.

Perhaps he has not been online???? I had people have a go at me for not responding over the Christmas period to help people here on tsd, it was real simple i was away on holiday with my family nothing more nothing less, Some of us have a life outside of trading/tsd/programming - Have a little patience, he is doing this for free he has supplied the EA and his time freely, give him a little time to respond.




well when he has time to work on the EA I will return to help....

cya fellah's...



The problems I have are unlike you folks have....I get stuck on silly backwards things...perhaps attacking trading and learning to be profitable is not necessarily to approach with logic....hey maybe that is why I cannot be proftable in trading???... you think?

anyways here is what I am struggling with...

If all this in the above post is per 1K ...what do I do to maintain 3% per month? What do I double when I reach 2K?



I am getting some emails and PM's asking about how I am doing with my tests...I really do not know why...as they are so "backwards" ☺

Anyways, I will post here. I do not have any problem reaching an estimated 3% a month yield at all...simply use these settings below on cable with an IBFX mini account AND DO NOT GET GREEDY:





But the month is not over and its only been 3 days lol...


P.S. It is invincible the way I trade waks...I use the minimums with a 20 step on the "ROLLING" cable...there has not been a historical event yet I can find at 400:1 that will crash me and there seems to always be enough of a retrace from my faded and increasing entries to get me out with a buck...This is a real "Backwards" way to trade to get a miniscule 3% a month per 1K...but its relativley safe and a better yield than a CD...


What a dog

You guys burned all your money on this Martingale dog yet? What a waste of space.

Try Lotto. LOL



Isn't it past your bedtime?

Isn't it past your bedtime?