Suggestion to forum admins - page 33


I replied to your question here:

Create the topics which will be interesting for everybody and no one will move your thread.

But if you create the topic as

I am trying to implement a Fibonacci filter to my EA ...

hoping to use whole the forum database to receive the reply to your very private question (no EAs posted and so on) so sorry.

If you do not want of or your threads/pists to be moved to create right THREAD to post it by yourself.


Post your EA, your system, describe everything, make/maintain the interests to your topic and you will receive many replies and assistance from many members.

But if you feel that you can post your something private question to be on the top of the forum as the ttread so sorry. I am not doing it so why you should?

Use search described here and find correct thread to make a post.

Because the programmers (who coded for free helping to the other people) complained: they said that they prefer to see coding requests on 2 or 3 threads only. Because they do not like to spend long time reading something on the forum to help the people for free: they do not have time for that. Besides, many members (incl programmers) subscribed to the threads by email without visiting the forum itself. That is why - all requests about coding will be moved to 2 or 3 threads.

... titled "MQL Learning." ...

Because the coders are looking at the following threads (if they want to help to someone for free):

It is 5 threads totally.

So, it is enough to have 5 threads about those free requests and the programmers can visit 5 threads easy with no problem.

That is why I moved your posts (and will move if you will make it in the way you did).


Some members are trying to sell EAs based on backtesting results only in anonimous way asking for big money without any mql4 code provided to anyone and without any evaluation or friends who know them for some time and who can identify their existing for exampe.

Just to remind.

- to sell EA - the vendors should provide forward testing results, or/and the code of the EA should be sent to some evaluators. As to forward testing results so it may be good to use some stats websites or RAS service (to be sure that the statements were not edited by vendors);

- vendor (who want to sell his EA) should collect some opinions about his system and his EA from well-known reputable members of the forum to be fully sure that it is his EA. Vendor can open the thread in evaluation section for that.

I understand that it is not really easy to sell EAs on the forum using above written rules but I am sorry - many members had some negative experience with buying something and those rules are some kind of protection.

It is much more easy if some well-known reputable member is selling ... in this case, at least, many members will believe in him and his words.

Those rules exist for the long time on the forum (for many years). For more details - go to commerial/evaluation section to read some threads and discussion about it.


Some members asked me by PM and using Contact Us forum email - about "how can we advertise/promote our commercial products/services on the forum for free?".

Some members are trying to sell EAs based on backtesting results only in anonimous way asking for big money without any mql4 code provided to anyone and without any evaluation or friends who know them for some time and who can identify their existing for exampe.

Just to remind.

- to sell EA - the vendors should provide forward testing results, or/and the code of the EA should be sent to some evaluators. As to forward testing results so it may be good to use some stats websites or RAS service (to be sure that the statements were not edited by vendors);

- vendor (who want to sell his EA) should collect some opinions about his system and his EA from well-known reputable members of the forum to be fully sure that it is his EA. Vendor can open the thread in evaluation section for that.

I understand that it is not really easy to sell EAs on the forum using above written rules but I am sorry - many members had some negative experience with buying something and those rules are some kind of protection.

It is much more easy if some well-known reputable member is selling ... in this case, at least, many members will believe in him and his words.

Those rules exist for the long time on the forum (for many years). For more details - go to commerial/evaluation section to read some threads and discussion about it.

And some more to remind:

And some suggestions for now.

In our forum - the members can express the disagreement with moderator/admin in any way by any words without being banned for that.


1. It is my personal rule (the other admins may not use this rule in their life or on this forum);

2. Use proper thread for that.


- for any complaints about moderation/administration etc ("where is my post", about 'not proper moderation', and so on) - use this thread:

(1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion started).

- for report about bad case with broker:

(same - 1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion, without taking the vengeance).

- bad signals with RAS service:

(same - reporting only: 1 or 2 posts per case/signal).

- bad case with commercial

(same: 1 or 2 posts per case/service/person).

If we need more threads about "bad case reporting" so just ask - I will create more.

But if the member will attack moderator in inadmissible/inappropriate threads/places so this member will be banned for spam.

Please, use proper thread for any suggestions or complaints or any 'bad cases' reporting.

Just want to remind something sorry.

Some old members know about it so it is just a reminder.


Manual trading system without trading results made/traded by defined rules - is not trading system at all. It is just good looking indicators attached to the chart with screenshot made (it is the idea). From elaborated idea upto developed trading system may be many months or many years by distance - ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for example. So, post any ideas (even if elaborated ideas) to this section Suggestions for Trading Systems - Forex-TSD

Once the idea will be developed with the trading results and the discussion and so on - the thread may be moved to this section Manual trading systems - Forex-TSD

Authors/developers/collaborators of the trading system (who helped/will help to develop ot starting from elaborated idea upto normal trading system) - those people will have possibilities to have their own section on the forum for public and commercial development and so on. And those people can be granted for free elite sections access.


So, if someone said that "I developed manual trading system for 1 week/1 month" - this person is not telling the true. Because it is fully impossible to develop any manual trading system (with trading results) for 1 week sorry. In this case - this person took the other people's idea as his own (stealing elaborated ideas), or he is not telling the true at all. Please note: manual trading system is something developed by authors/co-authors/developers and which is ready to use.

It is well-known information which many traders/members of this forum know and followed for many years.


Since the aggression (aggressive behaviour) was increased on the forum so the members who will make such the posts - will be banned and their usernames and some other info will be posted on this thread:


We have few cases with such as aggressive behaviour on the forum:

- 1 member (seems - using fake IP address) together with some other guys wanted to stop some free development on the forum: some good member started the thread long time ago making free development of some indicators which are very popular for now (and it is for free).

So, those guys wanted for him to stop the development and go away from the forum.


For some ... their reason .. or just for fun (yes, we had few cases when few members attacked one person consistently ... just for fun ... just to satisfy such as "our civilized mentality"

- We had one bad case when 1 person attacked the member forcing him to stop his RAS signal just because some commercial EA was used for some time for this signal to produce the results. The member stopped and said that he wants to go away from the forum, and aggressive person was satisfied for his action which he wanted to make in public place internationally with many people around.

There are more and more examples.


Members with aggressive behaviour will be banned pernamently from the forum.

It is related to the people who are attacking the other members for any their mistake, and it is related to the members who are trying such as defend themselves on the same aggressive way.


Just want to quote myself from this post:

Please, to all - keep any war of aggression inside your countries please and do not spread any aggression to International World.

If some member feels that he is/was under attack for many days or weeks or months, or by many posts - for some single bad case he did or said something for tsd forum related or just for someone's fun, and/or especially in real life for tsd forum related issues - please - do not keep silence. Report about those cases to admins of the forum using Contact Us form.

Remember - we are united because we are different, and international laws should be first implemented comparing to local laws, and int'l laws are more strict concerning such the cases than any local laws. Do you think that scamming is bad, but those virtual attacks are nothing? Totally wrong. It is same bad case. Please, do not be shy and report (using few options above as your choice) about any attacks which were done against you in past or in the precent time and let those guys to be responsibile for what they are doing and talking in International World.

If the talking will not help to reduce such as aggressive behaviour of some guys so we can implement the actions - banning.


Please note: I am talking about aggressive posting, or repeated posting when some man (or some group of the people) are trying to force the other man to do something which he does not want, or does not agree, or whatsoever.


As the members with fake IP addresses were increased in number on the forum, and because, sometimes - it is very difficult to know who is who about ... so if I ban someone mistakenly so sorry or do not use fake IP addresses and everything will be fine.

That's all news.


Why aggressive posts are very bad on any social networks incl our forum as well?

Because such as "angry fluids" are transferred onto every thread on the forum in very very fast way. For example - if some member is on the battle with the other member by hard talking and very high level of angrity/aggression so whole the forum will be angry for the whole day. This kind of "angry fluids" are transferred onto every thread very fast and finally - we will have our forum environment as the same with real life.

Belive me, I know as I am moderating this forum from the very beginning 2005 and if one person is expressing the angrity/aggression so whole the forum is having this bad angry feeling.

Why we as humans are very susceptible/receptive to those angry bad feeling, but not for good happy feeling? No idea sorry. I am not psychologist so I can not explain it in normal way. But I know exactly: if few members are expressing the angrity/aggression inside 1 community so the whole community will have this angry/aggressive feeling (something - with no reason for that).

So, what to do if you are angry, or high disagree and so on?

Use this thread: - "transfer" causative case onto the joke, find demotivator and make a post.

For example:

- "some vendors are making 30,000 pips every day but I did not find them in " - "sharing in forex is using the property of each other so if one day you discovered that your property was shared - you should be happy"

and so on.

For example - I created this demotivator right now using this link Parody Motivator Generator - Create your own Motivational Poster

sharing.jpg  351 kb

Igorad/NewDigital Assistance Please..

Dear Igorad/NewDigital,

Firstly, apologies for the shouting your names out on a thread title.

I have a project I would like to have coded as an EA but am unsure how best to approach this on the forum. You guys seem to be the best ones to approach. Would you be so kind as to let me know who you recommend I speak with in this regard.

I have a project outline, etc for viewing for those interested. I'm not expecting a free ride and am happy to pay for this and/or share the finished EA with whoever helps out.

I look forward to hearing from you and apologise once more for being a little forward on this.

Kind regards,
