Lets guess. What system I used? - page 4


Ohh, finale umarannur come up with something. Cool.....

haha... hi all friends,

I also join this thread ( lets guess system)

try to guess my system ...

thank you

from ocm

keep up the good work , with this rate (account=previous balance *2.724 each 15 days) you will have 17,047,781,365$ by the end of this year

I think its a bit more ,this was an estimate


ooooh what fun

yes... its all fun and games until someone loses an eye!!!!


u sure have a rough time here umar.. patient is one of traders criteria..

p/s: rilek bro, aku tunggu sistem ko.. keep up the good works



Thanks for sharing. I would have guessed but you didn't give enough clues.

Ohh, finale umarannur come up with something. Cool.....

hahahaha indeed he came up at the right time before more members throwing out comments here.




Yes Simba.. I did copy that.. I just want to focus more to the most positive view of my trade.. Well.. You're very skeptical to me and make other members think that I lie to them.. Try this system then... And prove it yourself. It's not a holy grail but its sure making lots of profit when you understand it well. And Simba 78/103 is really 75.72 or something.. Try using a calculator then....

What is it with you guys? I'm not trying to sell it, I just want to share it. I made a guessing game just to attract others to see it. Below is a given link to see the system in action. I've try upload it to youtube but it takes forever. So, I prefer for members who want to see it in action as recorded on my screen to download it and play it as many time as you want. It's on a 1MIN chart, but it's the same with other charts.

Download file Video zip - The System in action, recorded.

And please, I do not feel comfortable to give password to my account, even it's a read only password. I've heard some cases, an experience hacker could hack into my account using the given password by a technique called BRUTE FORCE... Hope you'll understand.

Enter when Blue and White zigzag has formed (Your major is Blue, usually when it's formed the White will follow) it's usually happened after 3 to 5 candle on new form of zigzag.

Exit use s/p and t/p or use your intuition and wait in front your monitor and stop at your willing profits.

Man,take it easy,I presumed you were joking,but since you want to pursue it..let`s go....

1-It is you that should look for a calculator,and a better copy and paste method...I know perfectly well what 78/103 is..What I still do not understand is how you can post the following and presume that nobody will notice..CHECK YOUR OWN ATTACHMENT

Short positions(won%): 43(55.12%) Long positions(won %): 35(44.87%)

Profit trades(% of total):78 (75.70%)

..So,you won 55% of your shorts and 45% of your longs..BUT 76% of total trades? Wow..you just reinvented math..you made a mistake copying and pasting....

2-Why don`t you just attach a normal detailed statement,so that we can see all the trades done?Why do you have to resort to a bad copy and paste job?

As I told you,I didn`t care if your results were real or just the end result of a joke,in any case,your way of posting them was dubious to say the least.

And,if it was just a mistake copying and pasting,and your system really works as you said,I congratulate you for sharing it





1 M time frame wooow


Have anyone try it?? It's just one my system. The other 2 are much more accurate.

So, have anyone try it??

It's ok Simba.. I just felt a little offense that you've just said it in open forums.. It's make a negative view for me from the other members. Why can't you said it through PM then, there will be more personal and I can review what the problem is.. Trader like us seems to be good if we have some skeptic attitude, it makes us aware. However, when talking in open forums some can be quite sensitive.


why dont you post the system instead of all these meaningless figures..