Lets guess. What system I used? - page 2


yes man.. at least give us a screen... and we can guess it..


I'm so excited


Guess it

Ok... You all who ask for it...

First hint, first system...

1 common indis (variables changed and divide into 2) that belong to a group that trader always think as repainted indis.. However, not like their cousin. They're not.

Below is the chart.. Clean chart, easy to understand and the common repainted indis.. But? How can most know repainted indis be profitable?? Well, many think it was repainted. But, research showed that practice, trial and error makes perfect and the repainted is only on the eyes and the mindset, after a certain level of understanding, we will notice that it doesn't repainted at all.. This system is not a holy grail system, and I never claimed it a holy grail.. So, take a look and try to guess it, take time and give you intuition their guess..


guess_it.bmp  1186 kb

Guess what? come on knucklehead post the system..


Guess how is it really work.. What indi. money management and what so ever that could be guess. Patient my man.. You called me knuckelhead.. So you must be the genius then?? Please soooooo explain to me about this system since I was the knuckelhead.


Ok... You all who ask for it...

First hint, first system...

1 common indis (variables changed and divide into 2) that belong to a group that trader always think as repainted indis.. However, not like their cousin. They're not.

Below is the chart.. Clean chart, easy to understand and the common repainted indis.. But? How can most know repainted indis be profitable?? Well, many think it was repainted. But, research showed that practice, trial and error makes perfect and the repainted is only on the eyes and the mindset, after a certain level of understanding, we will notice that it doesn't repainted at all.. This system is not a holy grail system, and I never claimed it a holy grail.. So, take a look and try to guess it, take time and give you intuition their guess..


Some variation of the zigzag indicators available in this forum...


okay... i will join you, this is live account

guess my system.. not the only pivot.. i use it on indeks

but it's only for manage account.... sorry

88543005.htm  10 kb
okay... i will join you, this is live account

guess my system.. not the only pivot.. i use it on indeks

but it's only for manage account.... sorry

i know what it is... u trade on the wilder asian index hahahaha... right?


umar... i think u use two variations of zigzag right? one to find high and low and the other for support and ressistence.. huhuhu

p/s: jgn ajo yg panggil ko knucklehead tu hahaha



but... i haven't share my system....

is it beautiful isn't it?