New Members introduction - page 230


I am new to forex-tsd. I want to say Hi to everybody.

I am here to search for any strategy that can make EA only open Buy or Sell once a day.


Hello everybody,

I'm Indonesia and i hope learn everythings with you.

happy trading


I am trading forex with no success so far . Hopefully will find my way soon . Lot to learn still.


hello all.. im nubi here


Hi Guys,

New to the FX market. Lost a bunch of money. Still have a smile on my face =) This board gives me the confidence to go on. Thanks for all the info on this board



just want to say hi... wish you all best



My English isn't good, so I'll be short.

I'm looking forward to be on the forum and learn from you.

Thank you.



Two mounts before I found somewhere an expression „spread“, what was unknown for me. I found on the Net, that spread is differences between ask and bid in pips. In this moment I had instead 1 unknown word 4. Then I have begun to learn about Forex, and this Friday I go to open a real account. It means, I’m absolutely beginner in Forex world.



Hi everyone, very new to the board but not new to trading. I'm on here trying to learn if I can pick up some education in correlation to Binary options trading. I'll start by trying to read through as many treads as I can on my own prior to asking any questions. Thx again for the welcome.


Hi all

I am an italian forex trader.
