Suggestion to forum admins - page 29


TSD Chatroom.

I'm not certain if this topic has been brought up before, but will the Mods look into installing a chatroom for the forum, i.e. Java Chat Software - AddonChat provides a free platform that is being used by several other vbulletin-based forums.

This allows us to exchange ideas on a more impromptu basis, rather than allowing people to post random spam messages on popular threads to seek attention.


Chat room is good idea and it is old idea: many members suggested to do it and, if I remember - it was some unoficial chat room which some members used.

We passed this proposal to the developers and hope that one day it will be done.


To all the members - please, do not make any post or thread as commercial advertisements in the public sections of the forum: it will be deleted with no discussion.

Because I deleted few threads for 2 hours ...

Chat room is good idea and it is old idea: many members suggested to do it and, if I remember - it was some unoficial chat room which some members used. We passed this proposal to the developers and hope that one day it will be done.

If memory serves me right, it is simply a registration on the host site since we don't actually host the chatroom, and then all we'd need is a link on top to re-direct users to the java applet that houses the chatroom.

Thks for considerating the idea! :-)


So, when I say: "please do not make overquoting otherwise the forum software will move your post to moderation mode" - you know what that means.

More to follow ...

I am continuing my small a series of lectures here.


- Pie fights.

Pie fights are characterized by heated, emotional exchanges, and although they are typically of short duration, they can have a devastating effect on an online community. Pie fights can be started by Internet trolls who use baiting techniques to enrage Internet forum users so much that they post inappropriate and/or offensive messages. Unfortunately, this often results in disruption of the forum more than anything else.

- Insult.

Insult - Insult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Holy wars.

It is senseless discussion on the thread when the members are trying to prove to each other something which is not fully related to the topic of the thread.

Action: banning participants.


- trap.

It is the post made in the end of the thread. The post is having obscene or offensive subj.

- troll: Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

- Flooding: Internet Relay Chat flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crapflooding: Crapflooding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CTCP flood: Client-to-client protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DCC flood: Direct Client-to-Client - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ICMP flood: Internet Control Message Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Message flood: Sending lots of private messages to the victim

Notice flood.

Invite flood: Sending lot of invites

Nick flood: Changing the nick as fast as possible

Connect flood: Connecting and disconnecting from a channel as fast as possible, therefore spamming the channel with dis/connect messages

Version flood: Sending many requests

- Flaming.

Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.

Flaming (Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


destructive criticism


Pie fights

Thought policing:

Thought policing (taken from George Orwell's novel 1984) is when someone trolls the forums looking for posts that do not align with their political, religious, or moral values. When they find a post that they do not agree with, they post messages in that post to incite people to bring attention to that post to get it locked or deleted. This phenomenon is widespread in forums and motives can vary.

- Fisking.

Fisking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Godwin's law.

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just some most of the interesting above ...

So, when I say: "please do not make overquoting otherwise the forum software will move your post to moderation mode" - you know what that means.

More to follow ...

I am continuing my small a series of lectures here.


- Pie fights.

Pie fights are characterized by heated, emotional exchanges, and although they are typically of short duration, they can have a devastating effect on an online community. Pie fights can be started by Internet trolls who use baiting techniques to enrage Internet forum users so much that they post inappropriate and/or offensive messages. Unfortunately, this often results in disruption of the forum more than anything else.

- Insult.

Insult - Insult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Holy wars.

It is senseless discussion on the thread when the members are trying to prove to each other something which is not fully related to the topic of the thread.

Action: banning participants.

I just deleted some post from RAS section with full characteristics according to this classification So, people are not reading what I am posting.

One example.

If one member did some unappropriate claims on the thread about his "good profit consistently" and did not post any proof so his case is having the place in this classification. But if you make few posts against him and if your posts are inside this classification too so you both must be banned

I am writing here the cases/reasons for banning ...

Sometimes moderator can not ban the member for some case ... so members can use preved or lytdybr language, or padonki posting style to make the attention that this person is flooding/scamming and so on.

So, the Padonki almost lost the initial negativity ...

I mean: everything can be solved using good words.

Using good words and good intentions - people can solve any issue.


Because in our forum every thread is having the meaning: the house. Many threads = many houses. The houses built by some people for themselves and for everybody. And if someone is entering to some thread (meaning: house) by force for "save newbies" or for some any other good reason - so it is better to read this classification before doing it.

Because ... may be the people of some thread is only thinking to do some non-appropriate case ... but you are already inside this classification with your posts ...

So it is better to read this classification before doing it.


And I want to remind about something.

This forum is acting as the public place with a lot of everything. So, sometimes it is necessary to know what and why ...

So, some usefull information.


1. Public Relations: Public relations - Public relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.1. Black PR: Black Public Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.1.1. Kompromat: Kompromat - Kompromat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.1.2. Generation 'P': after this novel (Generation 'P') the Black PR technologies are associated with "black" market and with criminal (in Russia and in some European countries).

1.2. Yellow PR.

Yellow PR is targeting the forex forums or some part of the forums with a discussion which members of the forum do not want to see and listen by definition.

For example, start discussion about EAs scammers in EAs sections on the forum, and so on.

Managed by Yellow Opinion Leaders.

1.3. Grey PR.

It is some kind of Black PR with hidden source of false.

It is well-known on many forex forums.

Managed by Grey Opinion Leaders.

1.4. White PR.

White PR is opposite to Black PR.

White PR means: good PR. PR itself.

1.5. SelfPR.

The member of the forum is advertising/promoting himself/herself in anonymous way.

Part of Black PR.

1.7. Brown PR.

Direct promotion of,, anti-americanism and so on.

1.8. Green PR.

Social responsible PR.

1.9. Virus PR.

It is targeting the members of the forum independently from any threads and sections. For example: PM advertisements, forex spam on the forum and so on.


So, if you see that some member of the forum is attacking the other member with the idea that "I want to save newbies" - you can easy find about why he want to do it having this classification above.

May be usefull.


More to follow ...

I am continuing my small a series of lectures here.


Opinion Leaders.

First of all the admin/moderator are deciding: which kind PR he/she wants to see on the forum. It is easy to recognize the particular PR Opinion Leader.

In same cases the forum may have some dangerous situation when:

Opinion Leaders "without job".

Opinion Leaders are in permanent informational hungry condition. They need the information. If they do not have information so they started to act against the forum itself, against public threads and so on.

It is Opinion Leaders "without job".

My personal opinion: it may be good to keep them employed inside the forum, or/and provide them so good business oppotunity so they will be busy with something positive.