Suggestion to forum admins - page 16


commercial threads

One suggestion because I find the concept of having 2 comercial threads on the same product(one for marketing purpose and one for evaluation) confusing and even misleading.

For instance if a new user joins the forum and reads a commercial thread (the marketing one) there is no obvious way for him to know that there is a second evaluation thread somewhere else and then may think that the marketing suff is also evaluation.

If you absolutely want to have separated information I think it should be done like in any commercial site. For instance if you go to amazon you will see one page about the product and then link to the comments / evaluations.

Here you could do the same thing: limit the marketing thread to 1 post (it can be as long as the seller wants) that includes everything about what he is selling. Then there is a clear link visible by everybody n the evaluation thread.

I think that the presentation should be clean and not full of comments (either by potential buyers but also by the seller itself) and then all comments in one thread. That would be less confusing and misleading for everybody I think.


I totally agree! People are going to join things like Igor without knowing how fast they will blow their entire account. The way it is now certainly helps those promoting their own stuff because it is not obvious that there is another area to read about what you are reading about.

One suggestion because I find the concept of having 2 comercial threads on the same product(one for marketing purpose and one for evaluation) confusing and even misleading.

For instance if a new user joins the forum and reads a commercial thread (the marketing one) there is no obvious way for him to know that there is a second evaluation thread somewhere else and then may think that the marketing suff is also evaluation.

If you absolutely want to have separated information I think it should be done like in any commercial site. For instance if you go to amazon you will see one page about the product and then link to the comments / evaluations.

Here you could do the same thing: limit the marketing thread to 1 post (it can be as long as the seller wants) that includes everything about what he is selling. Then there is a clear link visible by everybody n the evaluation thread.

I think that the presentation should be clean and not full of comments (either by potential buyers but also by the seller itself) and then all comments in one thread. That would be less confusing and misleading for everybody I think.

We had it already: one commercial thread per product. And it did not work in that case.

Now we are having the following:

- commercial threads in commercial section is belong to commercial seller (just similar to it) - because they understand it like that;

- evaluation threads are our forex-tsd threads with members opinion.

Based on the posts in evaluation thread the decision can be taken concerning some commercial threads. The commercial sellers are having same right and same voice with everybody on evaluation threads. Besides, evaluation thread is moderated by every single post. No one commercial seller can say "please delete this bad post in evaluation thread". Because evaluation threads are belong to the forum members and not to commercial seller.

It is the only way to do it here.

As to other cases and suggestions so we had it already and it did not work here.

Besides, once in a year the commercial section is cleaned of commercial threads. As I remember it was 5 or 6 months ago when we deleted more than 100 commercial threads during this cleaning process.

So, the evaluation threads are very important in this case.

We had it already: one commercial thread per product. And it did not work in that case.

Now we are having the following:

- commercial threads in commercial section is belong to commercial seller (just similar to it) - because they understand it like that;

- evaluation threads are our forex-tsd threads with members opinion.

Based on the posts in evaluation thread the decision can be taken concerning some commercial threads. The commercial sellers are having same right and same voice with everybody on evaluation threads. Besides, evaluation thread is moderated by every single post. No one commercial seller can say "please delete this bad post in evaluation thread". Because evaluation threads are belong to the forum members and not to commercial seller.

It is the only way to do it here.

As to other cases and suggestions so we had it already and it did not work here.

Besides, once in a year the commercial section is cleaned of commercial threads. As I remember it was 5 or 6 months ago when we deleted more than 100 commercial threads during this cleaning process.

So, the evaluation threads are very important in this case.

So you say that 1 commercial thread didn't work. Fine.

But we can see that 2 commercial thread doesn't work as well as they are not used properly.

So what about 2 threads but limiting the marketing one to a single post. Then you could still have the 2 threads but then insure that evaluations and comments are in the evaluation thread and not in partly the marketing one as it is mixed up currently.

If it works somewhere else why wouldn't it work there?

So you say that 1 commercial thread didn't work.

I do not want to elaborate it but one commercial thread - do not work. I do not care: we have commercial section, or not. We are having 1 thread, or 2 threads.

If we will have one post instead of the whole thread so it is better to delete the whole commercial section at all. I did this proposal many months ago many times but many members did not agree with that.

When we will have Market Place (and we will have it) so it will be one post per commercial product there. And we can discuss and evaluate in the way we want on the forum. In this case - yes - your proposal will be implemented. And I will delete almost all commercial threads in this case. But for now - we do not have Market Place yet.


ND - Please ban this idiot!!


Please can you ban this idiot permanently, I get one of these a week as a PM.

Bloody annoying.



nelsonfyt.gif  9 kb

Please can you ban this idiot permanently, I get one of these a week as a PM.

Bloody annoying.




You are not the only one and ND knows this. As soon as I receive a PM like this I inform ND and he bans this or these guys immediatly.

But ND or this forum can't do a lot against these guys. They make themselfs a member during the quit hours and start to send PM's to as much possible members. Before ND can ban them in the morning they have send already loads of PM's.

The only way to discorauge them is that the time between sending PM's should be placed on 5 minutes instead of now only 1 minute.

If they can only send 12 PM's in a whole hour they would most lickely stop this sort of spamming.



Hi Igor

Thanks, I am sure that this will be resolved eventually, maybe we can ban the bastards by IP, so that they can never come back?

I wish I was a hacker or knew a good hacker, I'd hack those sites so badly.




Yes, me too

I got this kind of PM's from more than 2 different username



Don't worry. Spammers were banned as soon was reported.