New Members introduction - page 438


Test, just a test

Всем привет....


Hi all,

Seems like there are many experinced traders in this forum, very interesting to follow..

Been in to FX for 5 years almost and my goal is to develope a 24/7 EA that will make my money work for me.

I will contribute and cooperate as much as i am able.




hello everybody,

just want to introduce myself,

i'm a newbie trader,

if i can be in any help just tell me


Hello to all of you! I've been obsessed with Forex-trading since quite a long time, during the last two years it turned out that I'm best at scalping mini-trends. Guess everyone needs to find out his or her playing-field at some point in this game...anyway, that was the time when I started to view tis as a profession. But it still is an obsession... :-) Feel free to ask me, maybe I can help.




This is the 2nd time requested to post something.


Hi to all ! I am so glad to be a part of your command ! Thank you for your attention!


Saying hi as instructed.


Hello. I'm from Ukraine, and i'm looking forward to the elite section, 'cause i find it very decent.


Hi! Another guy to forex-tsd donlee and i say hi