New Members introduction - page 114

Welcome to forex-tsd, one of the best forex community.


I from Turkey/Istanbul. I'm a Forex analyst. I have got a Trade system. Happy days...


Hye I am Bhappie Kapoor. I am happy to join you. I hope that we will share best as we will have. Thanks.


Hi everybody

Best Regards to al tsd members.

This is really great forum.

I am greatful to allow me to part of it. I am from Slovenia and I lost some money last two years so now looking for something to learn to be a profitable trader and tsd is right place


hi evry body may name is ksamsa thankyou


I'm a new memeber and i want to be a great programmer:)


Hello! I'm a new memeber

I from Turkey



I am a new member. I am a small time forex trader and a lurker in this forum. Time to start posting.

I am also a Software developer and hope to bring tools for users to use in their Forex trading.


Welcome everyone!!!

Joined a week ago. Great website !!!

Am testing the buy zone method with ema ( own addition ) instead of s/r that TRO uses.

Still learning.

"Trade Price n direction "


Hello, I am new here.

Just wanna say hi to everyone.