Blessing 2 - page 31


Thanks ES for locating the document. I do not know if this is the document Iron refers to either. Perhaps he can comment...

I apologize to the group for the double posting, but I did not think it went through the first time.



You can edit your second post you know...tell us about your impression of this EA....and about yourself...welcome to Forex-tsd...


Thanks ES for locating the document. I do not know if this is the document Iron refers to either. Perhaps he can comment... I apologize to the group for the double posting, but I did not think it went through the first time.

Advanced Settings Document


Go herefor the advanced settings document.

Happy Trading


can any1 tell me how to calculate my daily avarage profit/loss??

can any1 tell me how to calculate my daily avarage profit/loss??

You already answered your question: average = profits/loses


Another way is to: (assuming you have more than one day's total)

Add up each days profit and list them in a column one after another...then you can add them up to get a total and divide them by the number of lines in your column...You will get the true average this way and it will be slightly different than the simplier way Linuxuser suggests. Profit divided by loss is the profit factor...but the average is another question...

Spreadsheets are good for this if you are an Excel person. There is prolly' some sort of custom indicator out there...Linuxuser would know where it is...


Here is a question for you... Is this a true or false statement? (Average profit/average loss) = profit/loss

And then here is another question... is ADR the same as ATR...?

You see..."true" is a matter of perspective


i got someting similar




I do not post much. I do communicate with Jeff on this EA and Piplite. Both are doing great in my live accounts. I noticed that most here are using IBFX micro accounts. Both of these EAs do great with IBFX. A few people mentioned accounts with FXDD. I ran extensive back tests and demo forward test on both these EAs before going live with real money. Both brokers demo accounts showed similar results. After going live My IBFX account continued in true to the demo. My FXDD account did not. At the end of a month Blessing did well on IBFX and lost money on FXDD. I used the same settings but tweaked them to account for the difference in the types of account FXDD at 10c per pip and IBFX at 1c per pip. So I would warn against using Blessing on FXDD. If you have an account on FXDD, I recommend to use Piplite I have made a killing with that combo. Last week about 28%. So the word to the wise is to watch your account carefully when you go live. Not all accounts nore all broker feeds are created equally.



I do not post much. I do communicate with Jeff on this EA and Piplite.

Good to see you here, Mike. I know we've discussed the synergistic

effects of Blessing/IBFX. At the risk of being somewhat off-topic,

would you say that Piplite/FXDD works in a similar manner? IOW,

have you found Piplite to perform better with FXDD than IBFX?
