Suggestion to forum admins - page 36


I think - it is because you do not have 10 posts.

because why the members can subscribe to some threads?

because they are posting in the thrteads.

if you have 10 posts so anti-spam machine will unblock your User CP feature and you can unsubscribe.

may be - I am wrong but at least - it was like that before as I know.


I thought that might be the case.



forum translation tool

I want to remind the following.

We are having very good forum translation tool.

It means: any member can make a post in his local language (as one of 53 languages for now) and his posts will be fully translated to any language incl engliash in fully autotatic way.

To do it - go to User Control Panel and to Edit Profile and set your default language:

Forum will automatically translate your posts to others users languages. Also it will translate posts in other languages to your default language.

So, if you want to use the other language than english so set your default language in User CP.

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Hi konrans,

One question to you.

Why did you spam this thread?

You did not like our forum, right?

This thread about about news forex indicator

What is the connection between news forex indicator and your link vkontakte?

We are banning the spammers.


[lang=ru]Что у вас на этом форуме. Только по теме говорят? А что - то не совсем не в тему сказать удаляют из сообщений некоторые диалоги. Когда звучать другие названия форумов и социальных сетей или не в тему говорят: пытался на другом языке пописать или записался. Что - то в этом роде. К примеру и или социальная сеть Ерунда какая - то. Тем более никакого продвижения нету. Форумы и социальные сети в раскрутки не нуждаются их знают и пользуются во всем мире.[/lang]


I understand that you want to write in Russian language.

But why are you doing it without translation?

I understand that you do not care but I will care about it.

One more time: if you will continue flooding - I will ban you.

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I want to remind the following.

1. We are having very good forum translation tool.

Of course - it is google translation but anyway - it is very good and it is online with no delay.

It means: any member can make a post in his local language (as one of 53 languages for now) and his posts will be fully translated to any language incl engliash in fully autotatic way.

2. Howto.

Go to this page and set default language. Press "Save Changes". After that - you can see the forum in your language, and you can write in your language but the forum will translate it to any language incl English (and to any of 53 languages) if you will select the language during the writing the post.


- this member is writing in Estonian language but we can read it in English and he will read our replies in Estonian:

- this member made his post in Arabic but we can read it in English (and he can read replies and the forum in Arabic)

- this member replied in Russian but we can read it in English and he can read the forum/replies in Russian

Forum will automatically translate your posts to others users languages. Also it will translate posts in other languages to your default language.

3. English language.

So, if you want to use the other language than english so set your default language in User CP.

If you are writing/reading the forum in English language - do not read this post and do not set any language in youyr UserCP (User Control Panel). Remember - tsd forum default language is English anyway.

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Forum is not loading under IE9

Hi Admins,

Just wanted to let you know that in IE9 Forex TSD - forex forum is not loading. It just displays a blank page.

Under chrome it works fine.




I re-sent your message to the programmers to check (i do not have IE9 right now on PC sorry).

Thanks for reporting.