Suggestion to forum admins - page 67



I'm newby,

How can i create a new thread? i'm learning how to create EA's, i want to create a thread for developing an idea i have for an indicator.

Thank youuu,

THIS IS NOT A JOKE, i don't know where to post this!!

Thank you, and happy laughing!!


I'm newby,

How can i create a new thread? i'm learning how to create EA's, i want to create a thread for developing an idea i have for an indicator.

Thank youuu,

THIS IS NOT A JOKE, i don't know where to post this!!

Thank you, and happy laughing!!


Simply chose the section in which you wish to post a new thread and press the "Post new thread" button


FOREX-TSD business developer

Hello everyone!

From today I will be the bussiness developer of this forum, so if you have any problem or suggestion, you are welcome to send me public or private message, I will try my best to make this forum comfortable for all of you.

Kind regards


This is just an info :

Due to recent changes of metatrader 4 some code needs to be adapted to be able to work on a new metatrader 4. We are going to check TSD proprietary code and if we notice that it needs changes, it will be adapted. Such a code will have a "nmc" attached to the name at the end of the name ("new metatrader compatible")

Not all code needs changes so do not be alarmed if some name does not change - it simply means that it does not neeed to be changed. Also, if you (any of users) notices that tsd proprietary code needs to be adapted, please let us know at its original thread


The dislike function should be disabled or force people to explain why to dislike a post. It's so distasteful and demotivating. People share information for free. There's no reason to be disliked unless it's an insult post. Please consider or I will quit the forum.

The dislike function should be disabled or force people to explain why to dislike a post. It's so distasteful and demotivating. People share information for free. There's no reason to be disliked unless it's an insult post. Please consider or I will quit the forum.

What post are you referring to?


PS: if only you could see some PMs or some emails I am getting That is usual when you draw attention of people : not only good intention people will come. But that is more or less just showing their culture of "communications" not ours, so the worst thing you can do to persons like that is to ignore them. It works. Believe me.

Anyway, will pass your post to the owners of the site. They are the ones that decide of issues like that


Thanks mladen. Referring to any normal post in any thread that has received dislike without reason. I am a owner of a thread. I can't disable that function.

Thanks mladen. Referring to any normal post in any thread that has received dislike without reason. I am a owner of a thread. I can't disable that function.

The solution (as it is decided) is that a dislike will require an explanation why it is given (and it will have to be nnn characters long - otherwise it will not be accepted. Meaningless dislikes will be obvious from such dislike comments - since it will not be that anonymus any more)

The solution (as it is decided) is that a dislike will require an explanation why it is given (and it will have to be nnn characters long - otherwise it will not be accepted. Meaningless dislikes will be obvious from such dislike comments - since it will not be that anonymus any more)

Thank you so much for your care. Will explanations of why be shown to everybody, yes?

Thank you so much for your care. Will explanations of why be shown to everybody, yes?

Yes, that is the intention

Anonymity of the net is very good (especially when it comes to NSA ) but when I revised some dislikes on other threads too, some really do not have any reason at all to dislike some posts (one post was, for example stating "thank you" and it was disliked). If they wish to do so, then they will have to explain exactly why

Developers are taking over that matter and as soon as they give us solution it will be implemented