New Members introduction - page 434


Hi, good to be a member.



I am new to this forum. I work for an investment company.

I am a technical and fundamental analyst.


Hallo Guys I´m new member and I hope to learn a lot from your


Greetings fellow traders.

Let us all remember that man's reach exceeds his imagination.


Ola ; Estou aqui para acompanhar e aprender pois este caminho é árduo; Já ate sei o que fazer só falta a disciplina.


Hi there, I've been trading live for about 3 years now and finally taking the plunge into the "Elite Section" to learn more


Hi. Love FX!


Hello, I've registered and I'm ready to learn. I'm sure there is lots of useful information on this forum!


Hello, I am new here. I trade using price action and custom indicators. I have visited this site for a while and decided to join officially.


hello everyone! noob here in every sense forex so i kindly request your indulgence and a lot of patience with my posts which will come as naturally dumb to most of you =)