Day Trading


I'm looking forward to your system. I especially like the idea that we will be getting a deeper understanding of the market, not just waiting for MA's to cross.


At last...!

Well what a refreshing post Mr marketz, i just hope you can maintain the rules outlined in your first post and that this thread is not sidetracked with people too lazy to do their homework before posing 3rd grade questions. Waiting in anticipation....

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Post 2 updated

I'm going to start writing the final (and most important) part...Logistics and Psychology. Be back soon, to answer questions, if there's anyone askin'.


Thanks Mr.Marketz, this site has provided me with an amazing amount of info. It would have taken me years of trading to gain this much knowledge.


You're welcome J. When you make your first million, make sure to send me a postcard from one of your newly purchased islands.

You're welcome J. When you make your first million, make sure to send me a postcard from one of your newly purchased islands.

If I made my first million off your system, we would be drinking margaritas on my island together. Thanks!!


Mr.Marketz, Really thanks for your willingness to share. Looking forward to an interesting trading introduction. Hope you will shed a new light in most traders' confused trade experiences.


Pivot break

Very interesting approach! I would like to ask about your definition of "pivot break" - are you talking about "ordinary" pivot points or do you have some other definition of pivots? (this might be a stupid question but looking at your charts, one of the pivot lines is not straight)

cheers and thanks for a great thread!

edit: another question popped to my mind, not sure if you want to answer this so feel free to ignore it - is this the same system that you have automated?